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Marvisi At It Again...

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

the guy's got lotsa balls.... and cash.... pays for everything in cash including construction in his clubs... but he is by far the biggest "nigger rich" (pardon the expression" jerk off I've ever met ......

btw... who the fuck buys a bright orange bentley????:confused:

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He mite be a cocksucker, but he is rich, ruthless and a ballsy motherfucker. That article last year from the Village Voice about Dave actually made me respect the man. He is no idiot and for a guy in his position most people would take the high road, this guy sticks to his guns and has some serious big weeeevooooos lolol.

I hate him though, respect is a different story.

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Personally, I don't agree with his business practices, but it got him "success". Considering he was an imigrant, who came to this country with nothing, he has come along way. He is ruthless and self serving, you can like or not like that. He isn't the type of person that cares, which is sad from a moral stand point. He will be a very lonely person when he is done with it all, but maybe he's ok with that.

I feel if your in the service type industry you should have a certain respect for your clientele, and a love for what you are doing, or atleast fake it if you must. He on the otherhand is very egocentric, just doesn't care.

So, he's not a people person......he's in the wrong business. What can you do? Don't go to his venues.

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Muzikchick, i could not have said it better myself. He is def goin to be a lonely old man. Egocentric, pompus those are only some words to describe him. Being an immigrant he has to be cut throat, who could the man have trusted. He built an empire but it collapsed due to his stubborness. ]

For Dave the man needs the light on him at all times, and he needs to out due everyone and everything in front of him. Kinda sad but hey whatever floats a persons boat.

And what he does to patrons of his clubs and co-workers is a disgrace ask Joe lolololol sad. Service means service not backstabbing and screwing your patrons.

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