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Kerry.com message board shit list

mr mahs

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So I join the Kerry board to rile some feather with out being insulting of course and they placed me on some watch list that forwards my messages to a moderator before it appears on the site...

*****Your posts are under review due to this infraction. Post a few times and the mods will let those post onto the board if they are within meeting rules, and soon will remove this restriction if you demonstrate your willingness to stay within the meeting rules.

This site is such a joke you hit them with facts and opinions and they put you on some bull shit list, hypocrites...

Remember when Kerry told a person it wss non of their business about the Foreign leader endorcement issue? Well the site follows the same guidelines... I ain't done with this.......

Here was my post, you tell me if I should be placed on some fawking watch list...

This was one of my reply's

****Oh you mean the 4 month photo shoot he went on before he came back and REALLY lied about what took place in Vietnam with fake witnesses and all..

Weird how Lerch got a medal in four months, no?

He should've stayed home

If you think my post was harsh, you should see the bile coming from these idiots....

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That particular post broke the camels back... They said it was a combination of posts that led to the blacklisting. The rest of the posts were about homeownership and outsourcing and were appropriate and completely contradicted the mods post with facts to back it up.. And you say Bush is a radical

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Latest PM......

We remove all posts with name calling and derisive remarks including those against Bush. I think we are being very fair here. Try criticizing Bush on the Free Republic forum and see what happens

Besides, all message boards have rules, we enforce ours strictly to permit real debate. Stay away from the derisive rhetoric and stick to the facts. Keep in mind that although it is our policy to debate openly opposition allegations, this forum is not an echo-chamber for right wing smears which is why we any particular attack issue only one topic. And we know all of them too. We read the papers and watch the ads etc.. so we know when someone is doing a cut-and-paste job from Rush, Hannity, Free Republic, RNC etc.. We weren't born yesterday you know

Be a good citizen for a few days and I will consider lifting your restriction then

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This was my post to a Doom and Gloomer who discredits the record HH net worth figure from WSJ, I've posted on here before.

What if the housing bubble bursts?

My reply that got pulled.... The title of the thread was...

Great Economy Under GWB?, Propaganda or truth?

I replied to his housing bubble reply with....

The housing "Correction" would occur if rates rise. Now if the rates don't suddenly increase from the deficit which is unlikely, then the only economic occurence would be rapid growth ie..jobs,capital spending,consumption. Judging from the last economic cycle of the 90'S, we could experience another 8-10 year expansion if innovation occurs.. Nanotechnology anyone?

Listen I just bought a home and was on the same side as you, bearish on the housing market, looking for a correction but the numbers work out.

400k home 5.25% rate $2208 a month

Rate goes to 7.25% because the Fed loan rate has been adjusted upward, why? Job and income increases from accelerated economic expansion. Housing prices drop 15% (340k) but remember it's a tangible asset and has little to no liquidity so the impact of a price drop isn't greatly felt. Americans have locked 40 year lows on their home mortgages and every mortgage

payment gets them one step closer to final ownership.

If the economy continues to pick up and God saves us from another attack and democratic president then we should be OK..

I guess the last part really pissed them off...lol

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Originally posted by mr mahs

This site is such a joke you hit them with facts and opinions and they put you on some bull shit list, hypocrites...

how are they hypocrites?


btw: since it is Kerry's website, I imagine that they want to keep the website as pro-Kerry. I would be suprised if Bush's website doesnt have a similar policy.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

1. how is that hypocritical?

2. most message boards screen member's posts. For example, CP's software scans every post and blocks out any links to rival websites.

It's a political forum why should opposing opinions be stamped out? What happens when the debates occur? I understand the rival link issue because of monetary factors but seems hypocritical about the censurship imho... Sen Flip Flop is DOOMED!!!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

So I join the Kerry board to rile some feather with out being insulting of course and they placed me on some watch list that forwards my messages to a moderator before it appears on the site...

*****Your posts are under review due to this infraction. Post a few times and the mods will let those post onto the board if they are within meeting rules, and soon will remove this restriction if you demonstrate your willingness to stay within the meeting rules.

This site is such a joke you hit them with facts and opinions and they put you on some bull shit list, hypocrites...

Remember when Kerry told a person it wss non of their business about the Foreign leader endorcement issue? Well the site follows the same guidelines... I ain't done with this.......

Here was my post, you tell me if I should be placed on some fawking watch list...

This was one of my reply's

****Oh you mean the 4 month photo shoot he went on before he came back and REALLY lied about what took place in Vietnam with fake witnesses and all..

Weird how Lerch got a medal in four months, no?

He should've stayed home

If you think my post was harsh, you should see the bile coming from these idiots....


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