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the bb tourney how it will go down


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Round one, Brian 1500 comes out to center court to start the tourney with the national anthem, mid song he mudders can i have a bud... and then completes the song....Game one , Sergio comes out to midcourt he blows the whistle for the tip off, but he falls to the court. He's totally out of breath..Mediical help is administered immediately and he is brought off the court on a stretcher.. While being carted off the court big daddy, rises off the stretcher and makes his way to the bar to meet his secret fiance "marcomaxim"... Marco is in tears. are you ok hunny....Sergio hugs him and the two are not seen for the rest of the day... This throws team deco into turmoil how can they replace big daddy..... Kosta and Dimitri pull a rabbit out of there hat and replace him with Joe Armenio... Who runs up and down the court screaming TETTOS.. This causes problem for the D.J.s team because Denny cant concentrate and is left to carry the load being Rydell is still at the hamburger stand in Boston with nootsy. and Rodzilla is complaining how he wished he had a hamburger......Platnum is the cinderlla team of the tourney showing up in tootoo's and glass slippers getting immediately elinated...In the end it will be just as I predicted Circa/Merge will go home with trophy.. Marco will get the MVP for taking one for the team. But Marco will be walking funny for the next month when he learns why the ladies call Serge Big Daddy.... See you all tommorow.

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