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A look at the religion of hate on Palestinian TV


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"They deserve death, and we deserve life"

A look at the religion of hate dished out by Palestinian TV.

by Claudia Winkler


IN BETWEEN ERUPTIONS of exceptional violence that propel the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back to the front pages, life goes on in the Palestinian Authority. Friday sermons, in particular, go on, and every Friday at noon, one of them is broadcast live on the radio and shown on the PA's single TV channel.

It's worth tuning in from time to time. Non-Arabic speakers can do this thanks to the invaluable Middle East Media Research Institute, which posts its translations of items from the Arabic media on its website. Because of MEMRI's work, we can sample the hate speech characteristic of extremist Islam.

Thus, Friday before last, on March 12, the Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris used an example from the life of the Prophet Mohammed to explain why the Jews must be destroyed. When it came to eliminating the Jewish "cancer" from the city of Medina, the prophet got his orders direct from God.

The "Lord of heaven and earth, Who knows the nature of the Jews, who forever live off the fire of civil strife and disseminating their venom among the brothers," informed the prophet that in dealing with the Jews of Medina, there would be three stages.

First, an unavoidable political stage, while the Muslims were gathering strength. "The second stage was harder for the Muslims: The stage of tolerating the damage caused by the Jews, who again began violating the pacts and spreading their poison among the Muslims."

Finally, the third stage, when at last the Muslims could say to the Jews, "We

have tolerated you for a long time--you offspring of apes and pigs!" and get on with the business of expelling them from Medina. The prophet's "strategic choice was: 'Fight them, Allah will torture them [at your hands]' and also, 'Make ready against them [all] the force and horsemen that you can.'"

History repeats itself, explained the imam. Once again, the Jews, characterized by "miserliness and cowardice," are the terrorists. "They deserve death, and we deserve life, because we are the people of Truth."

Sheikh Mudeiris, MEMRI notes, is paid by the Religious Affairs Ministry of the Palestinian Authority, as are his fellow Friday preachers. For a sampler of PA TV sermons from 2000 to 2003, see the special report by Steven Stalinsky. Read up on the education of children for martyrdom ("blessings for whoever has saved a bullet in order to stick it in a Jew's head . . ."), the reconquest of Palestine for the purpose of establishing the Muslim caliphate with Jerusalem as its capital, the rewards that await the martyr ("he is saved from the torments of the grave; he sees his place in Paradise; he is saved from the Great Horror [of the day of judgment]; he is given 72 black-eyed women; he vouches for 70 of his family to be accepted to Paradise; he is crowned with the Crown of glory, whose precious stone is better than all of this world and what is in it"), the religious war against Crusader America, and more.

Whatever the headlines on any given day, these are themes that are going to be with us for a long time.

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While it is unfortunate that sermons go on like this, what do you fuckin expect from palestinians?

do you expect them to be happy at the Jews for killing their children, just like you expect the Jews to be happy for suicide bombings and let Yassin live?

Zionists dont need sermons because theyre interpretation of the Torah already allows them to kill everyone who is not a Jew.

If you really think Islam is a religion of hate and violence then I cannot help you. If you read the Q'uran yourself you should understand that nothing can be farther from the truth, but i guess your inferior intellect and bias towards muslims clouds your judgement.

There is no beef between Jews and Muslims in the Q'uran. How can there be hatred if we consider Abraham and Moses Muslims themselves? If you find verses that talk about the Jews, they are telling what transpired at the time and what will happen in the future, no where in the Q'uran does it say to kill Jews, on the contrary people of the book are to be respected. For example, the Q'uran talks about how the Jews are ignorant to Messiahs and killed prophets that came after them. Also, it talks about how Jews expel people out of thier homes ignorantly (what is happening now in Palestine)

At the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Jews were very cynical towards him, much like the time of Jesus. They demanded that he perform a miracle.

So he parted the moon to show the Jews that he was a Prophet and that's why the Moon has a crack down the middle of it that NASA can't explain why it is there. When the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ascended from the Dome of the Rock to heaven he prayed along side all of the great propehts, including Jesus, Moses and Abraham.

So I fail to see how Islam could be against Jews since we respect the Propehts of Judaism themselves. The guy giving this sermon is filling young hearts with hatred because of the conflict. There is nothing religious about his sermon.

Muslims were great protectors of the Jews and lived side by side during the Ottoman Empire peacefully, and before the British and the U.S. gave Palestine to the Jews, Jews and Palestinains were living there peacefully for a long time. All of this violence started in 1945.

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Originally posted by djxeno

Zionists dont need sermons because theyre interpretation of the Torah already allows them to kill everyone who is not a Jew.

If you really think Islam is a religion of hate and violence then I cannot help you. If you read the Q'uran yourself you should understand that nothing can be farther from the truth, but i guess your inferior intellect and bias towards muslims clouds your judgement.

Hey douche bag, did I not ask for your comments on a serious note????

And it is your inferior intellect that causes you to make comments like you did about the Torah...

My bad mistake in thinking that you may be useful in this discussion...

And another thing jerkoff, if there is anyone who is biased it is you---and you have clearly shown without a doubt that you are...

Fuck you calling me biased against Muslims you plebe.....I challenge you to come up with one example of where I am biased against Muslims or Islam....

I am biased against those who preach hate, distort the religion, and towards those appeasers and apologists who make excuses for these elements instead of holding them accountable..

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your ass can never be fuckin serious on this board you dickweed.

did you actually think i would fall for your bullshit? go head motherfucker, find a bias in my post.

i did not post about the torah, i posted about zionism's interpretation of the torah, i guess that flew over your little peanut head.

you know why i think you are biased against muslims.....did you ever post anything postive about Islam.....no all you posts is negative articles on Islam, Iraq and the Palestinians.

just look at this article you posted....."a look at the religion of hate..."

"muslim clerics encourage "wife beeting"..

"islamists rape 100 women in attack"

"10 year old palestinian boy found with explosives..."

"why should we care about Iran?"

....just some of the articles you posted....never posted anything positive about Muslims or islam...

pretty bias to me...

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Originally posted by djxeno

your ass can never be fuckin serious on this board you dickweed.

did you actually think i would fall for your bullshit? go head motherfucker, find a bias in my post.

i did not post about the torah, i posted about zionism's interpretation of the torah, i guess that flew over your little peanut head.

you know why i think you are biased against muslims.....did you ever post anything postive about Islam.....no all you posts is negative articles on Islam, Iraq and the Palestinians.

just look at this article you posted....."a look at the religion of hate..."

"muslim clerics encourage "wife beeting"..

"islamists rape 100 women in attack"

"10 year old palestinian boy found with explosives..."

"why should we care about Iran?"

....just some of the articles you posted....never posted anything positive about Muslims or islam...

pretty bias to me...

How does that mean bias against Muslims or Islam retard....

To repeat, I have a bias against those who have hijacked the religion, distort the religion, pervert the religion for their murderous means....and towards those who do not hold these elements accountable but point the finger of blame elsewhere..

Every one of those posts is applicable to my stance....

And do I questions some aspects of the religion of Islam...of course, but no different than I question some apsects of all religions, including my own

You on the other hand, have clealry shown your hate and bias.....

Back to you

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Originally posted by djxeno

did you ever post anything positive about Islam? i think not....

Nice avoidance, but I will go with it....

Yes, I have...One that comes to mind was a prominent Saudi cleric denouncing terrorism...another was written by Pipes explaining how Islam is being distorted....these are just off the top of my head son...

You are chasing bullshit son...now, back to these various article I have posted (with the obvious recognition they have nothing to do with true Islam), what are our unbiased comments?

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