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Buchanan: Time for the counterrevolution


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Time for the counterrevolution

Patrick J Buchanan


Posted: February 25, 2004

1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

Gavin Newsom, mayor of San Francisco, has given America an object lesson in how the Left imposes its radical social revolution on a confused majority that knows not how to fight it.

Out on Sodom by the Bay, Newsom, in defiance of a law enacted by California voters two-to-one in a referendum, ordered city officials to hand out marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Newsom says that the law violates the state constitution. For his civil disobedience, he has become a hero to militant homosexuals all the way to Provincetown. His defiance has spread to New Mexico and Chicago, where Mayor Richard Daley has declared his solidarity.

Where did Newsom get his idea? Perhaps from Massachusetts, where the Supreme Judicial Court has ordered Gov. Romney and the legislature to start handing out marriage licenses to homosexuals by May.

Civil unions do not meet our demand, the court told Bay State elected leaders. You must vote homosexuals absolute and equal rights to marry. Now stop dithering and get on with it.

What is happening here in America is an end run around democracy by an elite that believes its superior morality places it above the law. First, the Left engages in defiance and disobedience of a law it detests, then it goes judge-shopping to find some jurist-ideologue who will agree and overturn the law. And thus does the minority rule America.

Yet, seeing the smug certitude of Newsom, and the befuddlement of the authorities, there is no doubt who is winning the culture war and who will prevail if Middle America does not find leaders of greater fiber. We live in an age, wrote the poet Yeats, when "the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity."

Now, no state in the Union has ever provided for homosexual marriages, and most states have enacted statutes prohibiting such nonsense. However, the people may now have lost their right to decide. For the judges have stepped in and seized the issue.

In Massachusetts, it was the state's highest court that ordered the governor and legislature to license same-sex marriages. In California, the state supreme court will decide whether Newsom's licenses are valid. In this capital, the Supreme Court will tell us whether denying homosexuals a right to marry violates our Constitution, though no one ever imagined such an absurdity until last year.

While the idiocy underway at San Francisco city hall exposes the moral rot in America, it also reveals how we are losing the republic that was our patrimony. Our forefathers overthrew a rule of kings. But we have meekly submitted to a rule of judges.

The majority no longer rules, and America needs either a counterrevolution or a second revolution to reclaim the republic born of the first. And there are weapons within the Constitution we can employ to carry off that revolution.

President Bush has taken a bold first step with the recess appointments of David Pryor and Charles Pickering to the U.S. appellate court. Both men were denied a vote by Senate obstructionists. Should Daschle, Kennedy and Co. deny Bush a vote on his first Supreme Court nominee, he should not hesitate to make history's first recess appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. He can become as great a hero to Middle America as Newsom is on Castro Street.

It is time presidents began using their constitutional power to uphold and defend the Constitution against justices perverting it to impose their cultural Marxism on a once-Christian republic. We need the spirit of Jefferson, who refused to enforce the Alien and Sedition Acts, of Jackson, who roared: "John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it!"

Yet, the real power to rein in and corral a renegade court lies with our Congress. Under Article III, as South Carolina law professor William Quirk has long argued, Congress "determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts."

"Congress has the power to establish or abolish all federal courts except the Supreme Court and ... the power to abolish includes the power to limit their jurisdiction."

Congress, writes Quirk, "could re-enact the Defense Of Marriage Act restricting marriage to men and women with one sentence, 'This law is not subject to review by the lower federal courts or the U.S. Supreme Court.' Then the issue would return to the states, where President Bush and the Democratic candidates say it should be."

In Boston and Sacramento, Govs. Romney and Schwarzenegger and the legislatures could reject the Newsom licenses and defy any court order that overturns validly enacted law, or tells legislators what laws they must enact. What would the state supreme courts do? Order Schwarzenegger and Romney arrested? Declare the legislators in contempt?

Let them. Then the legislators can impeach the judges, throw them out, and get new judges who can read and understand constitutions.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

All this nonsense can be stopped if we just alLow the same rights married couples have under the name of "Civil Unions" period!

Why all this drama(expected from these queens lol)?

Or not breaking the law as in SF

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