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Bring drugs, ?

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Bring your own depends on where you are going.

No point if you are going somewhere in the Carribean or South Beach or something.

To clubs...OF COURSE! People kill you with prices, cut shit, fake shit, etc. I dont trust anyone but the people I have been dealing with for YEARS.

These days you never know who a person is.


BTW...Dont bring stuff on a plane. Its not worth it. Federal Time? No thank you.


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if you are trying to get pills through here is a good way:

1) stack them one on top of the other and wrap and seal them tightly in plastic wrap (10 bombs stacked this way is shorter and more skinny than a cigarette).

2) Next take a pair of DKNY ribbed boxer briefs (they have a double knit along the crotch forming a little pocket area around where the buttons are) and make a small slit along one of the ribs on the inside of the crotch and drop the pills in and sew it back up.

i know it may seem a little excessive, but even if someone gropes you, they dont feel the pills because of the double knit and the buttons on the boxer briefs. there is nothing worse than worrying about whether or not your bag is gonna get searched and then if they are gonna find your stash. i'd rather keep it on me in this method because it is EXTREMELY hard to detect. happy trails...

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When im carrying alot of...umm...well anyways...i got little slits in the inside of my jeans on the back of the zipper flap. I get jeans with the double piece of denim cut it open then sew velcro to the inside of the denim. Put all the stuff in there nice and even there is gonna be a few bumps cause of the rock err...anyways...but the velcro on the inside makes them look normal. Plus...its in front of your crotch where most dont grab.

Its been working for years everywhere. Planes, clubs, etc...


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Originally posted by SFsuperstar

i always imagine the dogs coming out of nowhere to attack me. haha im crazy. i put it in the bottle with shampoo in it too. how would they find that shit?

that devotion to doing drugs----i like that......

i used to stuff teddy bears and sew them back up......;)

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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

Tin foil is supposed to help..i dunno. Id rather keep em on me...when was the last time you saw someone getting patted down for something other than metal objects???

Be cooperative that is all.


internation is a lil bit harder, but i just flew from NJ to TX on monday, had all my nutritional sups with me (bottles of ECA/CLA/L-CARN/R-ALA/multivitamin) rite in my bag, never questioned any of it. Also gona agree with tek- as long as nothings metal just keep it on u (NOT IN UR SHOE- in case tehy run then thru the xray machine!) and walk rite thru the metal detector.

if you can get liqs, i heard about ppl pourin them into shampoo bottles no problem...just use common sense- like if you got ur real shampoo and shit in a plastic bag in one compartmetn of ur luggage then this other bottle of 'special' stuff like in a diff spot it looks weird...

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