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Another Religious Post


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Originally posted by shroomy

OK the Jesus Flick made a old question come to mind.

I always hear that Jesus died for our sins.

and that jesus had to die for our sins because ... stuff ....

The only question I have is "why?"

why did he have to? and why is it so tied to our sins??

I understand God wanting to experience life as man. And teaching us ...

but why not just do that ... and forgive us our sins like he does now ???

was there some rule in eden .. ok eat this fuit and your screwed and your off spring are screwed until I die for you??

From what I believe, in the Jewish faith dating up to the death of Christ (BC) each Jewish person had to periodically make a sacrifice to God in the form of a lamb to cleanse your sins. When Jesus came to the earth he was supposed to be the ultimate sacrificial lamb to cleanse all the sins of the world leaving us not having to sacrifice lambs anymore. Why did he not just let us stick with the lamb system, I don’t know. This is just one theory out of a million. Just my 2 cents.

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Originally posted by shroomy

:) looks like Ill have to agree with Flip about everyone just believing what they are told without really questioning it or understanding it.

that said ... listen to me .... God told me this last night.

In the begining, God said "Let there be House," and so there was. and it was good. And from House God created trance, and it was the oposite of good so we could seperate the light from the darkness. And at the end of days there shall be a vast judgement day where those who get it shall be seperated from those who do not, to live in eternal bliss and never ending funky beats.

....and yet , i'll find you in a Trance event in the near future . :eek::blank:


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Originally posted by mursa

....and yet , i'll find you in a Trance event in the near future . :eek::blank:


true, but I go to confession and repent, and say the devil made me do it.

I usually get off with 5 hail marys, 6 our fathers and then we would go back to our special place for some wine and cheeze wiz covered crackers, or eucherists if we ran out of chrackers. But then again, its been a long time since I was an alter boy, maybe things have changed.

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