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very interesting if you dont wanna read it all at least read the first half. and this will be the longest post i will ever type!

A man who tried to Broker a deal between Sudanese and the Clinton Aministration to deliver bin Laden into US custody. The deal the administration turned down his name Mansour Ijaz.

Ijaz is an American Citizen,Muslim,Democrat and a financial contributor to the democratic party and the Clinton-Gore campaign. The chairman of a NY based investment company, Ijaz counts among his partners former CIA director James Woolsey retired US Air Force Lt. Gen. James Abrahamson.....

Ijaz is now a Fox News Channel foreign affairs analyst. But during the 90's he was a middleman deep inside the middle east.

"In February of 1996" Ijaz told me "The Sudanese had come to the conclusion that their Islamic experiment had gone bad, essentially, that the fanatics had gotten out o fcontrol. Bin Laden was part of that problem. They offered Saudi Arabia an extradition treaty, extradition of bin Laden. The Saudis turned it down. They came to the US and said 'now you guys want him' And (Clinton-Gore administration) said 'No we dont have a case, we cant do it now' "

Between 1996-2000, Ijaz opened unofficial bank channels between Sudan and CLinton -Gore admin. he met with Clintons NSA sandy berger and explained that Sudanese president wanted terrorism sanctions against Sudan lifted. He was therefore offering to arrest and extradite Osama bin Laden to US and provide detailed info about Global terrorist networks run by Islamic Jihad, Hezbolah, and Hamas, including info about 2 hijackers who eventually pilot two planes into the world trade centers. BUt to Ijaz astonishment Clinton-Gore administration not interested.

In fact Sudan kept offering important info on bin Laden and top Al Qaeda operatives. But clinton Administration kept turning down. First in Feb. 1996, August 1996, April 1997, Feb. 1998, July 2000.

Ijaz also tried to get the interest of liberal Democrats in Congress. On April 5, 1997, he forwarded a letter from Sudanese President to Indiana Rep. Lee Hamilton, then the ranking democrat on the HFAC offering to let FBI counter terror team go to Sudan to review info, But he didnt respond.

On June 10, 1997, Ijaz testified before the HJS on Crime, a full 4 years before 9/11, Ijaz argued that "the real danger for the West lies in the revivalist Islamic movements disintegrating into unguided, genuinely radical states, pushing terrorist networks underground where they can only be seen at a sidewalk cafe', with a bomb strapped to the body of a fanatic." he was right . No one listened.

"The silence of the Clinton administration in responding to these offers was deafening" he wrote in a LA times op-ed piece. "As an American Muslim and political supporter of Clinton, I feel now, as I argued with Clinton and Berger then, that their counter terrorism policies fueled the rise of bin Laden from an ordinary man to a Hydra-Like monster.

- this was all from a book iam reading 'Let Freedom Ring' -shaun hannity

actually tape of Clinton admitting this

"Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan.

"And we'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start meeting with them again - they released him.

"At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America.

"So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, 'cause they could have. But they thought it was a hot potato and they didn't and that's how he wound up in Afghanistan." (End of excerpt)

Since last December, Ijaz has insisted that he negotiated the deal for bin Laden's release from Sudan. But he maintained that the White House declined to take advantage of the offer because of legal technicalities - a detail now confirmed by the ex-president, as NewsMax's tape proves.

But shortly after his account first appeared in the Los Angeles Times, former Clinton officials trashed the bin Laden extradition story as an exaggeration at best - a complete fabrication at worst.

Asked to respond to Ijaz's account in January, ex-NSC aide Nancy Soderberg told Fox News Channel, "He's living in a fantasy land. There was no such Sudanese offer."

"He's lying ... he's a crackpot," said Jennifer Palmieri, a former White House aide who now serves as chief spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, of Ijaz's story in May. "The guy has absolutely no credibility. You'll see that you never see him on television anymore once he was outed as being a fraud."

Mainstream reporters, apparently unaware of Clinton's February comments, have also trashed Ijaz's account.

In May, both New York Times reporter Judith Miller and NBC newswoman Andrea Mitchell told radioman Don Imus they declined to cover the bin Laden extradition story because they didn't find it credible.

To listen to Clinton's devastating admission that he let bin Laden off the hook, Click here.

Also, listen to NewsMax's other Clinton Audio exclusive where he refutes last week's Time magazine report suggesting Bush dropped the ball on plans to get bin Laden: Pre-Sept. 11 Bin Laden Strike Wouldn't Have Worked

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War on Terrorism

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Everybody Must Get Stoned...



badly written story, but erm, how can clinton be to blame if:

"At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America."


so what grounds did clinton have for bringing him in?


clinton believes in following the law it seems.

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Originally posted by marksimons

Everybody Must Get Stoned...



badly written story, but erm, how can clinton be to blame if:

"At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America."


so what grounds did clinton have for bringing him in?


clinton believes in following the law it seems.

I will give you this: You don't mind to continually display that you are a jerkoff that needs t really kill yourself

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by 'story' I mean article. not fantasy.

I assumed that was an article, just noticed you said it was from a book.

my bad.

still badly written.

if you want a VERY interesting book I just picked one up at manchester airport and read the first few chapters on the short plane flight to amsterdam (only 55 mins bargin, should come here much more often).

it's called War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton and the Generals

only on chapter five, but it's fascinating so far, details the foriegn policy of bush and clinton, written just before sept 11th (with a forward by the author written in december 2001) it's an interesting look.

it definetly isn't a blindly biased product of the 'left' as far as I can tell so far, with numerous praises of bush (and seemingly no mention of the republican links with saddam in the 80s) but it is teaching me a helluva lot about how high level foriegn policy was decided in the early 90's.

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Mansour Ijaz is a little liar. He belongs to a cult from India who believe that the Mesiah came to India in the form of Ghulam Ahmad, that this person is Jesus Christ. These people have lots of money and have tried to take control of countries like Pakistan sot hat they can say that Jesus Christ took over a country.

In any case no one even knows this Mansour Ijaz in Pakistan or in Sudan. He makes up most of his facts and just read the papers and says that ehe gets his info. His cult has been outlawed in Pakstan and most muslim countries

It would be if people here started to give credence to Koresh for the US government. I jsut wonder why Fox news eve uses him without checking him out

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Originally posted by marksimons

"At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America."


So the first bombing of the WTC in 93 wasn't a crime against America??

I to think you should jump from Big Ben...:blown:

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