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reviews on clubs..... what is the"scene"?

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I think this is a great thread but I have to both agree and disagree with you here and more agree with roxia. The NY club scene is lacking something and I think that the criticism that people are giving is healthy. With out the critism how the hell are the masses goign to get what they want? you can't really expect us all to be like Oh we understnand you just opened blah blah blah. there is a reason this is ny, cause in ny to survive you gotta fix that shit like now not later and a little bit of hate just helps the progress in my opnion of course, I could be wrong.


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Originally posted by siceone

I think this is a great thread but I have to both agree and disagree with you here and more agree with roxia. The NY club scene is lacking something and I think that the criticism that people are giving is healthy. With out the critism how the hell are the masses goign to get what they want? you can't really expect us all to be like Oh we understnand you just opened blah blah blah. there is a reason this is ny, cause in ny to survive you gotta fix that shit like now not later and a little bit of hate just helps the progress in my opnion of course, I could be wrong.


people will get what they want..the yin and the yang will balance itself over time. people will have to except the venues..or just stay home and vice versa; the venues will have to except the people.

either way..having new venues is great..there is nothing negative about it. it's just sad to see such a negative nergy flowing from "clubbers".....

it will take some time..maybe another month or so...definitely by the spring when you wil be a ble to wear whatever..and go whereever....



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Originally posted by joevibe

people will get what they want..the yin and the yang will balance itself over time. people will have to except the venues..or just stay home and vice versa; the venues will have to except the people.

either way..having new venues is great..there is nothing negative about it. it's just sad to see such a negative nergy flowing from "clubbers".....

it will take some time..maybe another month or so...definitely by the spring when you wil be a ble to wear whatever..and go whereever....



it will take some time..maybe another month or so...definitely by the spring when you wil be a ble to wear whatever..and go whereever....

Let that be known...

and be whatever....

and hear whatever.....

Expect new sounds to fill your mind.....

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Originally posted by linabina

roxxia... u talk as if u know something we dont...



Now you're catching on......

It is something I've known for a long time dear..something inside that drew me to this godforsaken city in the first place...

I like to consider myself ahead of my time..however, it is no way coming out of an egotistical point of view...

It is a little flame inside that is growing bigger and bigger, and it will eventually overturn this city, and put the "scene" back to where it belongs....

There is much work and planning to be done..

These are the beginning of times ...my friends....

The best has yet to arrive....

and these are just "words" that I speak....

but..let these words be known..and let them speak loud and clear, and let all that read these words..hear them..

For, these words, are the shaping of a future, a new beginning, a paradise that has yet to be found...

Let it be known that ,yes, I am a firm believer in trance and electronica, which is lacking and has been missing in this city...

I have spoken too much...

Just imagine...that's all I will say..and I am going to leave it at that...

IMAGINE IF.........


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House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long !!!!

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Originally posted by siceone


House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long House music all night long !!!!


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I have read numerous threads about people knocking venues. Avalon, when it opened... and now Crobar.

The scene was created on people being different and an energy being created from that difference... it's about the gay boys, the "freaks", the b and t suburban crowd, the old, the young.... all coming together to experience life and the music together.

I remember the limelight days..when everyone partied together, and that's why I fell in love with the "scene".

It was a magical place..where everyone left their day life behind them.. and let loose all together.

I remember those days.. meeting people with names like "smile" or "energy" etc.....people had identities in the clubs. Call them "clubkids"...call them spritutual.. call them fucked up, "freaks"...whatever.. but call them true believers and dreamers..artists of their own mind.

The venues don't make the scene..they provide a place for the scene to happen. We should ll be thankful to all those investors and dreamers who take risks to make this happen. They do it for us, the people.. hoping to achieve something greater; hoping to expand our minds..our hearts.

Don't knock the people that are different than you... you live in america where difference is what keeps us americans.. the club scene takes that difference to the next level... it's place of pur freedom. Act as you like, wear what you like..be who you like.

It's about finding the energy inside yourself. not in the venue....

find the energy within.. dance by yourself with you eyes closed like you were all alone... reach deeper .

Please open your minds... find the energy..the good energy and share it witht hose around you..

I could go on and on about how passion is the key..but it is a key to a door that you the people need to open.

Give Avalon, Spirit, Crobar.. a chance to please you..

give yourself a chance to please yourself...

I promise you.. you won't be dissappointed.

that is all. thanks for listening.


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