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True Life I'm A Clubber! Very Pathetic

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Originally posted by temptschick

I actually really enjoyed watching this show...and so did all my friends..thus the 400 text/phone calls during it.

Yes some of the kids were stupid but I still found the show to be awesome!!!

I can't wait till next week!! ----> TEMPTS!!!!!!

Are you kidding me?

Patricia is to JP as Temptschick is to Tsettos!

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Originally posted by temptschick

I actually really enjoyed watching this show...and so did all my friends..thus the 400 text/phone calls during it.

Yes some of the kids were stupid but I still found the show to be awesome!!!

I can't wait till next week!! ----> TEMPTS!!!!!!

400 Text messages...."Clubbing 4 Eva" bwahahahahahahaha!

Tip for the future...oh wait...if you think what you watched last night is cool and normal...you will not have a future.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

400 Text messages...."Clubbing 4 Eva" bwahahahahahahaha!

Tip for the future...oh wait...if you think what you watched last night is cool and normal...you will not have a future.

What is your problem?

I go out like once a week and I am sorry if I found that show entertaining. We are all entitled to our own opinions.

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Relax. You just made it seem normal. One of my best friends is in rehab right now...watching people destroy their lives is disturbing...very disturbing. Do not take offense to anything I say just understand where I am coming from...and if I bring you back to reality...then thank me.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Great material lately..Where do you come up with this stuff.

The anaolgy diss is a great move..I love it!!!!!

Kosta...I spend a lot of time reading...especially while stomping out cardio...I have always enjoyed reading...I have read American Psycho 8 times in the last 2 years.

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they basically only portrayed negative aspects.....I thought that it was very funny though....they played GTI for 3 minutes!

my summary:


girl from st. louis....pointless

K-smooth.....:blown: ...his posse.....:laugh::blown:

that wanabee dj.....what a loser!!!!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Relax. You just made it seem normal. One of my best friends is in rehab right now...watching people destroy their lives is disturbing...very disturbing. Do not take offense to anything I say just understand where I am coming from...and if I bring you back to reality...then thank me.

No it's not normal, when did I ever say it was?

Hold on, let me SPECIFY what I thought was awesome....the scenes in SF...Brought back alot of memories, made me want to go out.

As for the quackjob girl...yeah she has problems...

I'm sorry for your friend if rehab but thats no reason for you to think you have the right to crack jokes at me.

If I recall, it was you at SF 2 wks ago, not me I backed out before Rod picked me up!!!!

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Originally posted by temptschick

No it's not normal, when did I ever say it was?

Hold on, let me SPECIFY what I thought was awesome....the scenes in SF...Brought back alot of memories, made me want to go out.

As for the quackjob girl...yeah she has problems...

I'm sorry for your friend if rehab but thats no reason for you to think you have the right to crack jokes at me.

If I recall, it was you at SF 2 wks ago, not me I backed out before Rod picked me up!!!!

Yes...Temptschick...but as a significant figure in your life I feel it is my job to educate you on what is normal and what is pathetic. It brought back bad memories for me...I just have no desire to party at that DUNGEON... I make an appearance there maybe twice a year...a few years back it was more often...but only because we stumbled on it after going out to other places in the city. Do not cry or be upset.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Yes...Temptschick...but as a significant figure in your life I feel it is my job to educate you on what is normal and what is pathetic. It brought back bad memories for me...I just have no desire to party at that DUNGEON... I make an appearance there maybe twice a year...a few years back it was more often...but only because we stumbled on it after going out to other places in the city. Do not cry or be upset.

Since when are you a significant figure in my life? I have seen you twice, maybe. And I guess you know whats normal being the esteemed clubber that you are, right?

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Kosta...I spend a lot of time reading...especially while stomping out cardio...I have always enjoyed reading...I have read American Psycho 8 times in the last 2 years.

Very Impressive..I myself enjoy reading as well. The anarchists cookbook is an all time favorite as is the poorman's james bond.

These magnesium thermite bombs I concocted once worked out amazingly. The only problem is I didnt realize water doesnt put out magnesium fires it actually fuels the fire....Great stuff.

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Originally posted by temptschick

Since when are you a significant figure in my life? I have seen you twice, maybe. And I guess you know whats normal being the esteemed clubber that you are, right?

He's trying to help you listen before he puts you over his knee and tans that ass of yours.

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Originally posted by temptschick

Since when are you a significant figure in my life? I have seen you twice, maybe. And I guess you know whats normal being the esteemed clubber that you are, right?

Did you say "esteem clubber"? WTF! Bwahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

FYI...I am joking with you...I guess I cannot help what the ingestibles have eaten.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Very Impressive..I myself enjoy reading as well. The anarchists cookbook is an all time favorite as is the poorman's james bond.

These magnesium thermite bombs I concocted once worked out amazingly. The only problem is I didnt realize water doesnt put out magnesium fires it actually fuels the fire....Great stuff.

I cannot help The Swiss Cheese Brains of the world...Anyway...

Yeah I used to enjoy the Evil Cookbook as well...especially the chapter on how to kill a bum and get away with it! Very Funny Yet So Indepth!

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Originally posted by kostaP

Im sorry I forgot the Rules of The Iron Brethren. Where has Bus been I called didnt get a call back...Havent seen him or tigga in ages.

They are doing their own thing with the apartment and everything...Not seen them since September....We email a few times.

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