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You need to be fucking shot....ASAP!


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What is the meanest thing you have ever said to someone that liked you.......and then later felt bad about??

I was seeing this guy for a bit, and he just turned into a total NUT CASE! So today he calls me trying to bitch me out and I jus said to him " Why don't you go bench press 400 lbs and drop it on yourself....you need to be fucking shot ASAP" and hung up....now I feel bad :(

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Originally posted by phatman

...pressing 400 is pretty impressive though...lol...my sister's ex used to jack up 525 for a set of five...the guy was a monster...

He's a body builder.........HUGE guy!

I guess its all the roids and growth he was on that turned him into a nutcase

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My ex was in a car accident on the highway where her car flipped and slide on the roof for about 1/4 mile. She was all pissed off that I was out w/ my friends at a club in Boston, so she thought she'd be all cool and piss me off and show up w/ her two rasta friends, but never made it. She was doing 90mph, and flipped, she was in the hospital overnight.. Sooooo one time we got into a fight, and I told her she should have died in that car accident.. :laugh: can you believe i'm single?

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

My ex was in a car accident on the highway where her car flipped and slide on the roof for about 1/4 mile. She was all pissed off that I was out w/ my friends at a club in Boston, so she thought she'd be all cool and piss me off and show up w/ her two rasta friends, but never made it. She was doing 90mph, and flipped, she was in the hospital overnight.. Sooooo one time we got into a fight, and I told her she should have died in that car accident.. :laugh: can you believe i'm single?

Oh scratch the drinks idea when I come to boston tomorrow:laugh:

j/k :laugh:

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I had an argument in the middle of the street w/ my ex....Words were exchanged.....The worse thing I said was "My 2 fingers can get me off better that your cock any day you pencil dick fuck!"

Not too horrible but his neighbor was outside when this all happened & started laughing when I said it...My ex ran in his house like a bitch :D

Other than that.....I've never really said anything too bad unless I was drunk

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I was out having a few t0o many drinks & was acting quite obnoxious.

I accidentally bumped into some fat girl & made her spill her drink on her.

I said in a half ass way "IM SORRY"

she snapped back "Im sorry?? is that it??"

I looked her up & down & said "Oh im sorry....YA FAT FUCK!"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

the next day i felt guilty, but quickly got over it.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

I was out having a few t0o many drinks & was acting quite obnoxious.

I accidentally bumped into some fat girl & made her spill her drink on her.

I said in a half ass way "IM SORRY"

she snapped back "Im sorry?? is that it??"

I looked her up & down & said "Oh im sorry....YA FAT FUCK!"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

the next day i felt guilty, but quickly got over it.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

She got into a fight w/ my mother, shes lucky I didn't kill her.

Someone gets in a fight with my mom, they're gonna get an all-American ass-whippin' from me;)


I can't think of anything real mean... I'm sure i've thought of some pretty sick shit to say though:laugh:

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i dont think ive ever really said something to mean to someone who liked me, however i ve had some pretty crazy shit told to me though... the funniest is a girl was talking to a dj at a local pubclub (you know those bars where you can dance in and shit) and so i turn to her after shes done and i say "whatd you request" and she replies (fuckin funny) "i requested for you to stop speaking to me immiedately..." lol... thats fuckin perfect! lol, then the meanest thing was with one of my ex's i was with her for a while we had a bad break up and one day i come her house just to talk and chill and then some how we got into an argument and i say "what do you want me to do to make things right?" and quick as shit, she replies "i want you to kill yourself so you would be out of my life already..." (ooooooooh diss~! so needless to say i never spoke to her again, she calls me up one night all drunk and all apologetic and is like lets fool around, i just clicked her...)

the meanest thing i ever said to someone in general, and i kind of feel bad to this day, was back in like 2001 i was stressed out, had a lot on my mind, work was tearing me up... this lady is hibeaming me and honking insanely on an exit for taking the exit to slow and i snapped, i stopped the car ON THE FUCKIN HIGHWAY started yelling and in the middle of my rant i saw she had a babyseat in the back of the car, and i said to her "if you want to see your kid tonight, shut the fuck and drive like a human..." i got in my car and drove off... i feel like a dick for repeating this story and feel like an even bigger dick for doing it but i was a hothead and had a lot of stress... ask fineones the kind of crazy shit i used to do then... i have no idea who that person was or where he came from it just isnt me... lol weird...

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i'm horrible when i drive, if someone is in the left lane going really slow and than i try to pass them and they suddenly speed up and than start driving really slow right next to another car on purpose, i just lose it, i pass them when i have the chance and do the same thing to them. but I try to slow down to the max. I hate doing it but i hate arrogant drivers more.

The left lane is for people going faster than the speed limit!!!!!

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