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The Foxlight: Traitor Gwyneth

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

By Bill McCuddy

NEW YORK — Gwyneth Paltrow (search) is "Shakespeare Outta Love" with America.

And "blimey" — saying her homeland is too dangerous and has a "weird, over-patriotic atmosphere," she's raising her new baby in London. The Oscar-winning actress lives there with her husband, Brit Chris Martin (search) of Coldplay.

Did Madonna (search) have anything to do with this?

Paltrow says, "I worry about bringing up a child in America. At the moment there's a weird, over-patriotic atmosphere over there, like, 'We're No. 1 and the rest of the world doesn't matter.'"

No. 1 is certainly something Paltrow hasn't seen at the box office in quite a while. Her alleged comedy, "View From the Top," was a huge bomb last year.

And her recent portrayal of Sylvia Plath in the downbeat "Sylvia" failed to excite audiences or get award nominations from the Golden Globes or Screen Actors Guild.

Is she living in exile?

"It's pretty amazing how the anti-American sentiment is in a lot of ways," she says of the U.K. "They call Tony Blair the vice president."

All of this according to the World Entertainment News Network. She also voiced concern about guns in American schools.

Paltrow did say she loves America and completely stands behind the country. She's just doing it from another one, I guess. Will all of this hurt her career? She'll have to resurrect it first, then we'll see.

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