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Israel Will Continue Targeted Hamas Killings

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — With tension between Israelis and Palestinians at intense levels following the assassination of Hamas (search) founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin (search), an Israeli security official on Tuesday said they will continue the targeted killings of the entire Hamas leadership without waiting for the terror group to strike again.

The official on condition of anonymity said the decision was made secretly by the Israeli Cabinet last week, in response to a double homicide bombing at a seaport.

Israel's army chief also suggested Tuesday that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (search) and Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah could eventually be assassinated by Israel.

"I think that their (Arafat's and Nasrallah's) responses yesterday show that they understand that it is nearing them," Yaalon said. "In the long term, I hope that this will be a sign to all those who choose to hurt us that this will be their end," Yaalon said.

Arafat's aides said Monday that the Palestinian leader was concerned he could now be in Israel's crosshairs. It was not clear what response by Nasrallah the army chief was referring to.

Late Monday, Israeli tanks rolled into the Gaza Strip (search) to stave off Palestinian rocket fire against Jewish communities in retaliation for the Yassin killing.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians thronged the streets of Gaza City for Yassin's funeral procession Monday, and Hamas threatened punishing revenge attacks against Israel. It also hinted for the first time that the United States could become a target for backing Israel.

Late Monday, Hamas' leaders appeared in public at a mass mourning ceremony at Gaza's Yarmouk stadium, apparently believing that they were safe in such a public setting. Hamas leaders often hide underground when tensions are high with Israel.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia (search) headed to Gaza on Tuesday to pay his condolences to Hamas. He was to attend a ceremony at the stadium later in the day.

The Palestinian Authority declared three days of mourning and stores throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip were closed Tuesday. Hamas is the biggest rival to the authority, but Palestinian leaders treat the movement with respect because of its popularity.

Security chiefs are closely watching to see who fills the political vacuum caused by Yassin's death. At least initially, hardliner Abdel Aziz Rantisi (search), has emerged as a Hamas strongman. Rantisi, a 54-year-old pediatrician who escaped an Israeli assassination attempt last June, opposes even a temporary truce with Israel.

Hamas, founded by Yassin in 1987, wants to destroy Israel and replace it with an Islamic state. Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Monday that Hamas killed 377 Israelis and wounded more than 2,000 in hundreds of attacks.

Ismail Hanieh, a top Yassin aide, said Hamas took a blow to morale, but would continue carrying out attacks on Israel. "Sheik Yassin's death is not going to harm or affect the movement. It's going to give us encouragement to go ahead with our program to achieve our goal," Hanieh said.

In the meantime, Israel has increased security both at home and abroad. Jerusalem's usually lively streets were mostly empty Monday night, due to fears of a Hamas attack. Buses remained empty on Tuesday.

Checkpoints were set up around major cities, and police were visible on city streets Tuesday. Tel Aviv police commander Yossi Sedbon told Army Radio on Tuesday that he expects the alert level to remain high for at least a month.

A closure preventing Palestinians from entering Israel from the West Bank and Gaza remained in effect, and the army increased forces throughout the Palestinian areas, officials said. Five Palestinians died in violence following Yassin's killing Monday; only minor stone-throwing clashes in the West Bank were reported Tuesday.

Troops were prepared for a variety of scenarios, including kidnappings and attacks on army bases and Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, the officials said. Security also was beefed up for military and political leaders.

Forces increased security along the northern border with Lebanon in fear of a Hezbollah attack. The Lebanese guerrilla group fired anti-tank missiles and artillery rounds at Israeli troops late Monday, drawing Israeli return fire. No casualties were reported.

Outside the country, Israel stepped up security at embassies, consulates and other official offices. Israeli officials also advised various Jewish centers around the world to take precautions. Israel fears that groups operating abroad, like Hezbollah or al-Qaida, might strike to show solidarity with Hamas, the officials said.

The assassination, which killed seven other people, received large support in Israel, despite the belief that it will spark more violence. The Yediot Ahronot daily published a poll showing 60 percent of Israelis that killing Yassin was the right thing to do, while 32 percent thought it was wrong.

On the other hand, 81 percent of Israelis believe the assassination will lead to an increase in militant attacks, while 15 percent think it will have no impact and only three percent think it will lead to a decrease. The Dahaf poll had a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points.

"No one in the system, not even Sharon, believes that the assassination of the sheik will reduce the scope of terror. There is no strategy here: just bitter frustration and mounting difficulty to look the voters in the eye," wrote Yediot columnist Nahum Barnea.

Israeli media reported Tuesday that Avi Dichter, the director of Israel's Shin Bet internal security service, had opposed Monday's airstrike.

The Maariv daily said Dichter favors waiting for Hamas leaders to gather together and killing them in one blow. It said he is concerned about revenge attacks each time a Hamas leader is targeted.

The attack drew widespread condemnation from Arab and European governments. The United States, Israel's closest ally, said it was "deeply troubled" by the assassination and urged restraint.

The killing was part of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's effort to crush Hamas ahead of a possible Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. However, the killing was seen as a huge gamble that could galvanize the Palestinians behind Israel's arch-foe Hamas.

The missile strike dealt also what could be the final blow to the stalled U.S.-led "road map" peace plan. It also angered Egypt and Jordan, two moderate Arab states whose tacit support Sharon needs for any unilateral withdrawal from Gaza.

A team of top Israeli officials, including Sharon's bureau chief Dov Weisglass and National Security chief Giora Eiland, were headed to Washington on Tuesday to discuss the withdrawal plan with American officials.

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Originally posted by sobeton

this will accomplish what for Israel :confused: will assassinations make Israelis safer:confused:

Remarkable......more outrage from the appeasers that this mass murderer is gone that when Hamas blows up innocent Israeli's on a bus for no other reason than they are Israeli....

Absolutely remarkable...

And the twisted logic that this is a bad thing because it will cause more violence??????...Are you kidding me?

What fucking rock have you clueless wonders been living under?....

Hamas was not already committed to the destruction of Israel and responsible for the innocent deaths on a mass murder scale?

So now that their murderous leader is gone, they will use 50lbs of explosives in their suicide belts instead of 30 lbs?

They will place the 5 inch nails now inside the explosives instead of the 3 inch nails?

Instead of blowing up a bus next month, they will do it this week?

The schoolbooks will now say Israel needs to be destroyed because they killed our leader, instead of just saying Israel should be destroyed with the reason du jour?

The Palestinian clerics who preach hate and encourage martrydom will now scream at a higher decibel?

This assassination will draw more recruits to their "cause" versus the sermons in mosques, the teachings in schools, or the control of Palestinian society by Hamas, Arafat, and their Arab state sponsors of terrorism?

You fucking appeasers, hypcorites and dumb fucks make me sick

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not really. What have assassinations done in the last three years. Nothing, they will keep getting more recruits as long as this kind of violence is used.

I've said before - nothing is going to change unless leadership on BOTH sides, that includes the Israeli right-wing, Torah waving, holyland-is-ours-only nutjobs, as well as the radical, Israel-does-not-exist nutjobs in Hamas.

What the pro-<insert side here> people don't understand is that its as much the fault of the side they're defending as it is the fault of the other side.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

not really. What have assassinations done in the last three years. Nothing, they will keep getting more recruits as long as this kind of violence is used.

I've said before - nothing is going to change unless leadership on BOTH sides, that includes the Israeli right-wing, Torah waving, holyland-is-ours-only nutjobs, as well as the radical, Israel-does-not-exist nutjobs in Hamas.

What the pro-<insert side here> people don't understand is that its as much the fault of the side they're defending as it is the fault of the other side.

This is where I differ, big time with you...

Israel reacts

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Originally posted by igloo

This is where I differ, big time with you...

Israel reacts

Why does it not "react" by giving the Palestinians their own state? Or if not that, make them Israeli citizens, with full voting rights. What is this state of limbo they are kept in.

Nope, each side has done equally harmful things to hurt the "peace process", and things will not get any better until both sides get an overhaul. That is, Palestinians get over this bullshit idea of hating Jews. ANd Jews give up this extremely absurd and stupid idea of "greater Israel".

Sharon has stated in the past, when he was a general, that he would not rest until every last Palestinian was driven from the so called "holy land".

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Sharon has stated in the past, when he was a general, that he would not rest until every last Palestinian was driven from the so called "holy land".

Keep mentioning things said years ago you dumb dick, people's views can change over time unlike the views of hamas & your other brethren

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Originally posted by mr mahs

What would appeasement acheive when your enemy doesn't recognize your right to exist???

appeasement can breed more violence. it's clear that Hamas must be a part, of the road map to peace. conversely, the recognition of Israel will be a key factor; in the success our failure of any peace plans.IMO the ills of the past of both parties, however painful must be put aside our peace will never be achieved. I don't favor Palestinian, or Israel. I favor peace and an end to the loss of innocent peoples lives.
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Originally posted by sobeton

appeasement can breed more violence. it's clear that Hamas must be a part, of the road map to peace. conversely, the recognition of Israel will be a key factor; in the success our failure of any peace plans.IMO the ills of the past of both parties, however painful must be put aside our peace will never be achieved. I don't favor Palestinian, or Israel. I favor peace and an end to the loss of innocent peoples lives.

"...it's clear that Hamas must be a part, of the road map to peace".

That is where clueless wonders like you are fucking lost....

Hamas DOES NOT WANT PEACE.....What the fuck is so difficult to understand about that?

You are seriously naive and ignorant......Congrats on not being pro-anyone, and all you want is peace and innocent deaths to stop...we should all be so worthy to aspire to your humanity...

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Originally posted by igloo

"...it's clear that Hamas must be a part, of the road map to peace".

That is where clueless wonders like you are fucking lost....

Hamas DOES NOT WANT PEACE.....What the fuck is so difficult to understand about that?

You are seriously naive and ignorant......Congrats on not being pro-anyone, and all you want is peace and innocent deaths to stop...we should all be so worthy to aspire to your humanity...

since you seem be so adapt at attacking anyone, whose position you don't favor. why don't you enlighten me with your solution? ;)
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Originally posted by g420

Keep mentioning things said years ago you dumb dick, people's views can change over time unlike the views of hamas & your other brethren

do you like getting your ass kicked on messageboards? You must really crave attention if the only way you can get it is to try rile someone on a messageboard.

sorry piece of shit. why don't you go back to your neo-nazi/KKK meetings and draw swastikas or whatever else you sick fucks do.


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For all the Israeli apologists - it is extremely naive to think that if Hamas put down all its arms, the PLO dismantled all the terror organizations, and accepted Israel, that Israel would then move back to the green lines, give the Palestinians their own statehood, freeze and REMOVE all settlements built since 2000, and accept a soverign Palestinian state, with part of Jeruselm as a capital. Not in a million years. You see what happened to the one PM who had the courage to try follow thruogh with that - he was assassinated, not by a Palestinian, but by an Israeli Jew. And the huge uproar caused in the Jewish community for his concessions.

The mentality of Israeli Jews also has to change in order for there to be peace - you have people like g420 representative of the Israeli Jewish mentality, you won't have any peace - just the continued ethnic cleansing in a more subtle form. As much as you would like to ignore it, thats the hard truth.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

hmm...no replies from the Israeli apologists.

does that surprise you? it's a shame people have died, and will continue to die. simply because egos, and ills of the past can't be put aside to foster peace.
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the reality of the situation is people are dieing and will continue die... at some point somebody needs to say it’s enough, and what can we do to end this nonsense. it's quite apparent Israel is just as stubborn as Hamas. wiping out the Hamas leadership will not make Israel any safer. conversely, Hamas attacking Israel will not make Hamas any safer. can these parties peacefully coexist, I believe they can. the real question is do THEY really want to??

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Originally posted by sobeton

the reality of the situation is people are dieing and will continue die... at some point somebody needs to say it’s enough, and what can we do to end this nonsense. it's quite apparent Israel is just as stubborn as Hamas. wiping out the Hamas leadership will not make Israel any safer. conversely, Hamas attacking Israel will not make Hamas any safer. can these parties peacefully coexist, I believe they can. the real question is do THEY really want to??

i believe they can too..i think the killing of Yassin made things worse for Israel now...he got replaced by another hardliner, so the cycle continues...both sides should just stop the killing...but everytime there is a period of peace, Hamas or some other wacko goes into Israel and blows himself up...which in turn ignites Israel...for this peace plan to work both sides have to get rid of their hardliners.... Palenstine with Arafat & the current Hamas leader...Israel also has to get rid of their hardliners like Sharon and others in his cabinet...till they do..doesnt matter what steps anyone takes for peace, it wont work...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i believe they can too..i think the killing of Yassin made things worse for Israel now...he got replaced by another hardliner, so the cycle continues...both sides should just stop the killing...but everytime there is a period of peace, Hamas or some other wacko goes into Israel and blows himself up...which in turn ignites Israel...for this peace plan to work both sides have to get rid of their hardliners.... Palenstine with Arafat & the current Hamas leader...Israel also has to get rid of their hardliners like Sharon and others in his cabinet...till they do..doesnt matter what steps anyone takes for peace, it wont work...

Werd! And it really scares me the guy who replaced Yassin is as extremist a nutjob as you can get!

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ariel sharon is probably a war criminal.

his views haven't changed over time.

they've hardned.

people, as a rule, become more conservative with age (yes, I know it's hard to imagine igloo becoming any more conservative I know).

he is a dodgy motherfucker, up to his eyes in scams, death, destruction and bad leadership...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

YUP...i bet Sharon is kicking himself in the ass..this guy might worse than Yassin...

I'm not sure if Sharon is kicking himself in the ass, or patting himself on the back. With Yassin gone, and the new guy in, there is even less chance for peace, more fighting, more justification for keeping the military there, keep building the fence, and keep building settlements.

I dunno man, its a twisted, twisted shitheap there - who knows whats really going on. They need an international peacekeeping force there.

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Originally posted by marksimons

people, as a rule, become more conservative with age (yes, I know it's hard to imagine igloo becoming any more conservative I know).

Not necessarily conservative douchebag, a realist...something jerkoffs like you who live in fantasyland can not comprehend.....

Hmmmmm..people become more "conservative" with age.....I think I actually agree with you....amazing how things like education, wisdom, experience, etc that comes with age moves people to become "conservative....

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Originally posted by igloo

Hmmmmm..people become more "conservative" with age.....I think I actually agree with you....amazing how things like education, wisdom, experience, etc that comes with age moves people to become "conservative....

And when people start working and paying taxes, it usually causes an exodus...

"I'm just happy I'm on the right side of the fence"

MrMahs 2003

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There is an editorial in the Wall Street Journal today indicating that (successful) attacks on Israeli civilians have decreased dramatically since Israel started this policy of assassination of terrorist leaders. Of course, the US can't be too against it since Israel just says "we are just doing what you did with bin Laden and Hussein!"

They don't examine the possiblity that maybe the Arabs are running out of people willing to be suicide bombers. But here is a passage that I thought was interesting:

"To date, there has not been a single instance in which a Hamas leader sent one of his own sons or daughters on a suicide mission...when one looks closely at just who the suicide bombers are (or were), often they turn out to be society's outcasts." The author goes on to state an example of a woman bomber who did it rather than be stoned to death for having an affair, the author claiming that her husband and lover settled on her martyrdom as a way to finish the matter.

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