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Crobar a Gay club ?????

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Originally posted by babbo

it amazes me the homophobia still thrives in "kids" in the year 2004- again, dam-there's still tons of lightweights out there in clubland-and especially on this board-

It has nothing to do with me being a "homophobe"...it's just that I don't want to be surrounded by mostly gays all night. If it was a good mix of straight and gays than thats cool but from what I'm hearing that the majority of people there are gay than that sucks for me!

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Originally posted by chris817

Of course not, i really see the same amount of groping at straight clubs or bars just as gay clubs. Its not right but it just happens

agreed, it definetly goes both ways...

i have actually have no problem w/ gay and mixed crowds and think they are generally some of the best crowds/clubs out there... but i also agree that, just as a straight woman in a "straight club" shouldnt' have to deal w/ a guy grabbing her, a straight guy shouldnt' be expected to just deal w/ being groped by a gay guy b/c he's in a "gay club"...

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Originally posted by nomembername

It has nothing to do with me being a "homophobe"...it's just that I don't want to be surrounded by mostly gays all night. If it was a good mix of straight and gays than thats cool but from what I'm hearing that the majority of people there are gay than that sucks for me! [/

leave a nightlight on

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Guest yakkored

Even if the club is 80% gay, go with a "anti-gay shield" in the form of a girlfriend that will lay claim to you when the situation calls for it.

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Originally posted by babbo

Originally posted by nomembername

It has nothing to do with me being a "homophobe"...it's just that I don't want to be surrounded by mostly gays all night. If it was a good mix of straight and gays than thats cool but from what I'm hearing that the majority of people there are gay than that sucks for me! [/

leave a nightlight on

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

Things may change... but by then I'll be walking right past crowbar and straight into Scores :laugh:

I was referring to the rocky relations that the club may have with Mr. Musto & Mr.T due to the opening week... see above

again... the more variety the better... I have no taste for a room full of clones

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Originally posted by cnm71

I was referring to the rocky relations that the club may have with Mr. Musto & Mr.T due to the opening week... see above

again... the more variety the better... I have no taste for a room full of clones

I'm sure things already have changed with them... since they were both there the next night......

The way people are treated at the door will also change when it starts effecting the bottom line... but by then... it may be too late.... Us New Yorkers are a stubborn bunch... Screw me once, shame on you..... screw me twice, shame on me....I'm actually thinking about not going to my best freinds birthday celebration because she's dead set on dragging everyone over there saturday.... And I've never even been turned away there yet....

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I was there last sautrday and the door situation was just fine...

the security is cool & the bartenders are cool... the thing is if everyone including the people who go there can keep their "I am better then you attitude to themselves" then it is fine...

after all... it is just a big party...

I am sure with the holiday that this saturday will be fun... check it it... I think you will like it...

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Originally posted by cnm71


I was there last sautrday and the door situation was just fine...

the security is cool & the bartenders are cool... the thing is if everyone including the people who go there can keep their "I am better then you attitude to themselves" then it is fine...

after all... it is just a big party...

I am sure with the holiday that this saturday will be fun... check it it... I think you will like it...

I was there opening weekend.. thursday for the media party and friday for the electro party ... and I wasn't feeling like it was a party atmosphere .... I'll be the first one to say that the place looks great and is well put together... And the hip hop room was actually alot fun.... but I expected something different, not the same old new jack wannabe exclusive attitude drama thats been played to death in recent years... and after hearing the comments made to some very close freinds of mine (very much unprovoked comments) by Kenny ... I just know I can't go back there without bitch slapping him and gettin myself locked up...I'll give spirit a shot... or go back to shelter .. like i always do ....

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may I ask what was it that Ms. Kenny said that obviously offended you?

I received a call on the bat phone about thursday and decided to skip that weekend to let them iron out some of the wrinkles which they seemed to have done by last weekend... I had a good time and lets just say that I am a wee bit jaded

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Originally posted by cnm71


may I ask what was it that Ms. Kenny said that obviously offended you?

I received a call on the bat phone about thursday and decided to skip that weekend to let them iron out some of the wrinkles which they seemed to have done by last weekend... I had a good time and lets just say that I am a wee bit jaded

Lets just say.. me and kenny have some history..... and he told my freinds something along the lines of ... Yeah.. he's in there.. only cuz I had no choice.. but you're not gettin in.. and niether is he if I ever see him on this line...then he braught up an incident that happened a few years back... and said something along the lines of .. I hear theres a new club where limelight was... try going there ...

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I hate to beat a dead horse... andI'm not out to start any shit.... but.... If CB4 was aware of the fact that Crobar is employing a former Peter Gatien Employee they'd be very upset. ... I just think it was a bad decision on their part to hire him... if you want to bring in something new.... get some new blood at the door.... the doorperson is the first person you see and he/she/it can make or break you.....

Take a look at what Crobar Committed to when they were applying to open this place....


I used to be a member of CB4... and wasn't at the meeting when they did their presentation.. but here are the minutes... as you can see... they promised the community that there would be no lines outside... and that patrons would be prescreened... and allowed to enter the club only if they're on the house guestlist.... That would explain the Charade they pulled opening night when the cops showed.. and they announced that nobody could get in unless they were on the guestlist..... They also promised not to employ anyone with a criminal record... I dont know about kenny ... but i saw at least two other employees that have been arrested and copped pleas on drug charges (its a loophole- if you cop a plea to a misdemeanor... the record is sealed) ..... To be blunt, all the hype surrounding the opening led me to believe that this place would be a good club, something

that New York hasn't seen in a while... I don't know how you can say that and then hire punk bitch Kenny to work the Door... I've seen entirely too much of him...

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It's so funny that everyone misses twilo so much but yet it was always gay on sat nights/sun mornings and a lot of gay men also attended the friday dj parties. Why then are guys so homophobic that they do not want to go near crobar? In my eyes when men are extremely homophobic and can not be in a club with gay men, they are obviously gay!!!!!! Everyone should get over the gay/straight thing cause the fine line between the two is thinner than ever...........................If your as straight as you say you are then you will have no problem fighting off gay men. Do you think they are going to throw you down and wrestle you to the ground and try to fuck you on the dancefloor? Get over it. Stop being so ignorant and try to enjoy the "gay" club Crobar. It is definately not a predominantly gay crowd on saturday nights, it is a mixed crowd and even the stripper whores were in attendance the last 2 sat nights. So for all of you who say you will not go to this club b/c u r scared of being molested by gay men, you really need help! Remember....the queers always have the best music and drugs. They wouldn't have it any other way.

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this definitely does not bold well for my decision to check out Crobar... hahaha.. I drove by it once and they seemed very very picky w/ who they let in... reminds me of the old Twilo days... guess I won't be hitting up Crobar until I start hearing good things about it...

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

I hate to beat a dead horse... andI'm not out to start any shit.... but.... If CB4 was aware of the fact that Crobar is employing a former Peter Gatien Employee they'd be very upset. ... I just think it was a bad decision on their part to hire him... if you want to bring in something new.... get some new blood at the door.... the doorperson is the first person you see and he/she/it can make or break you.....

Take a look at what Crobar Committed to when they were applying to open this place....


I used to be a member of CB4... and wasn't at the meeting when they did their presentation.. but here are the minutes... as you can see... they promised the community that there would be no lines outside... and that patrons would be prescreened... and allowed to enter the club only if they're on the house guestlist.... That would explain the Charade they pulled opening night when the cops showed.. and they announced that nobody could get in unless they were on the guestlist..... They also promised not to employ anyone with a criminal record... I dont know about kenny ... but i saw at least two other employees that have been arrested and copped pleas on drug charges (its a loophole- if you cop a plea to a misdemeanor... the record is sealed) ..... To be blunt, all the hype surrounding the opening led me to believe that this place would be a good club, something

that New York hasn't seen in a while... I don't know how you can say that and then hire punk bitch Kenny to work the Door... I've seen entirely too much of him...

Not sure what to make of this comment. Sounds quite threatening to me

So by your reckoning we should tell CB4 that patrons of Peter's clubs are also attending Crobar. Maybe even a bartender or two are working there as well. hell we should even tell CB4 that the club Peter once ownerd is now a club called Avalon.

Your beef seems to be more with Kenny Kenny than anything else. Why dont you call the club and meet with him to try and put your issues to bed, once and for all. Instead of airing your beef on a public forum to which he never frequents and nor is able to defend himself.

I say take your beef somewhere else less public and not very cool airing this kind of "I dont wanna start any shit" threat on this board.

While Kenny Kenny may have rubbed people up the wrong way, how is it that he is always getting hired by clubs. Can't be all that bad surely.

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Originally posted by hookahmana

Not sure what to make of this comment. Sounds quite threatening to me

So by your reckoning we should tell CB4 that patrons of Peter's clubs are also attending Crobar. Maybe even a bartender or two are working there as well. hell we should even tell CB4 that the club Peter once ownerd is now a club called Avalon.

Your beef seems to be more with Kenny Kenny than anything else. on a public forum to which he never frequents and nor is abWhy dont you call the club and meet with him to try and put your issues to bed, once and for all. Instead of airing your beef le to defend himself.

I say take your beef somewhere else less public and not very cool airing this kind of "I dont wanna start any shit" threat on this board.

While Kenny Kenny may have rubbed people up the wrong way, how is it that he is always getting hired by clubs. Can't be all that bad surely.

I'm not going to waste anyone's time with this anymore... as far as I'm concerned it's a non issue.....and not worth the effort... People have already made up their minds one way or another... as far as Kenny is concerened ........ I wouldn't exactly say he gets hired by clubs as much as he gets "placed into jobs at clubs"

The point to all this..... there's nothing new about crobar except the building's interior .... Its not the "mega cool club" that I was expecting and it's definately not "raising the bar" as the community was led to believe ..... I suspect there will also be alot of hype coming about Quo...the other new club opening in March....

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