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buying g on the net? READ NOW!


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This is a very urgent warning. I am the original owner of the Glow

Technologies website (www.ghb-sales.com) We were a major GHB powder supplier back when it was legal.

Tonight I came across this website: www.glowlabs.com. It is almost

an exact copy of our original website - even down to the logo. At

first I thought it was some "opportunistic entrepeneur" taking

advantage of our reputation and mis-representing themselves as us -

which I thought was pretty fucked up.

It's pretty clear to me that this

is not a real business website and my sense is that it is being used

by someone ( FDA, DEA etc) for the purposes of entrapment.

I have come to this conclusion for the following reasons:

1. This paragraph: "Because GHB can be mixed with drinks without being

detected, and can quickly stimulate sexual desire, for years it has

been called "Date Rape Drug" or "Club Drug". In fact, GHB has very

good medical usage as well. Due to its non-addictive nature, GHB has

been used as sleeping aid to many patients around the world." is on

the front page. This is the standard agency line ... and anyone who knows

this product knows that this is bullshit. And anyone selling anything even related to GHB is NOT going to put this on the front page.

2. This paragraph: "Producing and selling GHB can be a fantastic

business. Glow Laboratories is looking for independent business

partners. The investment is minimal; the return is phenomenal. We will

teach you how to make quality GHB right from your kitchen table. Click

here to send us an email for details." is also on the front page. ---

[2a.] Why on earth would you offer to teach people to make your

product and thereby cut into your market?? --- [2b.] This site is

offering powder GHB and anyone with some knowledge knows that this cannot be simply "whipped up" on the kitchen

table - liquid yes, powder with much more difficulty. This is a good

way to entrap not only would be purchasers but also potential home manufacturers.

3. This site allows shipping within the USA - the one place that any company doing this knows that you cannot ship. Buyers beware. Do not take this as a sign that you are home-free and can order again.

4. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to set this up - including 9

site translations. You do not go into business on this scale and

simultaneously denouce your own product as a date-rape drug and also offer to randomly teach people how to make your product so that they don't have to buy it from you.

The whole thing has the feel of a sting to me. I may be wrong (and if I am, I apologize to the owners, but find a new name and stop trying to represent yourself as our original company)

My guess is that this 99% likely to be government

setup or at the very least some scam artist who's gonna ask for money up front and hit the road.

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Originally posted by hero47

good looking out, for real,

on another side note bump daddy, I was actually getting real interested in how GHB is made and what chemicals i need, if you wouldnt mind lending out a helping hand...


real g in powder form is not something you can do easy unless you've taken a few college chem classes and can get the basic lab setup and precursors and solvents required without documentation (next to impossible unless you know someone who's real stupid) or you're during pre-authorized clinical research...

GBL ... is still used in cleaning solvents and is somewhat common but it is a "watched" chemical...there are lots of websites that will instruct you what do do with it, if you can get it... its a pretty simple proccess...its a basic extraction and PH neutralization....can be done with some store baught items...

I stopped experimenting with all off these things a loooooong time ago

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Originally posted by hero47

Also, I tried emailing the company to see what they were about and my mail came back saying that it wasnt even a real emailing address???

anyone else try this?

thats actually another tipoff..... they wont take orders from possibly anonymous email addresses.... (hotmail, yahoo... etc)

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