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Iraq Threatens To Be Worse Than…

Life Under Saddam


By: Bruce S. Ticker - 02/27/04

‘It could spell trouble for Iraq’s tiny Christian community.’ - Gordon Robertson on ‘The 700 Club’

No kidding, Gordo. They’re not the only Christians in trouble. Not to mention everyone else who wants peace in the Middle East.

If current trends persist, George W. Bush could have replaced one mess in Iraq with a far larger mess.

Hey, folks, the threat of civil war needs to be taken very seriously. Shiite Muslims who account for 60 percent of the majority offer every reason to fear that they will establish their own dictatorship. Worse, they could establish a partnership with Iran.

If the Shiites ever take control, who knows what they’ll do? They will have the freedom to abuse Iraqi minorities as badly as Saddam Hussein abused dissenters, and perhaps even worse.

This is what comes of rushing into war. Bush did everything but do cartwheels to convince us to launch an attack on Iraq, but given his record for lies and loyalty to corporate and pseudo-religious interests that was no surprise.

Congress abdicated its constitutional responsibility to declare war not only legally but in practical terms. Both chambers spent only a few days before authorizing Bush to start a war whenever he felt like it.

The majority of Congress did not bother to justify the need for an invasion. Nor did it take time to assess the risks. Such as the possibility that someone as bad or worse than Saddam Hussein could take over Iraq.

No question that Saddam Hussein is a butcher who can safely be called a modern-day Hitler. In toppling and capturing the dictator, Bush did a good thing for probably the wrong reasons. In so doing, he opened a hornet’s nest and we have to wonder how dangerous the sting can be.

The Shiites are starting out claiming that they want direct elections, which would leave them with majority control. There are fears that the Shiites will go on to create a theocracy and either force other Iraqis to convert to their form of Islam or treat minorities as second-class citizens.

Then maybe they might form some kind of partnership with Iran and the Great Satan…that’s us…will be left out in the cold.

This leaves the United States with a lose-lose choice – withdraw troops in a reasonable amount of time and allow the Shiites to do as they please, or maintain troops in Iraq for decades if not forever.

The latter choice would mean sacrificing more American lives and spending ourselves into domestic destruction, and we are not far from that now.

Had our national leaders in Washington (an oxymoron, for sure) considered the choice between Saddam Hussein and someone worse in the first place, Jay Leno could have posed one of his standard questions: Who do you root for?

The answer: You root for the best interests of the United States and world stability. Bush and each member of Congress voted to invade Iraq rooted for risking even greater chaos.

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Originally posted by bdanto4

Iraq Threatens To Be Worse Than…

Life Under Saddam


By: Bruce S. Ticker - 02/27/04

‘It could spell trouble for Iraq’s tiny Christian community.’ - Gordon Robertson on ‘The 700 Club’

No kidding, Gordo. They’re not the only Christians in trouble. Not to mention everyone else who wants peace in the Middle East.

If current trends persist, George W. Bush could have replaced one mess in Iraq with a far larger mess.

Hey, folks, the threat of civil war needs to be taken very seriously. Shiite Muslims who account for 60 percent of the majority offer every reason to fear that they will establish their own dictatorship. Worse, they could establish a partnership with Iran.

If the Shiites ever take control, who knows what they’ll do? They will have the freedom to abuse Iraqi minorities as badly as Saddam Hussein abused dissenters, and perhaps even worse.

This is what comes of rushing into war. Bush did everything but do cartwheels to convince us to launch an attack on Iraq, but given his record for lies and loyalty to corporate and pseudo-religious interests that was no surprise.

Congress abdicated its constitutional responsibility to declare war not only legally but in practical terms. Both chambers spent only a few days before authorizing Bush to start a war whenever he felt like it.

The majority of Congress did not bother to justify the need for an invasion. Nor did it take time to assess the risks. Such as the possibility that someone as bad or worse than Saddam Hussein could take over Iraq.

No question that Saddam Hussein is a butcher who can safely be called a modern-day Hitler. In toppling and capturing the dictator, Bush did a good thing for probably the wrong reasons. In so doing, he opened a hornet’s nest and we have to wonder how dangerous the sting can be.

The Shiites are starting out claiming that they want direct elections, which would leave them with majority control. There are fears that the Shiites will go on to create a theocracy and either force other Iraqis to convert to their form of Islam or treat minorities as second-class citizens.

Then maybe they might form some kind of partnership with Iran and the Great Satan…that’s us…will be left out in the cold.

This leaves the United States with a lose-lose choice – withdraw troops in a reasonable amount of time and allow the Shiites to do as they please, or maintain troops in Iraq for decades if not forever.

The latter choice would mean sacrificing more American lives and spending ourselves into domestic destruction, and we are not far from that now.

Had our national leaders in Washington (an oxymoron, for sure) considered the choice between Saddam Hussein and someone worse in the first place, Jay Leno could have posed one of his standard questions: Who do you root for?

The answer: You root for the best interests of the United States and world stability. Bush and each member of Congress voted to invade Iraq rooted for risking even greater chaos.

This article is old...so much has happened since this article...

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Originally posted by bdanto4

mr. mahs, what has happened in the past three weeks that have changed the issues mentioned in this article?

this article IS a month old...and much has happened since...they signed their Constitution which boasts one of the most liberal in the Middle East...and the unrest has been pretty non-existant...the only thing happening over there of grave importance is the insurgence targeting civilians and Iraqis...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

this article IS a month old...and much has happened since...they signed their Constitution which boasts one of the most liberal in the Middle East...and the unrest has been pretty non-existant...the only thing happening over there of grave importance is the insurgence targeting civilians and Iraqis...

An interim constitution was signed.. Not a permanent constitution.. Some of the Shiites have actually backed out of the agreement because of some provisions

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