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less and less respect for government


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Guest saleen351

old news....

the cell phone is not for tracking but a law passed so all phones can call 911 and be traced...

second, off, the onstar is not a big issue, 2 things will come into play, customers will not buy gm cars whereas they could be listened to, and you still need a warrant signed by a judge to do it...

Also as of now, it can't be done due to the chance you need the emergency button when they are listening.

What you should be most worried about is the biggest issue we face. Corvette owners rebled and forced gm to change the black box, after many turne their vettes back in. The computer was tracking driving habbits and when you got into a wreck they can use it again you, however, gm changed the system, but every car on earth with an airbag has a black box that can be used to against you in court. It records over itself all the time, but when the bag goes off, the box turns off and records what you were doing at the time, from g loads to speed, to direction etc... I know where mine is, and if i get into a wreck, that thing will be on the bottom of a canal before the cops get there..

Consumers will fight back and things will get changed..

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

btw part of the patriot act they sliped in was that anyone who is convicted of a drug crime can be tapped anytime w/o a warrent

that is false...

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Originally posted by saleen351

that is false...

the way it is written, there is basically a new crime category "narco-terorisim" and the laws are so broad in scope that any previous drug offense could be used as sufficient excuse to tap a phone in the attempt to fight it.

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Not on my watch!




With the usual graphics out of the way, I can rant :)

Sad but true, the "land of the free" is devolving into a police state. The average American, used to a certain level of lifestyle, can't see beyond his cup of latté, widescreen TV, BMW, and episodes of The Simple Life...and when that lifestyle is threatened, they panic, and do all sorts of weird things like support the PATRIOT act, the RAVE act, and other cleverly-named bills that their Congress critter blabs about under the catchall of national security...as long as they've got their aformentioned latté, BMW, and TV, their lifestyle isn't threatened...after all, the PATRIOT act affects "subversives", and the RAVE act only is an issue to "those ravers"...ironically, said person will do a line or two of coke after work with his lawyer/doctor/accountant buddies while having a few at the local martini bar in the nicely gentrified downtown area, while agents of the DHS quietly patrol nearby, overhead, and around.

The average American is snowed in with the bread and circuses, doubletalk and groupthink of the government, all the while his rights are stripped away...he doesn't mind, since it doesn't bother him, it affects those who are "different", or "paranoid", or "malcontent"...not him and the wife and kids, the golfing buddies.

My advice is to act now while you still can. Some lady on the L today was preaching about "the end of the world"...while it's not the end of the world, the end of our freedoms is scarily close...

Simply put, I'm borderline advocating an overthrow of the current government here, by any means necessary. Government governs with the consent of the governed, and I'm about to withdraw my consent...I see 2004 being a banner year for the stripping of fundamental individual freedoms, Bush getting in his last licks until he's removed from office (hopefully) in November. It's sad that I probably won't be voting for a candidate I like, I'll be voting for the lesser of two evils, in most cases...I'd rather work against a weaker foe, than deal with another 4 years of Bush II.

Moving to Canada is not the answer, either...the liberals up there make the liberals down here look like kindergartners...the government takes half your bloody income for useless social services, helping out degenerates, and other waste...I'd rather stay here and fight, personally.

Vote from the rooftops, people, it's almost time.

In Germany the Nazis came first for the


And I did not speak because I was not a


And then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Trade Unions.

And I did not speak upbecause I was not a

Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics.

And I was not a Protestant and so I did not speak up. Then they came for me.

And by that time there was no one left to speak for


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Originally posted by pod

It's that kind of attitude that has led to the shit we're in today, and more than likely in, tomorrow.

it's called not being naive my friend...you can post funny pictures of snipers on roofs...but that is not really how you feel...look deep inside your mind and you'll realize that you too, don't care about the government and certainly are convinced that the government does not care about you either...

Do you know what is this government next step?

George Bush announced his plans to go back to the Moon!!!

There's a higher level of conciousness that allows to see the truth behind the lies...

Take Bush's thanksgiving visit to Iraq, for example...how crazy was that? Not only is it the oldest trick in the book to raise the morale of soldiers and country alike...but also, it was an awful wreckless move from his part...you see? what if the plane had gone down? who would be laughing now...we need more brains and less bravado...more truth and less lies...this is my attitude and it works for me...I'm free from propaganda and I'm free from brainwashing schemes...until I see some truth, this will be my attitude.

get the picture? ;)

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The government doesn't care about me in particular, that's true. They only stomp on those who stand up and make some noise...the nail that sticks out gets hammered in.

Right now it's not like Nazi Germany, we still have it quite good here in the United States, I'd still rather be here than anywhere else, like in some borderline socialist "democracy", or a tin-pot dictatorship in Africa.

What I'm doing is sounding the alarm bell, that if action isn't taken now, it's going to be really difficult in the future to take action...wouldn't you rather have something be easy to do?

Unfortunately, I could have posted something like "please listen"...but that doesn't get people to listen anymore. I tend to be a bit extreme in my politics...I'm all for a huge reduction in governments...most government agencies are really unnecessary, or could be seriously reduced in size...take the IRS for example...if a 20% (and I'd still be late with it!) flat tax was instituted, how hard would that be to process? Newsweek did an article years ago where they had a sample "flat-tax 1040", that was about half a sheet of paper long. The FCC too, if they'd stick to spectrum managment, like originally intended, they'd be a lot smaller and efficient...don't get me started on the DEA, INS, and so forth...that's only the half of it too, I'm for a strict interpretation of the Constitution, no "special cases" need apply!

Give me my freedom of speech, my guns, my right to be protected from unreasonable search and siezure, and all the rest, and we'll do just fine...the nation got along for 200 years on pretty much just that (all this ignorance of the Constitution really didn't start until the 70s), and it will do just fine for these times.

Bush going to Iraq was just a stunt, totally. He's big on doing shit like that to distract people from the real issues at hand. The moon rumour may be more of that...but I'm a big space freak and would rather see that than a lot of other things :cool:...

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Originally posted by funketeer

it's called not being naive my friend...you can post funny pictures of snipers on roofs...but that is not really how you feel...look deep inside your mind and you'll realize that you too, don't care about the government and certainly are convinced that the government does not care about you either...

Do you know what is this government next step?

George Bush announced his plans to go back to the Moon!!!

There's a higher level of conciousness that allows to see the truth behind the lies...

Take Bush's thanksgiving visit to Iraq, for example...how crazy was that? Not only is it the oldest trick in the book to raise the morale of soldiers and country alike...but also, it was an awful wreckless move from his part...you see? what if the plane had gone down? who would be laughing now...we need more brains and less bravado...more truth and less lies...this is my attitude and it works for me...I'm free from propaganda and I'm free from brainwashing schemes...until I see some truth, this will be my attitude.

get the picture? ;)


I was just kidding...I'm not really that smart! :blank:

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