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Club Flavor (Grove)


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Oh, and by the way, the 23 and up thing for guys is simply to give the doorstaff greater discretion in weeding out the groups of wanna-be "ghetto thugs"- all the clubs in the Grove have used this tool. If you are 21 and dressed right, you should get in with no problem.

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Originally posted by colbyreese

Umm, I'll trust you, but after having worked for a couple places in the Grove, including Oxygen, that is what that policy is for, you can trust me on that one...:) but also note the word "should" in my prior post


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I'll side with Colby on that one. Even when I was under 23, I was never questioned or denied entry into a club based on my age, and I haven't really heard of this being in practice....I'm not saying that you're lying, Eric, but what I am saying is that you were probably in a minority of that happening. Grant it, if it happened to me, I'd be quite put out, but then, I'd probably wonder what the hell I was doing in the Grove to begin with, when A) I live on Miami Beach. and B)In order to get to the Grove, I have to go through South Beach and Downtown, bypassing many great venues.

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Originally posted by pod

I'll side with Colby on that one. Even when I was under 23, I was never questioned or denied entry into a club based on my age, and I haven't really heard of this being in practice....I'm not saying that you're lying, Eric, but what I am saying is that you were probably in a minority of that happening. Grant it, if it happened to me, I'd be quite put out, but then, I'd probably wonder what the hell I was doing in the Grove to begin with, when A) I live on Miami Beach. and B)In order to get to the Grove, I have to go through South Beach and Downtown, bypassing many great venues.

naw. its true..

I talked to Bobby they are trying to get the upclass older shadow crowd. 23 and over....

Grand opening is the 29th..... dunno.. like all I wish them luck.

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Originally posted by pod

I'll side with Colby on that one. Even when I was under 23, I was never questioned or denied entry into a club based on my age, and I haven't really heard of this being in practice....I'm not saying that you're lying, Eric, but what I am saying is that you were probably in a minority of that happening. Grant it, if it happened to me, I'd be quite put out, but then, I'd probably wonder what the hell I was doing in the Grove to begin with, when A) I live on Miami Beach. and B)In order to get to the Grove, I have to go through South Beach and Downtown, bypassing many great venues.

Calling me a LIAR? :mad: :mad: :mad:


W/e bro, I don't hang out too much in the Grove either. I went there because some friends were there and asked me to go. I had no problem getting in a few weeks earlier, by the same door guy who didn't let me in the second time. It's just frustrating somtimes with some places/people. What can ya do? I don't stress it anymore....

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Originally posted by pod

I was last in the grove in December. It sucked then, and I doubt a month has changed it...I took a few photos, but nothing worthy of publication.

The college/wannabe crowd pisses me off...come on, you go to the same venues I do, I just fail to understand how you can think the Grove is anything but a drinkin' place. If I go, I go to get wasted and bother people. As for Oscar and so forth playing at Oxygen and wherever? I'll see them on their home turf, where they're not being harassed by some cum-swilling coed to play hip-hop.

I'm not saying bad things about Bobby, he rocks, and Flavour has found it's niche. I'm just saying that a dance-oriented night probably won't work there. I'll stop in and see, but I'm not gonna bet the farm on it.

bro, If all clubbers in Miami would think like you, Miami's clubbing industry would be really hurting a lot. Be a little more openminded.

We all kinda know what works and what not.....though there is no formula to success in any business.

If you really know the formula I don't know what are you doing taking pics for a website....go out and start advising club moguls and make millions.

just my $0.02. :D

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I wouldn't think that concept would work in that location ....

but I wouldn't bet against bobby, thats for sure. He has shown in the past that he can make something different work. And you have to admit he was briliant selling the Shadow space when he did.

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