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Steriod Question.....Please help.......

Guest rollinstoppie

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Guest rollinstoppie

Ok here it is, i am 22 year old male, and i start working out like 4 months ago, and am wanting to start taking steriods, but like every one dont want side effects or anything like that, so i was wanting to take just like one or two cycles of the safest steriods out there like andriol or anavar. please help me with any advise that u would have or what u guys recommened


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Here is my advice. Don't be an idiot!!!!! You just started work out 4 months ago!!! Keep at it, eat, eat, and eat some more! You have no need for them. You haven't even hit a plateau yet, I am sure.

Yeah, what he said

Also, at 22, you might be at the tail end of your adolescent growth period....anabolics will only work to stunt this. You're way too young.

And an assumption that you make in your post is that you'll do a few cycles, get bigger, and that will be it. It doesn't work that way. In order to stay big, or maintain most of what you'll gain, you will have to keep cycling. Thus the story of addiction and abuse starts here!!

One more thing. Most juicers counter the adverse effects of anabolics by taking supplementary drugs that alleviate these side-effects....it's called stacking. That's more drugs...that means more money... which at your age I assume you don't have an abundance of.

Bad idea. Be patient. Eat right, train right and you'll grow a good physique

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  • 4 weeks later...

i don't agree with the too young thing, but i'm biased here, however you do need to work out for a while before you start, 4 months is not even close, however solid 2 years is good enough IMO. Thats 2 years on, not on and off....only reason i think this is if you don't you wont keep shit, u'll be too depressed to work out when your not on, that drive won't be there if you get too used to having it from juice.

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dude youve gotta go at it naturally for a while and reach your peak before you hit the needles. lift consistently and eat right.

you are too young and havent been lifting nearly enough to start juicing. 4 months is NOTHING.

everyone tries to take the easy way out...try working hard before looking for shortcuts...

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Originally posted by harddtime

i don't agree with the too young thing, but i'm biased here, however you do need to work out for a while before you start, 4 months is not even close, however solid 2 years is good enough IMO. Thats 2 years on, not on and off....only reason i think this is if you don't you wont keep shit, u'll be too depressed to work out when your not on, that drive won't be there if you get too used to having it from juice.

2 years on??????? That is surely a typo. Natural test production will shut down after 10 days.

He is not ready for juice, due to his lack of training and no one is ready for 2 years on, unless, of course, they are willing to sacrifise themselves to win competitions, but even then it is not advisable.


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Originally posted by rollinstoppie

so i was wanting to take just like one or two cycles of the safest steriods out there like andriol or anavar.

Anidrol as one of the safest steriods???:what: :what:

Young man, have you done ANY research?

Don't do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by elitesnautica

2 years on??????? That is surely a typo. Natural test production will shut down after 10 days.

He is not ready for juice, due to his lack of training and no one is ready for 2 years on, unless, of course, they are willing to sacrifise themselves to win competitions, but even then it is not advisable.


nautica, i meant two years lifting straight, not lifting on and off like some people do and consider it lifting for 2 years.

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I'm 22, and i weigh 155....i'll never be HUGE without steroids...even though I might bloat with creatine when I go on and off it.....but I gotta say, if you work out right, even if you're a "hard-gainer" like me.......you can hit a good max.......I can do 260 on the bench press......that's 170% of my bodyweight......go on anabolicreview.com or some other steroids review site...most juicers can't even freaking hit that..........so just do some creative lifting, and stick to the basic exercises....if you want..I can post some advice on what the best ones to do are.....i was trained by a guy that has a natural bench press of 315, at a bodyweight of 148, at the age of 35......WITHOUT roids....the guy is 5'7 tall........its totally doable....us immigrant kids who come to the US have been benching alot......its all about smarts, not volume.

The Russian Lifter

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Originally posted by scavenger81

I'm 22, and i weigh 155....i'll never be HUGE without steroids...even though I might bloat with creatine when I go on and off it.....but I gotta say, if you work out right, even if you're a "hard-gainer" like me.......you can hit a good max.......I can do 260 on the bench press......that's 170% of my bodyweight......go on anabolicreview.com or some other steroids review site...most juicers can't even freaking hit that..........so just do some creative lifting, and stick to the basic exercises....if you want..I can post some advice on what the best ones to do are.....i was trained by a guy that has a natural bench press of 315, at a bodyweight of 148, at the age of 35......WITHOUT roids....the guy is 5'7 tall........its totally doable....us immigrant kids who come to the US have been benching alot......its all about smarts, not volume.

The Russian Lifter

US immigrant kids can bench alot b/c they are smarter than who? Kids, which are citizens??? I see.

btw - my bench max is 475 lbs, and I do not bench for power. But that is unusual here in the US, b/c we are not very smart.


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The biggest question of all is why he wants to take the juice. Regardless of how many years a person trains, does he have the technique? Is his diet in proper shape? Instead of tearing the kid down, you should shuttle some advice to him. obviously he has not done his research on the chemical aspects and cycling times. So I will say this. Get yourself a female personal trainer to get your diet and cardio training up to speed. Then consult with a personal trainer,established,older than 30 who seems more like a scientist than a gym rat. This should take at least 6 months if you work hard. And the juice?????you don't need it. Do your research and find amino acid complexes, protien shakes that taste good, a proper diet that works for you and time.

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Originally posted by limosa

The biggest question of all is why he wants to take the juice. Regardless of how many years a person trains, does he have the technique? Is his diet in proper shape? Instead of tearing the kid down, you should shuttle some advice to him. obviously he has not done his research on the chemical aspects and cycling times. So I will say this. Get yourself a female personal trainer to get your diet and cardio training up to speed. Then consult with a personal trainer,established,older than 30 who seems more like a scientist than a gym rat. This should take at least 6 months if you work hard. And the juice?????you don't need it. Do your research and find amino acid complexes, protien shakes that taste good, a proper diet that works for you and time.

Find a female for cardio and diet???? Okay, you must know something I do not.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Find a female for cardio and diet???? Okay, you must know something I do not.


lol...the only reason i see to get a female is if she is good looking...you can use her for motivation to get your ass there...lol

...btw, to that other dude that says that kids from the US are not strong, I bench 335 naturally and I only weigh about 185.

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

US immigrant kids can bench alot b/c they are smarter than who? Kids, which are citizens??? I see.

btw - my bench max is 475 lbs, and I do not bench for power. But that is unusual here in the US, b/c we are not very smart.


Yeah but I have no acne on my upper back, shrunken balls, stretch marks, or spend 200-300 a month on cycles.......If i did a cycle, i'd be up to upper 300's ...big whoop.....I don't wanna do that to myself....my point was that its possible to get very impressive results without any roids......and that most people who juice don't know how to work out too well anyway......its like having a slower car, but knowing how to shift it........why turbocharge if you can't drive to begin with?

And btw, if 475 is your bench max, whats your weight? 250+? ....can you bench 170% of your body weight WITHOUT roids? ....lemme know......

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Actually, I hit 475 when I was around 235, which is over 200%. Which btw, in competition the percentage goes down as weight increases.

As far as acne, none. shrunken balls, I got fixed last year b/c my wife just had her 3rd child. stretch marks - none. 200-300 per month - If I couldn't afford it I wouldn't do it.

As far as doing something to yourself, your probably right, you would completely screw your body up, due to lack of either knowledge or intellegence (I'll let you be the judge, b/c I don't know you).

As far as impressive results naturally. Yes, it is extremely possible, but the results you mentioned were not all that impressive.

You are correct about one thing some people who juice do not know how to work out, but there are just as many that do not, they also do not know how to work out and just b/c you, personally, do not juice, does not mean you know how to work out.


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