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Kerry collaborating with EU


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WASHINGTON — Earlier this month, Democratic Presidential candidate, Sen. John Kerry proclaimed foreign leaders were pushing for him to win the election over President George W. Bush.

According to a charge being levied by Americans for Tax Reform, Kerry, in fact, appears to be working with the Europeans to impose tariffs on U.S. made products in key swing states.

“It’s official,†said taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist., president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR). “Europe is actively participating in the U.S. election and is collaborating with the Kerry campaign. ATR calls on Kerry to stop this collaboration now and remove the tariffs being placed on U.S. companies and workers.â€

The Foreign Sales Corporations (FSCs) and the extraterritorial income exclusion (ETI) export subsidies were found to be in violation of World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements due to a suit brought by the EU.

As of March 1st the EU started to impose tariffs on U.S. made products in key presidential swing states with additional tariffs being levied at the beginning of each month absent changes to the tax law.

President Bush and Congress have put forward a plan to remedy the situation and bring the U.S. tax code into compliance with the WTO ruling. Yesterday, the Senate Democrats, in near unison, filibustered the remedy to ensure the tariffs stay in place.

The Democrats collaboration with the EU, says the group, is making U.S. companies less competitive, inflicting jobs losses here in America, and undermining overall economic growth.

“Coordinating political maneuvers to inflict job losses in swing states is economic treason,†continued Norquist. “If Euro-socialists don’t want Bush to be President of the United States, bully for them. But for a challenger to look to Europe to inflict pain in the United States is taking Machiavellian power plays to a level never before seen in American politics.â€

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Originally posted by siceone

WASHINGTON — Earlier this month, Democratic Presidential candidate, Sen. John Kerry proclaimed foreign leaders were pushing for him to win the election over President George W. Bush.

According to a charge being levied by Americans for Tax Reform, Kerry, in fact, appears to be working with the Europeans to impose tariffs on U.S. made products in key swing states.

“It’s official,†said taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist., president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR). “Europe is actively participating in the U.S. election and is collaborating with the Kerry campaign. ATR calls on Kerry to stop this collaboration now and remove the tariffs being placed on U.S. companies and workers.â€

The Foreign Sales Corporations (FSCs) and the extraterritorial income exclusion (ETI) export subsidies were found to be in violation of World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements due to a suit brought by the EU.

As of March 1st the EU started to impose tariffs on U.S. made products in key presidential swing states with additional tariffs being levied at the beginning of each month absent changes to the tax law.

President Bush and Congress have put forward a plan to remedy the situation and bring the U.S. tax code into compliance with the WTO ruling. Yesterday, the Senate Democrats, in near unison, filibustered the remedy to ensure the tariffs stay in place.

The Democrats collaboration with the EU, says the group, is making U.S. companies less competitive, inflicting jobs losses here in America, and undermining overall economic growth.

“Coordinating political maneuvers to inflict job losses in swing states is economic treason,†continued Norquist. “If Euro-socialists don’t want Bush to be President of the United States, bully for them. But for a challenger to look to Europe to inflict pain in the United States is taking Machiavellian power plays to a level never before seen in American politics.â€

Kerry is a disgrace...

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America complaining about europe meddling in america's elections.

and America isn't meddling in Iraq's.

and how anyone can say kerry is a discrace with a straight face, well, that makes me laugh.

as does the notion of europe and kerry and the democrats working together to loose american jobs.

now who is paranoid with unproven conspiracy theories to explain away the problems that bush created...

the tarrif stuff is correct, but remember, that it was in retaliation for the tarrifs that the US put on certain products, in a votewinning attempt that, well backfired, big style!

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Im sorry... you are just fucking ridiculous I swear. you don't think that democrats votiing to keep the US in violation of WTO regulations is a little fucked up. and more so in an election year?

So because some one has hurt feelings about Tarriffs we should screw the rule of law you.. you're a fucking moron.

And how areyou going to compare this to Iraq the Iraqi people were begging for our help and 70% of that country are glad saddam is gone. they way you selectivley portray the facts is cute.

I really used to respect you but you fail time and time again to argue based on merit and fact, instead you draw ridiculous corellations.

you're hopeless I feel bad for the british

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mmm 70% of the country may be happy that saddam is gone, but are they happy about how the country is being run now?

do they think the toppling of saddam could have been done bettter?

democrats voting for the tarrifs is perhaps a little fucked up, but is it a plan with the EU?

do we have a list of people who voted on this, so we can check the article is correct?

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so you want to tell the iraqi people oh we can get rid of your saddam problem but can a couple of you come with us so we can talk about the best way to over throw saddam? oh don't worry we have time Im sure he won't kill to many more shia muslims or kurds.

go to the congessional web page they should have minutes there

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