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Good place to get M3ssed up!

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Just been taking life seriously for WAY too long, I need a good place in NYC to just get messed up for hours on end without worrying about the music blowing or people looking at me funny because I still like playing with Glowstix.

If you have to hate, go ahead, I can take it, but some friendy advice would also be nice.

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honestly i would not use the word "anti-glowsticks" just.....

"anti-people who think moving a glowing stick in a non-art form and think they are cool."

i have not seen someone move glowsticks well in a long long time. i think you have to move it around your whole body in an art-type form. i see so many people just playing with them in front of themselves..... it's for others to watch and to be entertained not to "glow-stick masterbate"

Originally posted by neonboy

Well you see, I've been too much time out of the game, thus forced to scavenge at clubs....

Arc you say huh? I thought the crowd there was very anti-glowstix...

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i am confident i will out do anyone on this board when it comes to glowsticks... i havent done it in a long time tho. But anyone who wants to take that challenge... lets set something up for next howells party. That shit would be funny... like old times.

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Originally posted by exit24e

hey lets go tommorrow at avalon... im sure glaude will attract some ravers...

i agree, plus its sorta a hard house type thing and he's a mad man while spinning :)

btw friday @ arc IS anti-glowstick cause DT doesn't like'm

DH is next at ARC on 2/28 i think -he's not there this month.

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Originally posted by tunnle

You should go when Danny H plays i think he is there once a month....GOOD VIBE...if you are going to roll you wont be alone there.......:D

youre fuckin stupid

for all we know this guy is a cop. the whole thing about asking "where can i get messed up" is very suspicious. :shaky:

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Its not like I am asking you to meet me there, I can scavenge my own shite, but I am always down for some good ravin' , so hard to find people to do that any more... lol.

ps.... I EAT fucking bacon!

And I am up for Avalon if you guys PROMISE hard house.

I went there saturday and it kinda blew. I was the only one sporting stix

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My club of choice now is Nation in LI... a bit of a drive but well worth it... went for Eddie Baez (remember old school Tunnel and SF?) and he rocked the place... Avalon is nice... but damn dress code... which is why you won't see true "candy ravers" in there... no parachute pants... I tried... hahaha... not sure bout wide leg Caffiene or Kikwear though... and I haven't seen any good glowstickers either... I'd love to see you two in action, maybe even double-team! I've only seen a double team once and it was hot... :D

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Originally posted by neonboy

Its not like I am asking you to meet me there, I can scavenge my own shite, but I am always down for some good ravin' , so hard to find people to do that any more... lol.

ps.... I EAT fucking bacon!

And I am up for Avalon if you guys PROMISE hard house.

I went there saturday and it kinda blew. I was the only one sporting stix

not really hard house... good stuff tho, worth checking out.

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Originally posted by ukyo

My club of choice now is Nation in LI... a bit of a drive but well worth it... went for Eddie Baez (remember old school Tunnel and SF?) and he rocked the place... Avalon is nice... but damn dress code... which is why you won't see true "candy ravers" in there... no parachute pants... I tried... hahaha... not sure bout wide leg Caffiene or Kikwear though... and I haven't seen any good glowstickers either... I'd love to see you two in action, maybe even double-team! I've only seen a double team once and it was hot... :D

Avalon NEVER had dress code.

Every1 there wears jeans and t=shirts

just nice jeans & no Construction BOOTS.


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Originally posted by sobecrobar

Avalon NEVER had dress code.

Every1 there wears jeans and t=shirts

just nice jeans & no Construction BOOTS.


Hahaha.. having no dress code means you can walk in your pajamas like they allow at Nation... I tried to wear my UFO's and I wasn't allowed in Avalon... I went back to my car and changed to my nice wide leg corduroys w/ my bootleg tims (as in Lugz) and I got in... the door guy said "Now that's much better, go in and have fun!"... I have nothing against Avalon except for the dresscode... the workers there are nice except for the outside bouncers...

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Originally posted by exit24e

i am confident i will out do anyone on this board when it comes to glowsticks... i havent done it in a long time tho. But anyone who wants to take that challenge... lets set something up for next howells party. That shit would be funny... like old times.

i don't consider glowsticks as battling art of form - but would always like to see a good sticker/stringer

bring it to PVD

btw, i though they don't allow gstick at arc at any party ????

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I never said the CLUBs sell drugs..What i ment was if you are going to roll you might feel most at peace at the club i named before....pluse you can get stamped and leave the club uptill 4am and NO dress code....oh yea its a DRY bar...thats y you can get stamped and leave and come back,,,,:eek:

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