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Palestinian groups are refusing to accept U.S Aid


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Palestinian groups refuse funds

By Tom Carter


Palestinian organizations are refusing to accept U.S. foreign aid this year, rather than sign a pledge promising that the money will not be used to support terrorism.

"This requirement is a worldwide requirement, not just for Palestinians," said Portia Palmer, a spokesman for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). "The majority of the [nongovernmental organizations] worldwide have signed it."

The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization's Network (PNGO), an umbrella organization comprised of 92 Palestinian aid groups, is urging its members to refuse to sign the pledge.

The network includes hospitals, clinics, seniors organizations, human rights and law groups and other civil organizations. Phone calls yesterday to PNGO headquarters on the West Bank were not answered.

Groups such as Hamas do run social programs, but the groups also were behind many of the 106 suicide bombings conducted against Israel in the past three years.

The Palestinian Red Crescent, which has received about $300,000 a year in U.S. aid in the past, refused to sign the pledge and will forgo U.S. funding this year.

"We would like to take funds from them, but without conditions," Faiq Hussein, Red Crescent deputy director, told the Associated Press.

Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, the United States has distributed $1.3 billion for Palestinian programs in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, in humanitarian and economic assistance.

Congress has appropriated $125 million for Palestinian programs for 2003.

Miss Palmer said USAID did not have a number of how many Palestinian aid organizations were refusing to sign the pledge.

James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, said that the refusal to sign the pledge should not be seen as support for terrorism, rather that in Palestinian society it is politically expedient to reject the funds than endure the tremendous political pressure they will face for signing the pledge.

"This is not clearly understood in the United States," said Mr. Zogby. "The idea of providing no 'material support' is such a broad brush stroke, it compromises the ability of the humanitarian organizations to function."

He said making Palestinian organizations judge who is and who is not a terrorist is a prescription for creating civil war in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

In response to September 11, President Bush signed Executive Order 13224, requiring all recipients of U.S. aid to guarantee that their organization does not support terrorism.

The order, in effect since the end of 2002, requires Palestinian organizations receiving U.S. aid to sign a pledge that they do not "provide material support or resources to any individual or entity that advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in, or had engaged in terrorist activity."

The pledge exempts "medicine and religious materials" from the restrictions.

PNGO, which held an organizational meeting Monday, is urging its members to seek alternative funding from Europe and Japan, which do not require a similar pledge.

Private foundations are also wrestling over who or which groups to fund.

In November, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat, sent a letter to the Ford Foundation asking it to deny funding to anti-Semitic Palestinian groups, in particular the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), which is a member of PNGO.

LAW was an active and effective organizer against Israel at the 2002 U.N. conference on racism in Durban, South Africa, which became a platform to accuse Israel of practicing racism against Palestinians.

Ford, which gives roughly $3.4 million a year to Palestinian groups, now requires a pledge similar to the one required by USAID.

"Ford will not support organizations that promote or engage in violence, terrorism, bigotry or the destruction of any state," wrote Susan Berresford, president of the Ford Foundation in Monday's Wall Street Journal. The letter also said LAW's funding from Ford had been terminated.

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"James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, said that the refusal to sign the pledge should not be seen as support for terrorism, rather that in Palestinian society it is politically expedient to reject the funds than endure the tremendous political pressure they will face for signing the pledge.

""This is not clearly understood in the United States," said Mr. Zogby. "The idea of providing no 'material support' is such a broad brush stroke, it compromises the ability of the humanitarian organizations to function."

"He said making Palestinian organizations judge who is and who is not a terrorist is a prescription for creating civil war in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. "

I'lll just quote your article back at you....

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Originally posted by marksimons

"James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, said that the refusal to sign the pledge should not be seen as support for terrorism, rather that in Palestinian society it is politically expedient to reject the funds than endure the tremendous political pressure they will face for signing the pledge.

""This is not clearly understood in the United States," said Mr. Zogby. "The idea of providing no 'material support' is such a broad brush stroke, it compromises the ability of the humanitarian organizations to function."

"He said making Palestinian organizations judge who is and who is not a terrorist is a prescription for creating civil war in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. "

I'lll just quote your article back at you....

these are the same palestinian you are talking about who dance in the streets after american get killed- after 9/11, and or any other event??

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erm... there was...


8000 BC: Permanent agricultural settlements in Jericho.

2500 BC: Settlement of the Canaanites.

1250 BC: Israelite conquest of Canaan.

965-928 BC: Reign of King Solomon.

721 BC: Assyrian conquest of Israel.

586 BC: Judah defeated by Babylonians.

539 BC: Persians conquer Babylonia.

333 BC: Alexander's conquest of Persia brings Greek rule.

165 BC: Revolt of the Maccabees.

63 BC: Palestine incorporated into Roman Empire.

70 AD: Destruction of Jerusalem Temple by Romans.

135: Bar Kokhba revolt suppressed.

330: Palestine under Byzantine rule (to 638).

638: Muslims capture Palestine from Byzantines.

1099: Jerusalem under Crusader control (to 1187).

1291: Mamelukes capture final Crusader strongholds Acre and Caesarea.

1516: Ottomans capture Palestine (to 1917).

1776-1804: Ahmad Pasha Al Jazzar appointed Ottoman ruler of Acre; builds port, monopolizes trade.

1799: Napoleon attacks Acre; repulsed by Al Jazzar.

1832: Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt occupies Palestine (to 1840).

1840: Lord Palmerston advocates Jewish immigration to Palestine.

1869: Suez Canal opened.

1878: First Zionist settlement at Petach Tiqwa.

1882-1903: First wave of 25,000 Zionist immigrants.

1906-14: Second wave of 40,000 Zionist immigrants.

1909: Tel Aviv founded north of Jaffa.

1914: World War I starts; Ottoman Empire joins war on side of Germany, and attacks Russia.

1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement secretly divides Ottoman Empire.

1917: Balfour Declaration pledges UK support for "a Jewish national home in Palestine."

1918: Palestine occupied by UK forces under General Allenby; World War I ends.

1919-23: Third wave of over 35,000 Zionist immigrants.

1920: League of Nations mandates Palestine and Mesopotamia to UK.

1921: UK appoints Haj Amin al-Husseini as Mufti of Jerusalem

1922: UK excludes Transjordan from Jewish immigration; first UK census of Palestine shows 78% Muslim Arab, 11% Jewish, 9.6% Christian Arab.

1924-28: Fourth wave of 67,000 Zionist immigrants, raising Jewish population to 16%.

1929-39: Fifth wave of over 250,000 Zionist immigrants, raising Jewish population to 30%.

1936-39: Arab rebellion in Palestine.

1939-45: World War II in Europe.

1947: UN adopts plan to partition Palestine into two states; Israel declares independence, fights war against Arab forces.

The Ottoman's 1878 census of the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre disticts (including area not currently in Israel) was 403,795 Muslims (87.3%), 43,659 Christians (9.4%), 15,011 Jews (3.2%); however, this did not count at least 10,000 Jews with foreign citizenship, did not include Bedouins. A 1912 estimate puts the Jewish population at 40,000 (7.0%), but other estimates are higher.

Unless specified, the figures below are for the Jewish population in Palestine, based on various sources.

1922: 11.14% Jewish (83,790), 9.50% Christian, 78.34% Moslem.

1931: 16.90% (174,606)

1932: 17.90% (192,137)

1933: 20.59% (234,967)

1934: 23.38% (282,975)

1935: 27.15% (355,157)

1936: 28.10% (384,078)

1937: 28.24% (395,836)

1938: 28.65% (411,222)

1939: 29.66% (445,457)

1940: 30.01% (463,535)

1941: 29.90% (474,102)

1942: 29.90% (484,408)


This is the first of a series of eight lectures, sponsored by A Jewish Voice for Peace. This lecture was videotaped on Oct. 21, 2002. The lecturer is Beshara Doumani, a professor of history from UC Berkeley.


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Originally posted by marksimons

"James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, said that the refusal to sign the pledge should not be seen as support for terrorism, rather that in Palestinian society it is politically expedient to reject the funds than endure the tremendous political pressure they will face for signing the pledge.

""This is not clearly understood in the United States," said Mr. Zogby. "The idea of providing no 'material support' is such a broad brush stroke, it compromises the ability of the humanitarian organizations to function."

"He said making Palestinian organizations judge who is and who is not a terrorist is a prescription for creating civil war in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. "

I'lll just quote your article back at you....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

This is your response.....

:laugh: :laugh:

Fucking fool....

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Originally posted by marksimons

erm... there was...


8000 BC: Permanent agricultural settlements in Jericho.

2500 BC: Settlement of the Canaanites.

1250 BC: Israelite conquest of Canaan.

965-928 BC: Reign of King Solomon.

721 BC: Assyrian conquest of Israel.

586 BC: Judah defeated by Babylonians.

539 BC: Persians conquer Babylonia.

333 BC: Alexander's conquest of Persia brings Greek rule.

165 BC: Revolt of the Maccabees.

63 BC: Palestine incorporated into Roman Empire.

70 AD: Destruction of Jerusalem Temple by Romans.

135: Bar Kokhba revolt suppressed.

330: Palestine under Byzantine rule (to 638).

638: Muslims capture Palestine from Byzantines.

1099: Jerusalem under Crusader control (to 1187).

1291: Mamelukes capture final Crusader strongholds Acre and Caesarea.

1516: Ottomans capture Palestine (to 1917).

1776-1804: Ahmad Pasha Al Jazzar appointed Ottoman ruler of Acre; builds port, monopolizes trade.

1799: Napoleon attacks Acre; repulsed by Al Jazzar.

1832: Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt occupies Palestine (to 1840).

1840: Lord Palmerston advocates Jewish immigration to Palestine.

1869: Suez Canal opened.

1878: First Zionist settlement at Petach Tiqwa.

1882-1903: First wave of 25,000 Zionist immigrants.

1906-14: Second wave of 40,000 Zionist immigrants.

1909: Tel Aviv founded north of Jaffa.

1914: World War I starts; Ottoman Empire joins war on side of Germany, and attacks Russia.

1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement secretly divides Ottoman Empire.

1917: Balfour Declaration pledges UK support for "a Jewish national home in Palestine."

1918: Palestine occupied by UK forces under General Allenby; World War I ends.

1919-23: Third wave of over 35,000 Zionist immigrants.

1920: League of Nations mandates Palestine and Mesopotamia to UK.

1921: UK appoints Haj Amin al-Husseini as Mufti of Jerusalem

1922: UK excludes Transjordan from Jewish immigration; first UK census of Palestine shows 78% Muslim Arab, 11% Jewish, 9.6% Christian Arab.

1924-28: Fourth wave of 67,000 Zionist immigrants, raising Jewish population to 16%.

1929-39: Fifth wave of over 250,000 Zionist immigrants, raising Jewish population to 30%.

1936-39: Arab rebellion in Palestine.

1939-45: World War II in Europe.

1947: UN adopts plan to partition Palestine into two states; Israel declares independence, fights war against Arab forces.

The Ottoman's 1878 census of the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre disticts (including area not currently in Israel) was 403,795 Muslims (87.3%), 43,659 Christians (9.4%), 15,011 Jews (3.2%); however, this did not count at least 10,000 Jews with foreign citizenship, did not include Bedouins. A 1912 estimate puts the Jewish population at 40,000 (7.0%), but other estimates are higher.

Unless specified, the figures below are for the Jewish population in Palestine, based on various sources.

1922: 11.14% Jewish (83,790), 9.50% Christian, 78.34% Moslem.

1931: 16.90% (174,606)

1932: 17.90% (192,137)

1933: 20.59% (234,967)

1934: 23.38% (282,975)

1935: 27.15% (355,157)

1936: 28.10% (384,078)

1937: 28.24% (395,836)

1938: 28.65% (411,222)

1939: 29.66% (445,457)

1940: 30.01% (463,535)

1941: 29.90% (474,102)

1942: 29.90% (484,408)


This is the first of a series of eight lectures, sponsored by A Jewish Voice for Peace. This lecture was videotaped on Oct. 21, 2002. The lecturer is Beshara Doumani, a professor of history from UC Berkeley.


moslems have never missed an opportunity to miss anopportunity

as Ive said b/4- all of the history/data, and bullshit about the past, will not solve the current dilema in this region. moslems cannot accept anything un-moslem-end of conversation- hence there will be a problem here for quite some time into the future-

It is an area of the survival of the fittest- moslems will not-cannot- and are incapable of honest negetiantions, and compromise- they are hell bent on the destruction of jews- in the end- their hatred towards ANYTHING non-moslem- will destroy themselves- whether or not- this is the majority of moslem thought or not- it will bring down the total moslem world

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yeah that is my response...

zogby says it rather well...

what do you want me to say?

fuck them. fuck you. fuck this. fuck that? is that what you want me to say. or oooh they should take the money and shuttup. or they shouldn't?

I dunno. they probably need it.

they must have good reason for not taking it...

I dunno.

all I know is look the situation is messed up...

and it's probably gonna be our generation that sorts it out...

bush doesn't care, if he can't solve it before the end of the year it's not worth worrying about...

israel is here, the palestinians are here...

they've gotta get along...

that's the bottom fucking line or else they'll just be killing each other forever, and whilst some of you here don't seem to mind endless war, for what is a rather futile purpose, I would quite like to see an end to needless war...

oh and babbo:

"moslems will not-cannot- and are incapable of honest negetiantions,"

all moslems? statements like that show that at the very least you're ignorant, at worst racist...

and anyway, sharon can be pretty damn good at saying one thing and doing another...

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Originally posted by marksimons

yeah that is my response...

zogby says it rather well...

what do you want me to say?

fuck them. fuck you. fuck this. fuck that? is that what you want me to say. or oooh they should take the money and shuttup. or they shouldn't?

I dunno. they probably need it.

they must have good reason for not taking it...

I dunno.

all I know is look the situation is messed up...

and it's probably gonna be our generation that sorts it out...

bush doesn't care, if he can't solve it before the end of the year it's not worth worrying about...

israel is here, the palestinians are here...

they've gotta get along...

that's the bottom fucking line or else they'll just be killing each other forever, and whilst some of you here don't seem to mind endless war, for what is a rather futile purpose, I would quite like to see an end to needless war...

oh and babbo:

"moslems will not-cannot- and are incapable of honest negetiantions,"

all moslems? statements like that show that at the very least you're ignorant, at worst racist...

and anyway, sharon can be pretty damn good at saying one thing and doing another...

meaning the moslem power mongers- policy/decison makers- and then of course the common every day terrorist. -you are stupid enough to think I was referring to an entire population, which on your part, is at best lame- at worst- fucking stupid- LMFAO

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Originally posted by marksimons

I dunno. they probably need it.

they must have good reason for not taking it...


:laugh: :laugh:

You are so fucking lame it is unreal...

and one giant hypocritical fraud....

Kill yourself windbag....

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"It is an area of the survival of the fittest- moslems will not-cannot- and are incapable of honest negetiantions, and compromise- they are hell bent on the destruction of jews- in the end- their hatred towards ANYTHING non-moslem- will destroy themselves- whether or not- this is the majority of moslem thought or not- it will bring down the total moslem world"

okay, the tone of your writing made me think that you were on about all muslims, as well as my quick reading.

my bad.

anyway, what does palestinian negociations have to do with the downfall of the entire muslim world?

and they are not incapable of honest negociations, you could make the same claims about israel.

neither side is blame free. but both sides have to work together, for the good of the people, not for blind ideological differences...

and igloo, are you utterly incapable of sensible discussion?

the more you tell me to kill myself, the more it makes me think you're actually incapbable of proper debate...

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Originally posted by marksimons

"It is an area of the survival of the fittest- moslems will not-cannot- and are incapable of honest negetiantions, and compromise- they are hell bent on the destruction of jews- in the end- their hatred towards ANYTHING non-moslem- will destroy themselves- whether or not- this is the majority of moslem thought or not- it will bring down the total moslem world"

okay, the tone of your writing made me think that you were on about all muslims, as well as my quick reading.

my bad.

anyway, what does palestinian negociations have to do with the downfall of the entire muslim world?

and they are not incapable of honest negociations, you could make the same claims about israel.

neither side is blame free. but both sides have to work together, for the good of the people, not for blind ideological differences...

agreed- a negotiated peace- will be the only answer- one will SECURITY for all

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Originally posted by igloo

Palestinian groups refuse funds

By Tom Carter


Palestinian organizations are refusing to accept U.S. foreign aid this year, rather than sign a pledge promising that the money will not be used to support terrorism.

"This requirement is a worldwide requirement, not just for Palestinians," said Portia Palmer, a spokesman for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). "The majority of the [nongovernmental organizations] worldwide have signed it."

The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization's Network (PNGO), an umbrella organization comprised of 92 Palestinian aid groups, is urging its members to refuse to sign the pledge.

The network includes hospitals, clinics, seniors organizations, human rights and law groups and other civil organizations. Phone calls yesterday to PNGO headquarters on the West Bank were not answered.

Groups such as Hamas do run social programs, but the groups also were behind many of the 106 suicide bombings conducted against Israel in the past three years.

The Palestinian Red Crescent, which has received about $300,000 a year in U.S. aid in the past, refused to sign the pledge and will forgo U.S. funding this year.

"We would like to take funds from them, but without conditions," Faiq Hussein, Red Crescent deputy director, told the Associated Press.

Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, the United States has distributed $1.3 billion for Palestinian programs in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, in humanitarian and economic assistance.

Congress has appropriated $125 million for Palestinian programs for 2003.

Miss Palmer said USAID did not have a number of how many Palestinian aid organizations were refusing to sign the pledge.

James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, said that the refusal to sign the pledge should not be seen as support for terrorism, rather that in Palestinian society it is politically expedient to reject the funds than endure the tremendous political pressure they will face for signing the pledge.

"This is not clearly understood in the United States," said Mr. Zogby. "The idea of providing no 'material support' is such a broad brush stroke, it compromises the ability of the humanitarian organizations to function."

He said making Palestinian organizations judge who is and who is not a terrorist is a prescription for creating civil war in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

In response to September 11, President Bush signed Executive Order 13224, requiring all recipients of U.S. aid to guarantee that their organization does not support terrorism.

The order, in effect since the end of 2002, requires Palestinian organizations receiving U.S. aid to sign a pledge that they do not "provide material support or resources to any individual or entity that advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in, or had engaged in terrorist activity."

The pledge exempts "medicine and religious materials" from the restrictions.

PNGO, which held an organizational meeting Monday, is urging its members to seek alternative funding from Europe and Japan, which do not require a similar pledge.

Private foundations are also wrestling over who or which groups to fund.

In November, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat, sent a letter to the Ford Foundation asking it to deny funding to anti-Semitic Palestinian groups, in particular the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), which is a member of PNGO.

LAW was an active and effective organizer against Israel at the 2002 U.N. conference on racism in Durban, South Africa, which became a platform to accuse Israel of practicing racism against Palestinians.

Ford, which gives roughly $3.4 million a year to Palestinian groups, now requires a pledge similar to the one required by USAID.

"Ford will not support organizations that promote or engage in violence, terrorism, bigotry or the destruction of any state," wrote Susan Berresford, president of the Ford Foundation in Monday's Wall Street Journal. The letter also said LAW's funding from Ford had been terminated.

good fuck them then

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Originally posted by marksimons


and igloo, are you utterly incapable of sensible discussion?


Kill yourself you fucking rotted cunt

Laughable that you use the word "sensible"......I suggest you look in the mirror jerkoff

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Originally posted by marksimons

erm... there was...


8000 BC: Permanent agricultural settlements in Jericho.

2500 BC: Settlement of the Canaanites.

1250 BC: Israelite conquest of Canaan.

965-928 BC: Reign of King Solomon.

721 BC: Assyrian conquest of Israel.

586 BC: Judah defeated by Babylonians.

539 BC: Persians conquer Babylonia.

333 BC: Alexander's conquest of Persia brings Greek rule.

165 BC: Revolt of the Maccabees.

63 BC: Palestine incorporated into Roman Empire.

70 AD: Destruction of Jerusalem Temple by Romans.

135: Bar Kokhba revolt suppressed.

330: Palestine under Byzantine rule (to 638).

638: Muslims capture Palestine from Byzantines.

1099: Jerusalem under Crusader control (to 1187).

1291: Mamelukes capture final Crusader strongholds Acre and Caesarea.

1516: Ottomans capture Palestine (to 1917).

1776-1804: Ahmad Pasha Al Jazzar appointed Ottoman ruler of Acre; builds port, monopolizes trade.

1799: Napoleon attacks Acre; repulsed by Al Jazzar.

1832: Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt occupies Palestine (to 1840).

1840: Lord Palmerston advocates Jewish immigration to Palestine.

1869: Suez Canal opened.

1878: First Zionist settlement at Petach Tiqwa.

1882-1903: First wave of 25,000 Zionist immigrants.

1906-14: Second wave of 40,000 Zionist immigrants.

1909: Tel Aviv founded north of Jaffa.

1914: World War I starts; Ottoman Empire joins war on side of Germany, and attacks Russia.

1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement secretly divides Ottoman Empire.

1917: Balfour Declaration pledges UK support for "a Jewish national home in Palestine."

1918: Palestine occupied by UK forces under General Allenby; World War I ends.

1919-23: Third wave of over 35,000 Zionist immigrants.

1920: League of Nations mandates Palestine and Mesopotamia to UK.

1921: UK appoints Haj Amin al-Husseini as Mufti of Jerusalem

1922: UK excludes Transjordan from Jewish immigration; first UK census of Palestine shows 78% Muslim Arab, 11% Jewish, 9.6% Christian Arab.

1924-28: Fourth wave of 67,000 Zionist immigrants, raising Jewish population to 16%.

1929-39: Fifth wave of over 250,000 Zionist immigrants, raising Jewish population to 30%.

1936-39: Arab rebellion in Palestine.

1939-45: World War II in Europe.

1947: UN adopts plan to partition Palestine into two states; Israel declares independence, fights war against Arab forces.

The Ottoman's 1878 census of the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre disticts (including area not currently in Israel) was 403,795 Muslims (87.3%), 43,659 Christians (9.4%), 15,011 Jews (3.2%); however, this did not count at least 10,000 Jews with foreign citizenship, did not include Bedouins. A 1912 estimate puts the Jewish population at 40,000 (7.0%), but other estimates are higher.

Unless specified, the figures below are for the Jewish population in Palestine, based on various sources.

1922: 11.14% Jewish (83,790), 9.50% Christian, 78.34% Moslem.

1931: 16.90% (174,606)

1932: 17.90% (192,137)

1933: 20.59% (234,967)

1934: 23.38% (282,975)

1935: 27.15% (355,157)

1936: 28.10% (384,078)

1937: 28.24% (395,836)

1938: 28.65% (411,222)

1939: 29.66% (445,457)

1940: 30.01% (463,535)

1941: 29.90% (474,102)

1942: 29.90% (484,408)


This is the first of a series of eight lectures, sponsored by A Jewish Voice for Peace. This lecture was videotaped on Oct. 21, 2002. The lecturer is Beshara Doumani, a professor of history from UC Berkeley.


March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said:

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian Arab nation . . . Palestine is a name the Romans gave to Eretz Yisrael with the express purpose of infuriating the Jews & further try to distance them from their land . . . .

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We are told by some of the more hysterical critics of the war on terror that "it is destroying the Arab world". So? Should we be worried about that? Shouldn't the destruction of the despotic, barbarous and corrupt Arab states and their replacement by democratic governments be a war aim? After all, the Arab countries are not exactly shining examples of civilisation, are they? Few of them make much contribution to the welfare of the rest of the world. Indeed, apart from oil - which was discovered, is produced and is paid for by the West - what do they contribute? Can you think of anything? Anything really useful? Anything really valuable? Something we really need, could not do without? No, nor can I. Indeed, the Arab countries put together export less than Finland. [Arab music and art are of value - they did some good science and curating of human knowledge about 1000 years ago. Islam isn't all bad.]

We're told that the Arabs loathe us. Really? For liberating the Iraqis? For subsidising the lifestyles of people in Egypt and Jordan, to name but two, for giving them vast amounts of aid? For providing them with science, medicine, technology and all the other benefits of the West? They should go down on their knees and thank God for the munificence of the United States. What do they think we feel about them? That we adore them for the way they murdered more than 3,000 civilians on September 11 and then danced in the hot, dusty streets to celebrate the murders? [clear oversimplification and overgeneralization. }

That we admire them for the cold-blooded killings in Mombasa, Yemen and elsewhere? That we admire them for being suicide bombers, limb-amputators, women repressors? [overgeneralization, except for the third one] I don't think the Arab states should start a debate about what is really loathsome.

But why, in any case, should we be concerned that they feel angry and loathe us? The Arab world has not exactly earned our respect, has it? Iran is a vile, terrorist-supporting regime - part of the axis of evil. So is the Saddam Hussein-supporting Syria. So is Libya. Indeed, most of them chant support for Saddam. [he is lumping non-Arab Iran in there, but Iran is Muslim, maybe he means to speak to the Islamic world of the Middle East]

That is to say they support an evil dictator who has gassed hundreds of thousands of their fellow Arabs and tortured and murdered thousands more. How can they do this and expect our respect?

Why do they imagine that only they can feel anger, call people loathsome? It is the equivalent of all the European nations coming out in support of Hitler the moment he was attacked by the US, because he was European, despite the fact that he was attempting to exterminate the Jews - and Arabs.

Moreover, the people who claim we are loathsome are currently threatening our civilian populations with chemical and biological weapons. They are promising to let suicide bombers loose in Western and American cities. They are trying to terrorise us, disrupt our lives.

And then they expect us to be careful of their sensibilities? We have thousands of asylum seekers from Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries living happily in this country on social security.

This shows what their own people think of the Arab regimes, doesn't it? There is not one single British asylum seeker in any Arab country. [the comparison is stark and uncomfortable, but certainly holds] That says it all about which country deserves the epithet loathsome. GEORGE GALLOWAY, the member of parliament for Baghdad Central, as his tormentors describe him, called the British and American troops "wolves" and called for the Arab countries to rise up and fight them and to cut off oil from the combatants. Later he called upon British troops to refuse to obey "illegal orders". He has, predictably, been vilified. His comments have been termed a disgrace, disgusting, outrageous and so on.

He has been called a loony, naive, gullible and a traitor. There have been demands that George's constituency party should deselect him, that his constituents should not vote for him at the next general election, and that he should be deported to Iraq. No one, as yet, has demanded that he be put in the stocks or burnt at the stake, though no doubt this will come.

But why all the fuss? Why is everyone getting into such an excitable lather over the predictable remarks of a no-mark?

Who with any sense cares an Iraqi dinar for what dear George thinks? Like Clare Short, George is a licensed court jester. He acts the buffoon while she's the straight part of the act, though she exaggerates her sanctimonious seriousness.

Neither are taken seriously. Both are totally discredited laughing stocks that add to the variety of political life. At least George is open, honest and sincere. [The Express on Sunday]

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