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Fair Warning to the Democrats


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Fair Warning to the Democrats

By: Bill O'Reilly for BillOReilly.com

Thursday, Jan 15, 2004

This is my second attempt in this space to convince the Democratic Party that it is committing political suicide by aligning itself with the far left. Now listen up. This country needs two strong political parties, and should have more. If the democrats self-destruct, the Bush people will run wild. They are already taken with themselves, and largely unavailable to the folks. With no competition, Dick Cheney might never be seen again.

A poll by the Pew Research Center says that just 20% of Americans consider themselves "liberals," and you have to assume half of that crowd is somewhat moderate. That leaves only 10% running around calling the President a nazi and worshiping at the altar of secularism.

But that ten percent is making a lot of noise, and has a ton of influence on the Democratic establishment. Billionaire George Soros is the big money man for the Democrats this season, and old George is one far out character. He wants to legalize pretty much every vice, sees merit in euthanasia, and is moaning there isn't enough "income redistribution" in the world. Maybe that's because the Soviet Union collapsed, George. Get a clue.

Soros is pouring millions of bucks into radical movements like MoveOn.org, a website that never saw a left-wing issue it didn't embrace. Recently in New York City, the MoveOn people held a contest to see who could come up with the best anti-Bush ad. When a few Bush-nazi commercials showed up, the website panicked because of the bad press. But why the commotion? Surely, these people know their propaganda makes the most extreme radicals dance.

And guess who showed up to judge the MoveOn contest? James Carville and Donna Brazile, two card carrying members of the democratic establishment. They were surrounded by the usual suspects: Janeane Garofalo, Stuart Smalley and the rest of the Mao-sketeers.

Carville and Brazile looked on with glee as rock star Moby called the President "a f---ing liar."

As rapper Chuck D opined: "We don't want eight more years of a Colon, a Bush, and a D--- (Cheney)."

As actress Julia Stiles said: "I was afraid Bill O'Reilly would come with a shotgun at my front door and shoot me for being unpatriotic."

Good grief! I don't even own a shotgun. No worries, Julia, just enjoy the land of Oz.

Exactly what are everyday Americans supposed to think when they see the likes of Soros and these show biz people launching into the most far out political discourse in memory? And Carville and Brazile are right in the middle of it?

So I am sending a final warning to the Democratic Party, which my family belonged to for more than one hundred years. Wise up before it's too late. People judge you by those with whom you associate. To paraphrase a 60's protest song: "You don't believe you're on the eve of destruction?"

Well, you are.

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personally, I quite respect the opinion of Chuck D, who has given a lot to contemporary culture.

as D would say, BRING THE NOISE!

Bass! How low can you go?

Death row. What a brother knows.

Once again, back is the incredible

the rhyme animal

the incredible D, Public Enemy Number One

"Five-O" said, "Freeze!" and I got numb

Can I tell 'em that I really never had a gun?

But it's the wax that the Terminator X spun

Now they got me in a cell 'cause my records, they sell

'Cause a brother like me said, "Well...

...Frarrakhan's a prophet and I think you ought to listen to

what he can say to you, what you ought to do."

Follow for now, power of the people, say,

"Make a miracle, D, pump the lyrical"

Black is back, all in, we're gonna win

Check it out, yeah y'all, here we go again

Chorus: Turn it up! Bring the noise!

Never badder than bad 'cause the brother is madder than mad

At the fact that's corrupt as a senator

Soul on roll, but you treat it like soap on a rope

'Cause the beats in the lines are so dope

Listen for lessons I'm saying inside music that the critics are blasting

me for

They'll never care for the brothers and sisters

now across the country has us up for the war

We got to demonstrate, come on now, they're gonna have to wait

Till we get it right

Radio stations I question their blackness

They call themselves black, but we'll see if they'll play this

Chorus: Turn it up! Bring the noise!

Get from in front of me, the crowd runs to me

My deejay is warm, he's X, I call him Norm, ya know

He can cut a record from side to side

So what, the ride, the glide should be much safer than a suicide

Soul control, beat is the father of your rock'n'roll

Music for whatcha, for whichin', you call a band, man

Makin' a music, abuse it, but you can't do it, ya know

You call 'em demos, but we ride limos, too

Whatcha gonna do? Rap is not afraid of you

Beat is for Sonny Bono, beat is for Yoko Ono

Run-DMC first said a deejay could be a band

Stand on its feet, get you out your seat

Beat is for Eric B. and LL, as well, hell

Wax is for Anthrax, still it can rock bells

Ever forever, universal, it will sell

Time for me to exit, Terminator X-it


From coast to coast, so you stop being like a comatose

"Stand, my man? The beat's the same with a boost toast

Rock with some pizzazz, it will last. Why you ask?

Roll with the rock stars, still never get accepted as

We got to plead the Fifth, we can investigate

Don't need to wait, get the record straight

Hey, posse's in effect, got the Flavor Terminator

X to sign checks, play to get paid

We got to check it out down on the avenue

A magazine or two is dissing me and dissing you

Yeah, I'm telling you...

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Originally posted by marksimons

personally, I quite respect the opinion of Chuck D, who has given a lot to contemporary culture.

...Frarrakhan's a prophet and I think you ought to listen to

what he can say to you, what you ought to do."

Farrakhan's a racist piece of shit who should be shot, and anyone who respects him or his opinion needs to drown in a pool of AIDS blood.

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Originally posted by igloo

Fair Warning to the Democrats

By: Bill O'Reilly for BillOReilly.com

Thursday, Jan 15, 2004

poll by the Pew Research Center says that just 20% of Americans consider themselves "liberals," and you have to assume half of that crowd is somewhat moderate. That leaves only 10% running around calling the President a nazi and worshiping at the altar of secularism


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Originally posted by g420

Farrakhan's a racist piece of shit who should be shot, and anyone who respects him or his opinion needs to drown in a pool of AIDS blood.

fo weal'

fuck Chuck D for even considering Farrakhan as a decent human being, much less a fucking prophet.

liek chris rock said "I been getting my haircut on Flatbush Avenue my whole life, I never heard niggas talking about hating jews, brothers dont hate jews, they hate WHITE PEOPLE"


Chris Rock is the best stand up comic nowadays

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Originally posted by daprofessional

fo weal'

fuck Chuck D for even considering Farrakhan as a decent human being, much less a fucking prophet.

liek chris rock said "I been getting my haircut on Flatbush Avenue my whole life, I never heard niggas talking about hating jews, brothers dont hate jews, they hate WHITE PEOPLE"


Chris Rock is the best stand up comic nowadays

Farrakhan hates Jews cause he's a Muslim douchebag & they all hate Jews

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