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Just checkin' in....


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Wassup, girl!!! Somehow I figgered you'd be the first to respond!

Is Dave still around? Tony? etc?

Actually, I'm trying to sort a trip for WMC, but I'm not sure about finding a room. It seems that all the places that I would want to stay are only renting "packages that run from the fifth to the 10th or 11th, and I could prolly only come from the 5th to the 8th....

I may just pick another time and save a few bucks on the trip, however i REALLY wanna catch the first couple days of WMC... :(

Keep in touch!


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:laugh: :laugh:

Dave moved back to NYC, but he still pops in to say hello on occassion.... just saw Tony on Sunday night at Jazid... we are all still alive and well:D

Are you still talking to Tristian?:laugh: Remember me and MikeyD voted him crackhead of the year that time...... long live the old club Space... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LMFAO

Well I hope it works out and you can come down... its gonna be a blast!:eek:

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Tristan and I keep in close contact, yes. And of course I remember you guys voting him "crackhead of the year"!! He clearly deserved it that night.... ;)

I'll be out there in the next couple of months, and am really hoping to make it for WMC. But, if that doesn't work out, I'll be in touch to figure out the next best time to come out. My wifey and I have decided to go our separate ways, so I NEED to get outta town and blow off some steam.

If you have any tips or ideas for me to hit the first weekend of WMC, and then head home prior to it ending, I'm all ears.

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Sorry to hear about the wife :( Hope your doing okay....

WMC... so far, not sure who I'm going to hear.. my girlfriend from LA is flying in to stay with me, so whatever party she wants I guess (except no PvD!).. I *hear* rumor that Infusion will be here (maybe that monday), so where-ever they preform, I will be there dancing my ass off...

We will definately hang out ------> remember Sheen? She's still around and hopefully bringin' her ass back down too!

Crobar was supposed to bring in some hard house from Chicago that Saturday nite (which I would go to), but I'm hearing thats not a go now. When i get more info on the parties, I'll let you know!


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Alrighty then.... Consider my arm twisted.

Flights are sorted, and I have a pretty good idea what I'm going to do about getting a room.... I just need to finalize my room reservations.

I know the WMC is actually from the 6-10th of March, but the only way that I can pull this off is to come out from the 4th-8th. I get in on Thursday night, and depart Miami on Monday morning.

Got your email, Laura. I'll fire ya a note shortly.

:D :D :D

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Got my room sorted late last night as well... I found something pretty inexpensive at about 41st and Collins, so I should be in good shape. (Laura - i emailed you about the place... Lemme know if it's too much of a hellhole and I'll upgrade.) ;)

Here's what I'll need upon arrival:

A stiff drink.

Friendly faces.

Short queues to any/all clubs.


a bevy of hot beeyotches waiting to service my every need!


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We've got some great stuff planned with national dj acts

to be disclosed at a later date.

If you like West coast/ Chicago House........This is the party for you!!!!!!!

anyways , nice to meet you mr.rollin

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Originally posted by patchofsoul


sweet bro.

I just saw that you are in the d.

played seven last fall, good times.

We almost definetly will have some dallas talent on our roster.

I'm a "VIP Member" of seven... mostly because I'm friends with Jay Winborn, though. In fact, my ex-wife and I had a "marriage party" there a couple years ago for my friends to party properly so as not to fuck up the 'formal wedding reception'. :D

Who did you play with? Do you know Gator? Globaldanca (Steve)? Or, any of the people from DDM.com?

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What a small world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hang with Gator daily (hes in orlando now)

Yes I know steve.

AND alot of ddm cats.

I played with Jay but it was Gators label party.

He flew Q-burns and I to Dallas for the show.

The following night I played with Brett at his weekly.



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Right on, brotha...

I've already PM'd Gator with the details of my trip to WMC. Tell him Still Rollin' say's "howdy"... that'll freak him out!

we hung out when he was back in town around the new year, and he helped convince me that I should defo hit up WMC. he knows my ex wife and all.

btw, I was at his label release party and it's quite likely that we met at some point during the evening. :cool:

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Looking forward to meeting ya, and hearing David's reaction when you tell him you "met me" thru the CP bbs...

trying to figure out where to stay while in SoBe. what are y'all doing for lodging? PM me if you prefer....

sobeton has given me a couple quality recommendations, and I found a really nice place that is reasonably priced, but is a bit north of all the action.

c ya in Miami !!!!!!


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