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i hate reality tv for the most part but unfortunately, i have a bad habit of being stuck on the real world... anybody else watching this season? i think there was a thread last week, whatever, here's another...

so what do you guys think of the cast this season?

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I like Jamie. I hope she has a bigger role.

Frankie's a bit weird, haven't decided whether I like her or not.

Robin gets on my nerves, just hearing her talk.

Brad's cool, didn't like him at first, but he seems kinda cool.

Jacquese is too sensitive. And seems like a big gossip.

Cameran's ok, southern girl....

The other guy, something about him, I just don't like....

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i thought the 2nd episode was funny...

Jacquese is too sensitive, i completely agree and he's too gossipy... don't spy on people, who cares what they are doing...

and there was soooo much crying...

Frankie's pheobias are just something wierd to me...

i don't deal well with people who have strange mental problems..

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Originally posted by funks0ul

but I do agree with jacquese in the whole fight with robin bit... cause the whole hands in the face thing, that shit's not cool at all... and i agree with brad with the word usage...

Yeah...you dont use that word under any circumstances. I dont care who you are, where you come from, what history you have with black people. You just dont use that word. Her excuse was that she was raped by a black person? That doesnt make it ok...that black guy in the house didnt do it, the entire black race didnt do it.

The second one from tonight was funny though...

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haha i was dying when they were in the room while robin and randy where 'spooning'!! the bazooka joe comment was f'in funny and i'm not exactly sure why...? this is the first cast i've liked in a long time...

frankie i like so far, although she's a mess, between her disease and her odd phobia and drunkeness (aka puking)... she seems really insecure, makes me feel bad for her...

brad i thought i wasn't going to like, he's a dick for breaking up with his girl like he did and he seems like a huge horndog, but he's funny, in a kinda clueless way... lol and he's always eating cereal...

jacquese seems cool, i don't think he's too sensitive, he had a right to be upset with the racial slur... i thought he was going to be a major asshole about it but he handled it well...

cameran is such a cutie, she reminds me of the noxema girl (she was toni on 90210?)... i love happy, outgoing people like her... she seemed so innocent at first and then she comes out talking about her vibrator, that's just freakin great... i love southern people (haha i technically am one!)

i like jamie, she seems very genuine and i love her style... i hope she's around more too... i felt bad for her when she got teary eyed talking about how she feels uncomfortable with her appearance sometimes, i think she's adorable!

robin i really like, shes fun, and aside from her little incident outside the bar, i think she's cool... really pretty too... see reminds me of my old best friend... i wonder how she's going to deal with the rape that happens in the house, being a victim herself... and oooh she gets arrested for hitting a marine?? wonder what happened there...

randy... okay i'm prolly alone on this one, but i loooove him! robin said he has the ashton kutcher thing going on, while i don't see it, i still think he's hot... i love guys like him... smart & artistic, definite plusses... i hope him and robin hook up, i love them together...

yeah i'm a huge dork, i don't have my roomate here to disect everything with & i needed to ramble.... :D

next week looks funny too with all the sexual tension going on, the comment about um brads 8 incher being groped was interesting, to say the least... yesss i love the real world...

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Originally posted by mssabina

brad ... lol and he's always eating cereal...

lol yeah I noticed that too...

Originally posted by mssabina

jacquese seems cool, i don't think he's too sensitive, he had a right to be upset with the racial slur...

I think he's sensitive, not b/c of the racial bit that happened, b/c if I was him, I'd feel the same way. But b/c of the whole outcast bit... and "this is the most attention i've gotten the whole time i've been here"

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Originally posted by funks0ul

I think he's sensitive, not b/c of the racial bit that happened, b/c if I was him, I'd feel the same way. But b/c of the whole outcast bit... and "this is the most attention i've gotten the whole time i've been here"

well, i suppose you can look at it that way, i just think between being a bit introverted, the 'clique-ishness' and the arguement he felt a little alienated from the rest of the group... so when he made the attention comment, i don't think it was out of sensitivity but out of frustration... i don't know, can't really analyze the 15 mins we've seen of him... we'll have to wait and see :)

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Originally posted by djprotege

Yeah...you dont use that word under any circumstances. I dont care who you are, where you come from, what history you have with black people. You just dont use that word. Her excuse was that she was raped by a black person? That doesnt make it ok...that black guy in the house didnt do it, the entire black race didnt do it.

The second one from tonight was funny though...

I am not saying that the use of that word is right and its not and shouldn't be used under any circumstances, but you said that her excuse was that she was raped by a black guy (i think any rape will leave a huge scar on one's life and will mess you up and might leave a certain disdain for a particular race or type of people), and that black guy didn't do it. the entire black race didn't do it, well, coming from another country that never had slavery my family and ancestors never enslaved anyone but it seems to continue to be a big issue here, even though none of anyone's parents or grandparents have enslaved blacks and its still being brought up by the black community and the goverment is still paying dues to the black community for the mistakes this country done long long time ago.

And I don't think that other guy had the right to call her a bitch!

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What did she even get into it with that guy for? Yeah maybe he shouldn't have called her a bitch, and she shouldn't have called him anything. But in the beginning, she kept saying she saw nothing wrong with using the word. The fact that she uses the word back home, and that shes dated 10 black guys or whatever, that he doesn't know who she hangs out with or whatever. It doesn't matter... I have plenty of friends that are black, and I don't use it, b/c I'm simply not comfortable using the word, I don't see the point. But I know groups of friends, where it's mixed, black/white/spanish/asian, where they use the word among each other with no problems, but they're friends, and they've come to the understanding. I also know ppl who've gotten into fights over the word, where ppl thought the other person shouldn't be using that word.

It's kinda like in the news the other day, when Hillary Clinton said something about gandhi and pumping gas, I laughed and found it funny, I'm Indian, I didn't take offense to it, but I know other indians that did. If an indian person were the make that same joke, those ppl would be laughing. It's like an inside thing, where you can say things about your own ppl with your own ppl, and not have others do it.

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Originally posted by thrillfire

I am not saying that the use of that word is right and its not and shouldn't be used under any circumstances, but you said that her excuse was that she was raped by a black guy (i think any rape will leave a huge scar on one's life and will mess you up and might leave a certain disdain for a particular race or type of people), and that black guy didn't do it. the entire black race didn't do it, well, coming from another country that never had slavery my family and ancestors never enslaved anyone but it seems to continue to be a big issue here, even though none of anyone's parents or grandparents have enslaved blacks and its still being brought up by the black community and the goverment is still paying dues to the black community for the mistakes this country done long long time ago.

And I don't think that other guy had the right to call her a bitch!

I was once cheated on by a woman, so now i hate all woman. does that make sense? NO, it makes me irrational, illogical & ignorant. Soooo, your logic that being raped by a black man, will now make you hate black people is a bit off, but i can understand how an uneducated, backwards country girl may used twisted logic such as that.

Now, regarding other parts of your post. Racism & hateful words transcend far beyond slavery. You are correct, slavery has not been around in quite some time, but does that man that racism has also not been around for quite some time? Of course not... You need to look into what is called "Systemic racism"& you shall see my points.

Bottom line, that is a hateful & ignorant term. The word is a hateful term used in that context, so the notion that she did not intend for it be construed as negative, has no bearing at all. The word is what it is, regardless of how you intended it to be used.

Now, we all know that certain black people are what we can call "whistle blowers" aka Al sharpton, who claims that any & everything has racial overtones.

I do not think this is the case with Jacquese. I think he may be sensitive (BTW, that quality is an individual quality, not a black quality), but who are we to tell him how to react when a hateful term is used in his presence??

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..i didn't see it last night....not cause i was out...cause i fell asleep lol....anyways..........

..i love brad........no really..i am in the process of becoming a stalker ......

..cameron....gorgeous......annoyed the shit out of me 1st episode.....like...u want his penis....admit it...theres's NOTHING wrong with that....don't try to convince him to break up with his gf and make gooogly eyes......loser

...frankie....yea ...ur sick.......try prolonging your health..not smoking and vomiting on yourself....

....and what RAPE IN THE HOUSE?!....sabs....doooo tell!?!!!?!?

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haha, sabs, omg my 5th grade teacher used to call me that :laugh:

yeah apparently a girl claimed she was raped in the house, none of the cast was involved but i would assume they were friends of theirs... none of the cameras caught it... that's all i know, i'm curious to see what they say about it...

cameran was so obvious with her little crush on brad, i thought it was funny when frankie took her aside and told her she thinks brad has a little thing for her... cameran was like "what, really?" and kind of rolled her eyes... you know she was loving it... i think he's a dork personally, he looks cross-eyed... his bike is cool though

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Randy is def a guy I would like....he seems really cool

Robin is def a cool ass chick, a lot of drinking gonna go on and partying in the house cause of her

Frankie I think is a sweet girl, but her with her sickness she should be taking care of herself better. And what was up with her trying to get with Brad so bad. Yea he dissed her bad, oh well

Cameron is cute a little to bubbly and annoying for me. But she's gonna be that girl in the house that just does not know anything and learns a lot and comes out of this a better person. Also shes gonna fuck "A YANKEE" :laugh:

Brad needs to LEAVE THE FRAT! His eyes are weird, I dunno I mean I guess he's cool but I don't think hes cute. Def a party guy

Ja is really nice but I don't think he will last in the house. I think him gossiping is gonna cause issues

The asain girl hasn't really made an impact just yet...

But I like these kids......100% Better than Paris

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This cast so far is one of the best

Frankie is my favorite!! She's nuts :laugh: Wtf is wrong w/ her.....I understand people have phobias...But this girl is bugging outttt

I like Randy & Robin...They seem the most fun..."Boom, It's Bazooka " or whatever :laugh: Then he tried to play it off like he didn't remember lol too funny

They haven't focused on Jaime at all yet but she seems pretty chill......Ja I like.....He's a nice kid but a little too nosy

Now.....Cameran gets on my nerves & she's a little too far up the other idiots ass

This season is going to be gooooood

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