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JP LovERs Only read this !!

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Tried to kick off my NYE at Filter 14, but when we got there at 11:30 they told us there was a wait of several hours to get in because there were more people on the line then could actually fit inside the club. So we went into a panic because we had NO backup plan that early in the evening since we didnt think every place would be full that early. So after discussing for awhile (and celebrating midnight on the corner of W14th street) we decided we would go to Exit to see Jonathan Peters.

Get to the club alittle after 12:15 expecting it to be empty (since JP keeps a very late crowd), but the line was a block and a half long!! Finally got inside after 12:30. Turns out the price was raised to $60 bucks, we heard it was $40. The wait for coatcheck was ridiculous, we spent more time on the coatcheck line than we did on the line to get in. Another thing, no one checked our ID's or searched us when we entered the club. FINALLY checked our coat and already were dripping with sweat. It was an oven inside the club, not to mention the fact that it was definitely over occupancy limits. There were times where my feet were barely on the ground and the crowd was practically carrying me. Also, the

bars were undermanned, it took 40 minutes for me to get drinks and when they came it was $59 bucks for 3 shots and 2 beers...WTF! By the time I was able to find a bartender for another drink I would already be sobering up from the last one, it was like fighting a losing battle.

JP was good, mostly sticking to older tracks that everyone knew from the factory days. He wasn't taking alot of chances musically. I thought the soundsystem was excellent this night. I've been to Exit a few times over the years and never heard the system so bassy and clear. The crowd was pretty friendly, everyone saying excuse me when we bumped into each other (which was very often considering I heard the club did record numbers).

Exit bouncers were another story all together - it was like 1-900-dial a thug in there. I saw bouncers screaming into the faces of girls half their size to "keep moving" even though the club was packed shoulder to shoulder throughout the club. It was ridiculous. I saw them beat the shit out of this kid, I'm not sure what he did or anything but he was saying "just gimmie my coat and ill leave" and they beat him into a stump and threw him out without the coat. Saw two girls get carried passed out by security as well, probably from heat stroke.

Left around 6am and headed over to Filter 14, this time no line - got in right away. Bumped into alot of people I knew and also got introduced to alot of new friends as well. Kickin off the new year right! The vibe was simply incredible, danced my arse off, had a few drinks, talked and mingled. I kinda wish I had gotten into Filter the first time around as I sure I could've spent all night there - not that Exit was bad, but they could've let 1400 less people into the club and it would've been more comfortable. oh

and another thing....EXIT, please get non-slip padding for the staircases, seriously, I saw more nasty tumbles than anything, and it wasnt drunkeness, the stairs were full of black slippery slush like some ghetto rave....

Stayed at Filter until the crowd thinned out which was around 10AM I think. I had a GREAT time there, the best night out in a few months. Alot of people were either heading to a loft party or going to LOT61 for afterhours but I was pretty banged up by then and decided to stop by my job to rest up since I had to start working in a few hours. All in all it was a great (but very expensive) night.

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didnt have any issues with the security @ exit, in fact i thought they were the nicest i've ever seen them.

ya the stairs always turned into a slip and slide in that place, BUT the most disgusting thing that i encountred all nite was on the staircase leading from rite outside the red room down to the main floor- there was a sewer pipe that was leaking out piss and shit onthe the staircase...most disgusting thing i've ever seen out

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Hello...JP lover Only..we dont need to hear about peoples NyE on

this post..!!!!.Johnny mixed all night..fast and loose with

boots on the run..sampling old songs..he took it back with some

old school trance...I actually i have a reply for the haters of the

young kids at Exit ..Guess what guys!! JPs fan based are getting

old and washed up (Including myself hahah)...he needs some

new faces

to bring the energy Stop HATING ...Because your getting to old for

This!! You used to be one of those high school kids hoping to get

in to see JP!!

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all I have to say is WOW... you are absolutely out of your mind if you think that JP sucked at EXIT... I couldn't have thought of a better place to be on New Years Eve... Or think of having a better time than I did... Either your smoking some good shit if you thought it was bad, or you need some good shit to kick you back into reality... Exit was OFF THE CHAIN... The vibe was awesome... everyone there was awesome... and the music was fcuking crazy... can't wait to do it again :werd:

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