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Best Way to get a girl back with you??

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Originally posted by simonthesorcerer:

**mental note**

-learn italian -- check

-learn how to sing IN italian -- check

-find guy to play guitar -- check

-rent a funny venezian gondola guy suit -- check

errrmm.. ladies, where do y'all live again?


A little correction or suggestion if I may..

Instead of getting someone to play guitar, LEARN how to do it yourself. Love it when guys can play all those awesome songs and sing...

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I think its kind of weird when people break up for them to get back together....I mean you broke up for a reason....now unless you feel you two are meant to be then let it be..... smile.gif


PS..sometimes writing a heartfelt letter works if you want to get her back.... cwm38.gif



~*A bad little kiddie doing bad little things*~


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You might try a gesture like was suggested before but once you've done it---believe me the best thing is to do NOTHING. Don't even try. From personal experience, I can tell you that it's like hitting your face against the wall. And that drove her away even more.

Make the most of ur life, have fun, meet new friends, move on. If she really likes you, she'll come back. If you nag at her, it'll never happen.


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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Turntable. . .WORD UP~!. . .Turntable is sooooooooooooooooooo RIGHT. . .If she really cares about u she will come back. . .DEFENITELY DON'T NAG HER~!. . .MikeMc. . .I know from Xperience. . .


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Guest crystalmethodny

Just be honest, simple, straight to the point... and /mean/ it in your voice.

Take her hand and kiss it.

Forget about all the Romeo and Juliet garbage for now, go the simple route, then bring in all the fun stuff.

This is coming from someone who believes in Romanticism.

Go simple. smile.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."

"A vibe is a terrible thing to waste, finding one is as rare as gold in the Cali mountains." - Moi

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Now, because I don't know you guys or anything about your relationship I can only speak from my own personal experience; (and trust me it happened not long ago) cwm37.gif Get down on your knees and BEG...the foot kissing didn't hurt either...but the tears were what melted my heart.



"deep within I'm shaken by the violence of exsisting for only you..."

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Okay now...perhaps if explained in a slighty more romantic tone, that sounds like a great idea, but do something special, just for her, so she will know this time you mean it!


"deep within I'm shaken by the violence of exsisting for only you..."

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Show her you're making an effort. Be sincere, be sweet, and don't give up. If you were in the wrong in the first place, a little begging doesn't hurt (sillylittlename smile.gif) Court her & show her that you'll treat her well ALL the time. Good luck, I hope it works out for you!

cwm38.gif Regina



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MIkey-okay hun you wanted something crazy I gave it to you in its simplest form possible... besides ever girl can agree that when we see that happening on TV... we always say WHY NOT US... trust me it'll work like a Charm.. SHE WILL NEVER EVER FORGET YOU FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE....

Don't listen to the boys that posted and their prior experiences they obviously know nothing... trust me darlin'

and if you try to learn how to play the guitar it may be too late.. so just go along with what I said and then when it works I want dinner out of this!



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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

sing to her out her window I would love it if I guy did that to me... I think it sooo nice...... old fashion and what would really be great is if you could get someone to play the guitar while your singing...

AH! you would steal my heart! any second

What if she lives in the basement? What if she lives on the 35 floor? What if he can't sing for shit? What then?

You need to plan for these things...

Here's what a gentlemen like myself would do in a situation like this.

1.Make sure to find out that she's gonna be availabe on a certain night... absolutely certain...

2.Send her a big ass mofo bouquet of flowers telling her to be ready for that special night...

3.Have a place picked out for dinner... and for drinks as well... preferably Top of Sixes or Top of the Tower. Also make sure that you have some Broadway tix ready on hand... something like Phantom of the Opera or some real mushy musical.

4.Rent a limo for the night... you can have her picked up without you while you wait in front of the designated dinner spot. Have another bouquet of flowers waiting in the limo for her.

5.If you can't sing... write her a poem... this always, always, knocks girl's sox right outta the ball park... and make sure you mean what you say in the poem... girls have a bs detector for this sorta shit.

6.Make sure to have condoms with ya, cause after the flowers, dining, the theater, and the poem... she will think you are the most romantic guy in the world...

It'll cost ya a few bucks, but if it's the luv of your life... well, it's worth it...

Final Note: If any of the above doesn't work... hang the bitch cause she ain't got one iota of romance in her.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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sorry charlie get ready for some bashing by yours truely! great ideas but it wont work.

Originally posted by ezdreamer:

What if she lives in the basement? What if she lives on the 35 floor? What if he can't sing for shit? What then?

You need to plan for these things...

Here's what a gentlemen like myself would do in a situation like this.

1.Make sure to find out that she's gonna be availabe on a certain night... absolutely certain...

2.Send her a big ass mofo bouquet of flowers telling her to be ready for that special night...

flowers are soooo 80's and so typical for a breakup-makeup situation

3.Have a place picked out for dinner... and for drinks as well... preferably Top of Sixes or Top of the Tower. Also make sure that you have some Broadway tix ready on hand... something like Phantom of the Opera or some real mushy musical.

dinner you can do any night very average thinking Charlie nothing spectacular about dinner... yuk! a broadway show... for a make up.. are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!! I love broadway shows but I don't want to watch on when we are supposed to be making up.. If your trying to impress a girl with all of this its not worth your time its NOT GOING TO WORK!

4.Rent a limo for the night... you can have her picked up without you while you wait in front of the designated dinner spot. Have another bouquet of flowers waiting in the limo for her.

YUKKKKKKKKK... I wouldn't step foot in a cheezy wanna be prom queen LIMO... YUKKKKK

get a town car to drive youa round its much much better... if your going with Charlies ideas... YUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Limo! Oh my god not in a million years!

5.If you can't sing... write her a poem... this always, always, knocks girl's sox right outta the ball park... and make sure you mean what you say in the poem... girls have a bs detector for this sorta shit.

ok poems are okay...but singing to her no matter how bad your voice is is going to put a sting in her heart (ONLY AND ONLY SHE IS INTERESTED IN YOU... you mentioned before that she was so I am assuming she likes you just a tad bit!)

6.Make sure to have condoms with ya, cause after the flowers, dining, the theater, and the poem... she will think you are the most romantic guy in the world...

It'll cost ya a few bucks, but if it's the luv of your life... well, it's worth it...

Final Note: If any of the above doesn't work... hang the bitch cause she ain't got one iota of romance in her.




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The only answer to someone who's giving you the runaround is to run fast in the opposite direction. Life's too short for such bullshit.

If this chick comes back begging you to take her back---then you might have a chance. Otherwise--forget it. Let's be realistic here. In the meantime, you'll probably have a better chance with the next babe.


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

flowers are soooo 80's and so typical for a breakup-makeup situation.

dinner you can do any night very average thinking Charlie nothing spectacular about dinner... yuk! a broadway show... for a make up.. are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!! I love broadway shows but I don't want to watch on when we are supposed to be making up.. If your trying to impress a girl with all of this its not worth your time its NOT GOING TO WORK!

Okay, I luv you to death too, so what I say here is just a matter of disagreement and opinion.

Actually I love girls like you... a little song and dance and you're in the bag... kidding... kidding... man, no one has a sense of humor anymore...

About the flowers thing... hmm... the typical 80's thing would be to fight, fuck, make up, fight again, fuck some more, make up again... that's the true 80's style for ya...

And no, I disagree wholeheartedly... it's not only the impression that counts, it's the fact that you put some thought into it... what girl doesn't deserve a little bit more planning and thought than strapping a guitar and singing like a fucking lunatic waking up everybody else on the block? If some idiot did that on my block I would hose his ass down and tell him to shut the fuck up and tell the ho to fuck him already so I can go back to sleep or concentrate on posting on this board... capiche?

And women wonder why chivalry is dead... everything we do they say it's either from the movies or so eightish. What next, don't open the door for them cause it's so passe? Fuck it... next time something like this comes up I'll play that untuned guitar that I just learned to play two days ago while I sing in my cracked out voice, tell you I luv u... then go upstairs and fuck the luv of my life... yeah... that's real romantic...

Sing with me:

"You don't bring me flowers anymore..."


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Get her to go out with you just one night, tell her you just want to have dinner or a drink.

Then, slip a roofie in her drink, take her back to your place, and tie/chain/handcuff her inside a cage(this you have to already have planned out and built)

When she wakes up, tell her she can't be let out unless she vows to stay with you for the rest of your lives, and if she refuses, she stays locked up...either way, she's back with you.

Good luck!

- Peter





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Originally posted by schwingep:

Get her to go out with you just one night, tell her you just want to have dinner or a drink.

Then, slip a roofie in her drink, take her back to your place, and tie/chain/handcuff her inside a cage(this you have to already have planned out and built)

When she wakes up, tell her she can't be let out unless she vows to stay with you for the rest of your lives, and if she refuses, she stays locked up...either way, she's back with you.

Good luck!

- Peter


I saw that movie...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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