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NY Post 10/10... Security videotapesfrom CLub Twilo in Chelsea show employeesdumping unconscious patrons in a closet and talking about having to stick to a "story" if questioned by the police.................... Police saythe videotapes showed the employees picking up the unconscious partyers and carrying them over their shoulders or dragging them across the floor..Cops said the tape also records a worker pointing to one of the unconscious men and saying"Is he dead?".Investigators said another worker was caught telling others to stick to their"story"if questioned

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I think we need to get the story straight before we start passing judgement!

This is the NY Post & Daily News who rely less on actual facts than they do on exaggeration.

The people at Twilo have a much different story of the events that night. Think about it, would a club with as much heat on it as Twilo, in this city, act so blatantly and irresponsible as that with some one in that position. It just doesn't seem logical.

Not saying that there they aren't in the wrong or that these people's lives are not worth the press, but we need to know the facts before we pass judgement. Just think NY POST, they'll write two page stories about Mariah Cary passing wind or what Donald Trump had for lunch last week.



-beat slacker mac-

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Parrish I hear ya bout the journalistic integrity of the POst in lots of there stories, but this seems pretty straight up. NYPD confiscated VIDEO Surveilance tapes from twilos cameras and this is what they got.some one is gonna do some time over this.

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no shit ...

that is some foul shit, you would think these club would try to avoid people dieing in their clubs rather than causing them to .. dont ya think a better head line would have been " Twilo bouncer saves clubbers life ...."

with the risk of sounding wack :

i dont even use " drugs " anymore, but when i did party i wasn't stupid. there are a lot of deadly combos out there. i think if people want to party with dugs they should know what they are getting into and know what not to do ... and try to relax, take what you need to have fun , enuff with the goin over board , i mean shit .... get high and party u dont have to kill yourself to have fun ... and being a crack out zombie , sitting in teh corner for a nigth you'll never remember ( luckily) doesnt sound like fun to me either ...

anyway, i guess, have fun and dont die on me and i cant complain ...



lets go jets .....


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"The people at Twilo have a much different story of the events that night. Think about it, would a club with as much heat on it as Twilo, in this city, act so blatantly and irresponsible as that with some one in that position. It just doesn't seem logical. "

of course they have a different story. do you think they are going to fess up to that?

the whole reason they hid those kids is because they are in enough trouble already. i'm just glad they got a video to prove the whole thing.

ps and if those kids did die, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they decided to dump the body somewhere. you think they wouldn't? they have the money and the power to do a lot of shady shit.

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

no shit ...

that is some foul shit, you would think these club would try to avoid people dieing in their clubs rather than causing them to .. dont ya think a better head line would have been " Twilo bouncer saves clubbers life ...."

I agree with you, but the "war on drugs" and "responsible jounralism" would never allow that headline. If the bouncers were to save that persons life, and call an ambulance the headlines would read "Paramedics called to Chelsea nightspot for drug OD" and the place would be raided next week anyway. Im not condoning the actions of the staff in any way, but I can see why they reacted the way they did,to try and avoid the inevitable heat that was coming down. As for the post, I can believe that they have videotape, but the chance that there is any audio on it for them to be able to hear what the bouncers were saying sounds like bullshit IMO.


The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.

[This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 10-10-2000).]

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