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Why take 3, when you can have 1?


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I realized that many people I've met and talked to are taking more than one pill of X when they wanna roll. We have tried it first time about 4 months ago and since that we have 1 pill every second weekend and we don't want to take more than that.

Does it mean that after a several time it will lost its effect on us and if we wanna have the same results as we have now, we should take more than just one?

Also, is there anybody, who is using it for a long time and it's enough for him/her to take just one candy per night?

Thx for your help



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You may want to increase the time between your rolls ... one pill once a month or every six weeks should max out the party. Once every two weeks will still provide a great high, it just won't be optimal. But it all depends on body type and other things unique to you. Some people need to take more than one to feel anything. I think the best policy is go for less than more .. this is serious stuff, and it's not like all the stuff going around is 100% pure these days.

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Hey Mike! I can tell you that my bf have been into this scene for YEARS!! And although he doesn't drop every two weeks . . . or sometimes will go months without it . . . one is PLENTY for him. And if it's a good pill then it's too much for him. He's very, VERY sensitive to the stuff. Always have been and still is.

If one pill does the trick for you now then no need to increase your dosage. And if it starts to not work for you anymore and you find yourself wanting more . . . that's when I suggest you go through a detox. Take two or even three months off from the stuff.

I agree with roby that maybe every two weeks is kinda pushing it.



"Life is too important to be taken seriously." - Oscar Wilde


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it all depends...

i know alot of people where one wasn't enough there second time..

it tookl me like 4 months b4 i did more then you will just notice it comes and goes quicker, i just take 1 now and then like 1/2's threw out the nite to keep me goin..


GateCrasher @ LL for Guestlist: 201-725-8858, oasis9389@msn.com

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Gosh if the reply feature worked the first time I wouldn't have this f'in problem!






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

[This message has been edited by vampienyc10 (edited 10-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by vampienyc10 (edited 10-19-2000).]

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I would to also agree. This summer I built somewhat of a tolerance to the pills.. I more or less abused them taking 8,9 sometimes even ten in one night..(hello, I am 5'4 110 punds soaking wet)

Now since I try not to do it as oftern mayber once every couple of months.. I start out drinking then I roll...I want to only have to take one.. What you can also do is smkoe pot when you roll it makes you peak .. makes rolling alot more enjoyable...and you wopon't have to worry about taking so many...






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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After a few years of rolling, one is a joke, a dud, nothing. well mabey not nothing, but tolerence is real people. of corse you will have to take more as your body gets used to the substance. Even if I have the bests hits, I will NEVER peek from just one, and I will be pretty much sober in 3-4 hours. There is one advantage to this though, I never get X-hangovers. I can wke up, 5take a shower and start my day as if I didn't do anything the night before. looks like you kidz got a long road ahead of you. enjoy and be safe.




"Puff, Puff, Pass"

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One pill completely knocks me on my ass! If it's strong of course. I don't have any tolerance towards anything (drugs, alcohol) at all. I'm relatively lightweight (120). But I think a body does build tolerance and eventually, if you do it often enough, one will not affect you as much as it used to. If you do it every other weekend (I do more sometimes, I'm so stupid), you should take 5htp (pht, hpt, thp whatever, i can never get it right). LOL.. Seriously, take it if you do it often. (if you don't know what it does, it restores your sirotonin (sp?) level back to normal). Your body takes much longer to get back to normal and 5htp does it in one day I think. Are you coming to Gatecrasher? If not, have FUN in florida!! I wanna see pics from there tooooooo smile.gif *hugzzzz*

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E works off of the seratonin your body produces (forces your body to send more of it at once to your brain, flooding it - Seratonin is the chemical that your body produces when you fell joy, happiness, pleasure, yadda yadda yadda -- for those who didn't know). Some people produce more than others. Yeah, the weight/size factor can have a really big affect (I have never taken more than 3 in a night at 6'2" 185 lbs. -- GRRRREAT stuff). The one problem is that your body only produces so much seratonin, then your out. This is where the drug can start causing damage to your system, along with some other chemical reactions that happen in your brain during this time related to the seratonin... Once the seratonin is gone, you could take 300 pills at once and nothing could happen. It takes a MINIMUM of two weeks for your body to restore those levels of seratonin to 100% (for some, it can take much longer). The advise of once a month is very sound to get the best ride out of each roll...

Everything is best when done in moderation. Have fun! cwm32.gif

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