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so how many car accidents have you been in?


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Guest gabo
Originally posted by mssabina

no serious ones thank god... only one that was semi-serious... when i was like 6 or 7 my dad skid on ice into a ditch and i spilled milk all over myself...

were you lactose inntolerant at the time?

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one- crashed my neon into a truck...totalled it. the passenger e broke his arm, fractured his leg, cut open the roof of his mouth. it was bad...(driver)

two- drove into trees going down a hill(driver)

three-ran into the back of a mini van(passanger)

four- deer incicdent

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my dad nearly drove us off a mountain in Italy....right before it happend my mom was telling him to slow down and he just replied "its fine, this is a Mercedes and we just got new tires, look..."

i dont think he'll ever live that one down :laugh:

ive been in 2 while i was driving....first one some hick bitch rear ended me in a gas station, and the second i got side swiped by some dope kid in a suburban that wasnt looking at his mirrors while reversing in a parking lot

and another one where my car got totalled by some drunk kid, luckily no one was in the car

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Originally posted by gabo

were you lactose inntolerant at the time?

that's not funny...but, it is. :laugh2:

After driving for 8 years, I was only in one car accident...in the middle of the day...100% my fault. No one was hurt, it wasn't serious.

i sold my car, moved out, and haven't driven since. :half:

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i seriously can't even remember.. it's been that many. that's bad.

no real damage to the nugget or any other body parts. i do remember that most of them have ended with me LMAO'ing cuz all the shit in the car winds up in the craziest places.

the one where i totaled my car and 3 others i was walking around route 23 in complete shock muttering complete nonsense, i think the cop wanted to laugh at me

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I got into two

One wasn't a big deal at all (not the driver)

The other we crashed headfirst into the divider on 21 (worst highway in the world, but we crashed due to something mechanical in the car...not the driver)

I pulled and tore all the muscles in my back, popped out my hip, tore my rotator cuff (can't spell that for the life of me), sprained my ankle and two fingers, had a gash on my ahead along with a minor concussion, banged both my knees up bad, and got nerve damage in my neck

yup that was fun:blank:

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I have been in a lot I have totaled 6 cars and been in many other mishaps. The worst thing that happen to me is I hit a tree when I was driving a pizza delivery truck and bent over to pick up a tape. I looked up and I hit a tree head on. My head hit the windshield and I chipped a bone in my ankle. I went the the hospital and hte put a cast on my ankle. I am about to leave and the docotr goes we put the wrong cast on :eek: Two days later I go to my doctor he does surgey and now I have 3 pins in my ankle. this happened when I was 18

The worst thing that ever happened to me was I fell asleep driving. I was driving a delivery van (differrent company) When I woke up I was up the curb. The mirror hit a man in the back of the head. He was waiting for the bus and wasnt looking at the street. On top of that his house is 2 houses away from the bus stop and his wife is right there. It was some pretty scary shit, to see what kind of damage you can do to a person. This happened at 23

The funniest (not really) but at 19 it was. I got new brakes on my car, so I am driving with a friend and we are coming up to a light. I was look I just got new brakes and drive up on the last car. Well I stepped on the brakes late and hit the car.

I hope by writing about accidents I dont get in one.

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Originally posted by housedog

The worst thing that ever happened to me was I fell asleep driving.......... It was some pretty scary shit, to see what kind of damage you can do to a person. This happened at 23

:eek: :eek: :eek:

don't say things like that. iv done that, nod off at the wheel.

i remember i was sooo tired one night, i keept nodding off. id open my eyes and see that i was doin 90 on the lie.... no joke:(

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Originally posted by Destiny

I got into two

One wasn't a big deal at all (not the driver)

The other we crashed headfirst into the divider on 21 (worst highway in the world, but we crashed due to something mechanical in the car...not the driver)

I pulled and tore all the muscles in my back, popped out my hip, tore my rotator cuff (can't spell that for the life of me), sprained my ankle and two fingers, had a gash on my ahead along with a minor concussion, banged both my knees up bad, and got nerve damage in my neck

yup that was fun:blank:

omg, you poor thing, did you recover completely??

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delivering pizza is pretty dangerous... i lost an address so my dumbass looks away from the road... i came up to a stop sign a lot quicker than expected so suddenly i hear a horn look up and see an expedition's headlights.... kinda felt like bumper cars.... she was a nice lady... my car was totalled and i went the rest of the summer without a car or a job... I was about 2 weeks short of 19...

but check this out... i look back on it and i think there were kids playing in the street where i was aboutto drive into... if i hadn't gotten hit... then I might've hit one of those kids...

I was fine except the coke that flew up and hit me in the head...

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Originally posted by dogekid

i seriously can't even remember.. it's been that many. that's bad.

no real damage to the nugget or any other body parts. i do remember that most of them have ended with me LMAO'ing cuz all the shit in the car winds up in the craziest places.

the one where i totaled my car and 3 others i was walking around route 23 in complete shock muttering complete nonsense, i think the cop wanted to laugh at me

Where on 23 did you crash?

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Had way to many accidents, to many to remember. Lost my licence 2wice. I have it back now with 9 points and a shit load of insurance points and fines.

1. Driving way to fast for the snowy conditions, I came around a turn and lost control I macked a fence riped it out of the ground and piled it over tore up thier yard had to get some work done to the camaro, fender, hood, lights, rim, tire, about $800 in damadge.

2. Rearended a saab doing about 15mph in my fiero, when i hit the brakes the whole front end of my car dipped down and slide right under the back of the saab. the only damadge done to my car was the pop up headlite, it was ripped clean off of the car sent it over my roof hitting the person behind me, as for the saab, my insurance paid $2300 for his exast and bumper.

3. Fiero again, going to fast around a corner its wet out, theres a pot hole in the middle of the road, swirve to go around it, fishtale, lose control, off the side of the road into a ditch at 50mph, no more than 10 sec later a cop was there, he just so happened to be traveling that way, he did not report it or anything, guess he gave me a break seeing that i was so detmined to dig out all around my tires, and push the fucker out. Officer Belladonna, thanx for break.

4. Camaro going to fast, I was on the famous CLINTON ROAD, (nothing but i bunch of stories, i live a few miles from it). Came around a turn wide, there was a car in the other lane, i jerked the wheel to miss hitting him, the car spins and hits a tree dead center, not alot of dammadge done, just some body work needed.

5. Camaro, I was racing down hill with my friend in his Mustang, cat ran out in front of me, Cat said bye bye. Hit it like a brick, heard a big clunk then felt it go under the car and hit evrything down there. after we stoped i looked under the car nothing but blood and cat hair, the front bumper was a mess. as for the cat, well there was not much left of him, just a pool of blood and some mangled limbs.

6. Fiero some dumb bitch hit me on my drivers side, ripped off my mirror and fucked up my fender, door, and bumper, she was making a right turn from the only left lane, stupid bitch, then she had the nerve to argue with me that it was my fault when the cop lookat at the tire tracks and told me not to worry bout a thing, i was in the clear on this one.

7. Camaro, route 46 right by the pearl vision and guitar center. I just got out of guitar center with my friends, bought a new danelectro hearsy. all i wanted to do was go home and play it. i pull out of guitar center and i dont even get to the gas station yet, BANG. Some asshole was going in to pearl vision to get his eyes checked, stupid fucker should have got glasses sooner, he hit the side mirror and sent it flying into my wind shiled, its attached to the car with steel cables, blew out my wind shield, and sent glass into the faces of me and my 2 friends, no scars, jyust some cuts and bruises. My car got totaled on that one, insurance gave me what my car was worth, $2500 at the time, i never got the alignment or any of that shit taken care of, left it all baged up, just rpleaced the wind shield, and kept driving it.

Now i learned my lesson, Accidents are fun when they happen, a real big thrill for me, like the action. But after its all said and done, you have to pay for it, unless its there fault. so if anyone wants to hit me in my current car, go right a head be my fucking guest.

Im driving a 2000 sl2 saturn, yah know its me when you see the driver with a blunt in his hand and he blasting marilyn manson, threw his blown stack speakers.

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