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Sheffield offers to play 3rd


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wow an unselfish move by Sheff , way to earn some brownie points Gary, but Cashman has already said no , although If Sheff can get the whole spring training to re-sharpen those 3rd basemen skills i say why not,

I think it will be easier to find an outfileder than a 3rd basemne and u can still go with an outfield of just Matsui, Lofton and Bernie

sumthin to think of Cashman , dont dismiss it so quickly

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by bxbomb

wow an unselfish move by Sheff , way to earn some brownie points Gary, but Cashman has already said no , although If Sheff can get the whole spring training to re-sharpen those 3rd basemen skills i say why not,

I think it will be easier to find an outfileder than a 3rd basemne and u can still go with an outfield of just Matsui, Lofton and Bernie

sumthin to think of Cashman , dont dismiss it so quickly

bxbomb, dont get tooo excited... at the way things are going, you might be suiting up and playing CF for the yamkees depending if Bernies' knees or his CD promoting tour arent in the way :laugh2:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

bxbomb, dont get tooo excited... at the way things are going, you might be suiting up and playing CF for the yamkees depending if Bernies' knees or his CD promoting tour arent in the way :laugh2:

Yeah i guess yer right m.maxx I shouldnt get too excited , Oh where oh where can we find a 3rd basemen now:laugh: :laugh:


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Originally posted by bxbomb

Yeah i guess yer right m.maxx I shouldnt get too excited , Oh where oh where can we find a 3rd basemen now:laugh: :laugh:


dont bust a gut just yet slugger.... we still gotta play 19 games. we got a better pitching staff, get ready to have ya asses handed to ya. we certainly not gonna ride into the sunset just coz you got one more high priced prima donna on the team.

oh btw, its gonna be great when the fokers start losing games and the finger pointing begins. you just know it, the moment steinbrenner starts throwing a fit upstairs, the whole team will start unravelling like a mummy... its like a trainwreck waiting to happen :laugh:

whats the yamkees payroll again for this season-projected?

buy many championships lately ?

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::yawn::: your tired old comments are just that.

Pretty funny how you shoot your mouth off about gettin arod and how fucked the Yankses are this season , and now this , YET ANOTHER knife twisted in yer sorry 1918 hearts , and all you can do is whine about payroll and george......:laugh::blown:

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