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Report: EU panel finds Arafat did not fund terror


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A week after the German paper Die Weld reported suspicion is growing that money from PA Chairman Yasser Arafat's office was transferred to terror organizations, the French daily Liberation reported Wednesday that a report being prepared by the EU's anti-fraud unit (OLAF) will show no financial ties between Arafat and terror.

The paper reported that according to its sources the report will show that Arafat did not use the financial assistance from the EU to "help in any way to fund terror organizations like the Al Aksa Brigades."

The OLAF report on whether hundreds of millions of euros to the PA was misused, is slated to be released in March.

Following the Die Weld report, which also indicated OLAF investigators had authenticated documents Israel provided the EU linking Arafat to terror groups, OLAF released a statement saying it has "not finalized its investigation. Therefore, any conclusions attributed to OLAF are premature and are not confirmed by evidence."

Ilka Schroeder, a German European Parliament member affiliated with the Green Party who was among those who pushed for an investigation of how EU money to the PA was being spent, sent an open letter to the three presidents of a "Working Group" in the European Parliament dealing with the issue on Thursday discounting the conclusions as reported in Liberation.

"It is known that the al-Aksa brigades are closely linked with the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Arafat and that they have committed several suicide bombings against Israelis," she wrote. "It is known that not only school books, but also radio and TV stations, prayers paid by the state and official newspapers spread hate against Israel and anti-Semitic prejudice. If OLAF shouldn't know this or should not be capable to make the logical conclusions from these facts, then OLAF is simply the wrong institution to investigate this course of events," she concluded.

Schroeder called on OLAF to immediately release a first "confidential" paper it reportedly wrote on the issue, and suggested "that the European Parliament apologize publicly and admits the fatal role of the European Union in the war against Israel. (This will make it easier for victims and the surviving dependants to sue the European Union.)"

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, head of Shurat Hadin – Israel Law Center, filed a NIS 100 million suit in Tel Aviv District Court in May 2002 against the EU on behalf of an Israeli family decimated by a terror attack in August 2001.

The law suit alleges that the EU recklessly provided the PA with massive sums of financial aid, while knowing that the money was being diverted from its intended civilian purposes to Palestinian terrorist groups.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

and why is that?

1st -Arafat has amassed a fortune close to a billion dollars and his people starve...

2nd- If a portion of the aid is going in his pockets then what makes you think the terorist groups HE controls didn't see a cut?

3rd Why would the Europeans admit that they helped fund terror?

And finally If you believe he doesn't help fund and control terrorists groups with EU aid I have a mosque to sell you....lol

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Originally posted by mr mahs

1st -Arafat has amassed a fortune close to a billion dollars and his people starve...

2nd- If a portion of the aid is going in his pockets then what makes you think the terorist groups HE controls didn't see a cut?

3rd Why would the Europeans admit that they helped fund terror?

And finally If you believe he doesn't help fund and control terrorists groups with EU aid I have a mosque to sell you....lol

I think I'd rather believ an EU panel rather than right -wing conjecture.

Don't know about the mosque, but I DO have some WMD's in Iraq I can show you ... lol

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Originally posted by mr mahs

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Dude did you sniff elmers glue as a kid? Arafat not supporting terror :laugh: :laugh:

eh, dude, read the article - the EU funds that were in question, according to the report, were not used to support terror.

Really man, I thought you could read better but I guess blind "patriotism" can have its pitfalls. lol

no-one here said Arafat once did (and still might) support terror.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

eh, dude, read the article - the EU funds that were in question, according to the report, were not used to support terror.

Really man, I thought you could read better but I guess blind "patriotism" can have its pitfalls. lol

no-one here said Arafat once did (and still might) support terror.

I still don't believe it...

And stop spinning it bud....

no-one here said Arafat once did (and still might) support terror.

The paper reported that according to its sources the report will show that Arafat did not use the financial assistance from the EU to "help in any way to fund terror organizations like the Al Aksa Brigades."

If he did it in the past why wouldn't he do it again?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

If he did it in the past why wouldn't he do it again?

Because the climate has changed - people change you know, otherwise Mandela would still be a terrorist and Sharon would still be hell bent on wiping out the Palestinian people (he probably still is, but, like Arafat, I'll hold till I get more proof).

Thus far, the panel found that none of those funds were used to support terror - now if they come back and correct themselves, so will I.

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For the love of God, how could you defend Arafat in any way......and how can you not see the political underpinnings of the EU report....

The guy is a terrorist, he supports terrorists, and he funds terrorists....

Also, lets assume that it is true, that not one penny from the EU or the U.S. funds go into terrorists hands---not possible, but let's assume:

Do the funds that go to "education" indirectly support terrorism because of this:

"It is known that not only school books, but also radio and TV stations, prayers paid by the state and official newspapers spread hate against Israel and anti-Semitic prejudice"

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if you actually believe this politically-influenced european non sense, then you beyond delusional, and you are going against all facts that point to the contrary.

you will be ignoring vast amount of evidence that clearly shows that arafat supports terror. in a raid on his compound, the IDF obtained bills for materials used in bomb making, directions on how to acquire mortar launchers, RPGs and C4 explosives.

Did we also forget the recent Karine A incident. or are the europeans quick to forget that little charade, where an PA-financed boat tried to sneak in a shipment of Iranian missiles and weapons to be used against Israeli civilians.

make no mistake about it, arafat is the #1 cause of Palestinian suffering. he is the godfather of terrorism, and has directed numerous hijackings in the 60s and 70s, not to mention hundreds of suicide bombings over the past 10 years. he is a criminal in every sense of the word.

"It is known that the al-Aksa brigades are closely linked with the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Arafat and that they have committed several suicide bombings against Israelis," she wrote. "It is known that not only school books, but also radio and TV stations, prayers paid by the state and official newspapers spread hate against Israel and anti-Semitic prejudice. If OLAF shouldn't know this or should not be capable to make the logical conclusions from these facts, then OLAF is simply the wrong institution to investigate this course of events," she concluded.

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, head of Shurat Hadin – Israel Law Center, filed a NIS 100 million suit in Tel Aviv District Court in May 2002 against the EU on behalf of an Israeli family decimated by a terror attack in August 2001.

The law suit alleges that the EU recklessly provided the PA with massive sums of financial aid, while knowing that the money was being diverted from its intended civilian purposes to Palestinian terrorist groups.

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Originally posted by igloo


For the love of God, how could you defend Arafat in any way......and how can you not see the political underpinnings of the EU report....


That's cause he's a terrorist supporting ass monkey

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EU Report = Cover Your Ass report.

If they call Arafat a terrorist, they singlehandedly can be blamed for wrecking the peace process or by siding with the Israelis.

If there's anything I've learned about Europe, it's that everything over there is Cover Your Own Ass and dont worry about the future - someone else will take care of it.

That report sounds like Hans Blix wrote it.

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