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Mission to Mars for Military Benefit, not Just "Spirit

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Mission to Mars for Military Benefit, not Just "Spirit of Discovery"

President Bush unveiled his proposal for a new space program Wednesday by invoking the spirit of explorers Lewis and Clark, saying, "They made that journey in the spirit of discovery...America has ventured forth into space for the same reasons."1 But the president didn't mention that members of his administration view space as the next frontier for military buildup and conquest.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld chaired the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization four years ago. Rumsfeld was announced as Bush's choice for DoD Secretary weeks before the commission releasing its findings in January 2001. Rumsfeld's report found that "we know from history that every medium -- air, land and sea -- has seen conflict. Reality indicates that space will be no different." The panel also concluded that "given this virtual certainty, the [united States] must develop the means both to deter and to defend against hostile acts in and from space." 2

The president's focus on space exploration because it "improves our lives, and lifts our national spirit." However, behind the scenes, USA Today reported that Bush was persuaded to move forward in part due to the military benefits, as promoted to him by Vice President Cheney.3,4 The Center for American Progress' Progress Report yesterday noted an appearance by Republican Congressman Tom Feeney on Scarborough Country where he stated, "Somebody is going to dominate space. When they do, just like when the British dominated the naval part of our globe, established their empire, just like the United States has dominated the air superiority, ultimately, whoever is able to dominate space will be able to control the destiny of the entire Earth."5

Feeney's comments echo PNAC's September 2000 report Rebuilding America's Defenses, which said, "Much as control of the high seas - and the protection of international commerce defined global power in the past, so will control of the new "international commons" be a key to world power in the future."6


Presidential Speech, 1/14/04.


Project for a New American Century.

"Skepticism surrounds U.S. space plan," USAToday, 1/13/04.


"BACK ROADS: How serious is the Bush Administration about creating a Palestinian state?", New Yorker Magazine, 12/15/2003.

Progress Report, Center for American Progress, 1/14/04.


"Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century", Project for a New American Century, p. 63.


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Red Planet Motivations

New polls show that at a time of record deficits, the public is against spending billions on a Mars mission while cutting domestic priorities. Nonetheless, there is one company that has supported a Mars mission for years: Halliburton. The company, which was headed by Vice President Dick Cheney and is a major financial backer of the Administration, has long supported funding a Mars plan because it is good for its drilling technology business (it was also Cheney who spearheaded the Mars plan inside the White House). According to an 8/20/01 Kiplinger's Business publication, "several companies and university labs will stand to benefit from new projects" in a Mars mission - including Halliburton. And the payoff could be big: Citizens Against Government Waste notes that, despite the White House's initial lowballing, legitimate "cost estimates for the new program range from $550 billion to $1 trillion."







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normal you are out there man

getting to simons level

that is the most absurd thing i have ever heard

how much can they possibly make and when can they make all this money drilling???

on the moon?

i didnt bother reading the articles seeing i hate the NYT as much as you hate fox

and i dont bother with the .org websites either

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Originally posted by pattbateman

and i dont bother with the .org websites either

Me either, NONSENSE !

Little word of advice, Normal is a science experiment gone bad..

The guy thinks he's some revolutionary hippie who lives in his moms basement so don't bother with him....

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