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The Passion of Christ review...


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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

I believe I am the richest man on Earth...

Am I really? Maybe. If you are thinking in terms of "money", I am in no way rich. Now if you speak in other terms as in I am rich in friendship, quality of person, etc. then I believe I am. You may not think so, but I do. (We don't know each other, just trying to make a point ;) )

I know I don't know you, but that doesn't really make a difference to me....I too think I'm pretty rich for the same reasons you stated above and then some (family, love, faith, etc) just as I am sure most (if not all) of us here are ;)

Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

The point I am trying to make is everyone has beliefs out there. Just because you don't "believe" in one thing doesn't make you a bad person, or make you wrong or right. You believe it is right. More power to you. Enjoy what you believe. Just don't come to me expecting me to believe what you believe.

I never try to impose my beliefs on anyone else. I have total respect for what others believe in and can only hope that they show the same respect back to me ;) Thanks, grooveric!

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I haven't watched the movie and I am also 100% catholic. Watching this movie will not make me be more catholic or less catholic, or be more faithful...if someone thinks I am a sheep then go fuck yourself...it's not my fault you don't share the same beliefs that you do.

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

I know I don't know you, but that doesn't really make a difference to me....I too think I'm pretty rich for the same reasons you stated above and then some (family, love, faith, etc) just as I am sure most (if not all) of us here are ;)

I never try to impose my beliefs on anyone else. I have total respect for what others believe in and can only hope that they show the same respect back to me ;) Thanks, grooveric!


If only other people out there thought like us.....:idea:


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Saw the movie.. Catholic, Jew, Muslim, BUddhist... movie was pretty damn good and moving; had the whole place an emotional mess! Whatever JEsus died for, it was impossible to not be moved by someone who would endure that pain FOR ANY CAUSE! (And MArick... it happened, it's written and it's a fact. How it happened and why it happened is a topic that will never die!) I would see the movie again! On a lighter note.. FLIPTONIA... I agree with you... we're gonna have a million extra bible-waving people after they see this movie, just like every kid wanted to do the Crane-Kick after seeing Karate KId and every small Italian white-guy thought they could kick ass after seeing Rocky!

Damn... this is a tough one to tread on! This coming from a Catholic-born fella that through higher education has come to question my beliefs over the years. Not in the sense that I have become "smarter" and have lost faith, but more-so I have studied many-o things and have opened my heart and mind to other beliefs and "possibilities". You know, the whole Darwin thing keeps coming to mind (here we go!)

I have been studying Buddhism for about 2 years and have learned a lot more about my own religion(Catholocism), and others for that matter, in the past 2 years than my 8 years in Catholic school and going to Church with the parents. One of the most important things that I've learned in studying Buddhism is that MOST people need beliefs, and all of the 5 major religions all have amazing things to offer their followers. It is that person's faith that is the same in every religion/belief and by knocking down someone for those beliefs is truly the sign of weakness. It's is easy to have disbelief! Also, xxgrooveericxx, laliux and sunnyhost mentioned that they are the rich because of their beliefs and they couldn't any more correct! One of the teachings I enjoyed most, and inspired me was when I met the Dalai Lama and I asked him about a quote I read, "The sense of contentment is the key factor for attaining happiness." When asked to elaborate, he said that if someone has greed in their life or are always "wanting" more than they have then they are no different than someone who has nothing, and they too are "poor". Someone that has nothing and yearns for more, is no different than a greedy person that has everything. What I'm trying to get at (I think) is that as long as these people have beliefs, they are rich. And as long as we are content, we can be happy; and are rich!

And I really had so much more to babble on about but work-a-calls! Have great Thursday everyone and hopefully this thread stays civil!


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Originally posted by vaughanz

Saw the movie.. Catholic, Jew, Muslim, BUddhist... movie was pretty damn good and moving; had the whole place an emotional mess! Whatever JEsus died for, it was impossible to not be moved by someone who would endure that pain FOR ANY CAUSE! (And MArick... it happened, it's written and it's a fact. How it happened and why it happened is a topic that will never die!) I would see the movie again! On a lighter note.. FLIPTONIA... I agree with you... we're gonna have a million extra bible-waving people after they see this movie, just like every kid wanted to do the Crane-Kick after seeing Karate KId and every small Italian white-guy thought they could kick ass after seeing Rocky!

Damn... this is a tough one to tread on! This coming from a Catholic-born fella that through higher education has come to question my beliefs over the years. Not in the sense that I have become "smarter" and have lost faith, but more-so I have studied many-o things and have opened my heart and mind to other beliefs and "possibilities". You know, the whole Darwin thing keeps coming to mind (here we go!)

I have been studying Buddhism for about 2 years and have learned a lot more about my own religion(Catholocism), and others for that matter, in the past 2 years than my 8 years in Catholic school and going to Church with the parents. One of the most important things that I've learned in studying Buddhism is that MOST people need beliefs, and all of the 5 major religions all have amazing things to offer their followers. It is that person's faith that is the same in every religion/belief and by knocking down someone for those beliefs is truly the sign of weakness. It's is easy to have disbelief! Also, xxgrooveericxx, laliux and sunnyhost mentioned that they are the rich because of their beliefs and they couldn't any more correct! One of the teachings I enjoyed most, and inspired me was when I met the Dalai Lama and I asked him about a quote I read, "The sense of contentment is the key factor for attaining happiness." When asked to elaborate, he said that if someone has greed in their life or are always "wanting" more than they have then they are no different than someone who has nothing, and they too are "poor". Someone that has nothing and yearns for more, is no different than a greedy person that has everything. What I'm trying to get at (I think) is that as long as these people have beliefs, they are rich. And as long as we are content, we can be happy; and are rich!

And I really had so much more to babble on about but work-a-calls! Have great Thursday everyone and hopefully this thread stays civil!


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Excellent post! I really enjoyed reading it! :) This is the type of stuff that I meant that I wanted to read...I enjoy having other people make me think! lol.

The part of where you spoke about the quote and the Dali Lama was really though provoking. I too have always said that it often seems that the richer ($ wise) people are, the more they seem to want (greed). You can have all the $ and physical possessions in the world, but IMO, if you do not have love and do not believe in anything, then you may find yourself being very poor spiritualy.

Also, I think its very normal for people to question their religion/beliefs. The more I question, the more I find my own answers and the more I either confirm my own beliefs or find things that I am not 100% okay with (and that's fine). I mean, to me, it wouldn't make very much sense for someone to just be fed all this information on their religion and believe it all 100% right of the bat. Curiosity is the key in wanting to learn more and in wanting to achieve greater knowledge!

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

As for sparking Anti-Semitism, I think it's all bull. I did find myself getting a little upset and wanting to yell out "Stop!" when Jesus was being repeatedly beat by both the Romans and the Jews, but I knew that that's the way it happened and that's they way it HAD to happen. I just don't understand why on Earth people would get upset over something that had to happen for our own good and get upset over something that happened over 2000 years ago.

Maybe I can help shed some light on why Jews are upset. First - This is your (the catholic) story. It was not taken directly from the bible - but from the ramblings of an 18th Century crazy German Nun. For anyone to say that the Bible is based 100% of fact - well - I disagree with Jews, Christians and Catholics who believe the Bible 100% (but that’s just me). - This Passion has been around for centuries, was written by the Nun - and has been the spark for Jewish deaths around Europe for centuries. Jews have historical facts to document their concern about this text.

And - When Jesus’ followers decided to write or tell the story of his death - of course they were going to put the Jews who did not help save him in the worst light. There were Many Jewish leaders killed by the Romans during their rule of that land. 250,000 Jews were nailed to the cross. Jesus had a small following and opposed Roman rule. If Mel was so concerned with making an accurate film - why doesn't he mention the other 249,999 dead Jews? My point is that it is impossible to believe the crowd scenes. There is little documentation on this besides the Bible - and the Bible story that addresses Jesus’ death was written by people who supported Jesus and were pissed at the mainstream Jewish community of the time for not helping. It is impossible for anyone to know exactly what happened.

Lastly - The ROMANS killed Jesus. Who are descendents of the Romans? - Answer: THE ITALIANS. Where does the Pope live? ITALY. Do you think they'll ever fess up that it was Italians who killed Jesus? FUCK NO! Typical Guido bullshit - "Let's blame the Jews". Fuck you Mel - Fuck you German Nun - Fuck you Saleen.

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I don't know why but Jews usually like to play the victim role all the time. Nobody here is blaming anyone....everyone knows that the Romans killed Jesus and it's obvious they are italians though back then it was called The Roman Empire which was in fact bigger than Italy.

Now, I think the topic here is the movie so I can't really give an honest opinion of it because I haven't watched it but will do that before the week ends.

Guyman, here is the map of the Roman Empire so according to you all Europe and more are italians??? :confused:


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Originally posted by guyman1966

Who says that Jews like that role? And - if you take some time and learn Jewish history (and I'm talking before WWII) you will see that they were victims often.

No. I agree with you here Guyman. No one wants to have the "victim" role hanging over them. You are completely correct in that many Jews died for their faith. Many faiths have also gone through this, but it does seem as if Jews have gone through it the most...especially since they have been around for so long! Anyways, Perhaps you are right in that the movie could have shown some more of this, but at the same rate...that's not what the movie was about.

Maybe you can write your own screenplay on this issue:confused: :idea:

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

Maybe you can write your own screenplay on this issue:confused: :idea:

As a Jew - I'd never write a movie about Jesus. But - I'd be happy to post what others say:

LA TIMES 2/21/04

"The film unambiguously portrays Jewish authorities and a Jewish mob as ultimately responsible for the Crucifixion. The Jews are depicted as blood-thirsty. The Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, is shown as leading hundreds of Jews in demanding Jesus' death. In contrast, the movie portrays some of the Romans as compassionate toward Jesus. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, repeatedly expresses reticence to harm Jesus. At that time in history, in fact, the Romans were in control, not the Jews. Pilate was a brutal ruler who crucified hundreds of Jews.

Gibson's artistic vision finds its genesis in extra-biblical sources, some as recent as the dreams of a 19th-century nun. We do not believe Gibson is an anti-Semite. We do not believe his film is anti-Semitic. Our concern is that he presents his interpretation as truth. People who are not familiar with the Gospel narratives might believe that everything they see on the film derives directly from the New Testament."

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Originally posted by guyman1966

a bit hung over.

that explains it all...I was like..."of course the capital of the roman empire was Rome"...but now that I know that you are a bit hung over, carry on with you incoherent babbling...


ps. What is the capital of France?



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Originally posted by funketeer

that explains it all...I was like..."of course the capital of the roman empire was Rome"...but now that I know that you are a bit hung over, carry on with you incoherent babbling...


ps. What is the capital of France?



LOL - I forgot that you are Italian.

My new question is:

What color is George Washintons White horse?

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