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an islamic world


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after all the mini conversations about terorism etc. what is comes down to is that the islamic terrorists/fundamentalists- want an islamic world. all the excuses for their murderous ways- are just that excuses. they want an islamic world- and are killing/murdering to obtain that goal. israel, usa, spain, iraq, all just excuses to justify their islamic/fundamental nightmare

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Originally posted by siceone

If this country fell to an islamic state you can kiss it all good bye and say hello to 300 years of dark ages

Anarchy isn't the word. The american will for freedom could never be crushed by Extremists unlike Spain who handed their security to Al Qeada on a silver, blood drenched plate...

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they don't want an arab world, they want the west out of their world... that is all...

different things.

saying the islamic fundamentalists want to rule the world is silly.

they could never ever do it.

you can make a stronger argument that bush wants to force his fundamental christian beliefs on the rest of the world...

oh, and dark ages, that was us white europeans who lost the knowledge of the classic civilisations.

it was the arabs who were ahead of us, and who translated greek and stuff back into languages we could read.

and the chinese were ahead of all of us.

and need I remind you that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew.

yes Islam is pretty violent towards infidels, but you ever read about the crusades? they were pretty f'ing violent and bloody.

oh, and as for anarchism, you read Malatesta?

The American will for freedom seems something like this: Freedom for Americans to do whatever they like to whoever they like, whenever they like.

the world standard of freedom, built on the blood of slaves, 2/3rds a man in the first draft of the constitution.

gotta love American history guys!

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Originally posted by siceone

If this country fell to an islamic state you can kiss it all good bye and say hello to 300 years of dark ages

Anarchy isn't the word. The american will for freedom could never be crushed by Extremists unlike Spain who handed their security to Al Qeada on a silver, blood drenched plate...

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Originally posted by marksimons

they don't want an arab world, they want the west out of their world... that is all...

different things.

saying the islamic fundamentalists want to rule the world is silly.

they could never ever do it.

you can make a stronger argument that bush wants to force his fundamental christian beliefs on the rest of the world...

oh, and dark ages, that was us white europeans who lost the knowledge of the classic civilisations.

it was the arabs who were ahead of us, and who translated greek and stuff back into languages we could read.

and the chinese were ahead of all of us.

and need I remind you that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew.

yes Islam is pretty violent towards infidels, but you ever read about the crusades? they were pretty f'ing violent and bloody.

oh, and as for anarchism, you read Malatesta?

The American will for freedom seems something like this: Freedom for Americans to do whatever they like to whoever they like, whenever they like.

the world standard of freedom, built on the blood of slaves, 2/3rds a man in the first draft of the constitution.

gotta love American history guys!

in a way- lot of folks here( defending/justifying/inderstanding murdering terrorism) remind me of that scientist, onboard the space ship- which has the Alien( sigourney weaver movie)-captive- behind glass etc etc. in the end- this alien/killer loving scientist gets killed of course by the alien clan

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Originally posted by marksimons

they don't want an arab world, they want the west out of their world... that is all...

different things.

saying the islamic fundamentalists want to rule the world is silly.

they could never ever do it.

you can make a stronger argument that bush wants to force his fundamental christian beliefs on the rest of the world...

oh, and dark ages, that was us white europeans who lost the knowledge of the classic civilisations.

it was the arabs who were ahead of us, and who translated greek and stuff back into languages we could read.

and the chinese were ahead of all of us.

and need I remind you that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew.

yes Islam is pretty violent towards infidels, but you ever read about the crusades? they were pretty f'ing violent and bloody.

oh, and as for anarchism, you read Malatesta?

The American will for freedom seems something like this: Freedom for Americans to do whatever they like to whoever they like, whenever they like.

the world standard of freedom, built on the blood of slaves, 2/3rds a man in the first draft of the constitution.

gotta love American history guys!

you are trying to say islamic fundamentalists don't want the whole world to be muslim? are you crazy?

and yes I know alot about the fucking crusades, we should learn from the past and respect each other religions, an by religions I don't mean the right to beat your wife.

I said nothing about Anarchy I said the dark ages and your'e right.. when the europeans chased the arabs out of europe they destroyed a ton of technology simply because it was Arab..

anything associated with the west extremists want destroyed

dont' bring up bullshit old arguments abotu american slavery when slavery still exsists in your own fucking back yard we at least started to fix our slavery problem 150 years ago. why aren't you bitching at china for their gov't perpetuated slavery and prostitution or better yet? what about the fucking arab who still sell thier daughters like cattle? why aint you bitching about that which exists today instead all you got to do is gripe abotu the past and because of our past mistakes, we can't say anything about anyone? Bullshit you show me a culture more tollerant than america I fucking dare you.

This goes to prove once again you make inaccurate statements, what the fuck do you know about american freedom? I don't care what the fuck you think... you're veiw of america is seriously myopic. Remove the speck from your eye Mr. Simmons

by the way what the fuck does jesus being a palastinian jew have to do with anything it pisses me off when people say that SO FUCKING WHAT. what doesn that mean? that he's less jewish than an isreali Jew because he was from Gallalie does that make him a Gallalean Jew then. what does the term mean it means nothing. do you even know where the word palastine comes from? Seriously stop saying that bullshit doesn't matter if he was palastinian or not I don't care what region of the world he came from he could be a Detriot jew for all I care. Why do people say that like the fucking Current palastinian people have a connection with jesus? is that what that's supposed to mean like they as some how chosen too cause they walked the same ground jesus did years ago? is that what that palastinian jew thing is about ? like the palastinians are entitled to something because they call themselves palastinians that shit is so damn tired.

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Originally posted by marksimons


which Alien film are you on about...

and if you remember, the 'corporation' wanted to keep the very dangerous alien alive and use it for it's own military ends...

and if you remember- in the end- democracy wins-with all its faults and imperfections-

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what the fuck.

this is crazy.

democracy in the alien films?

I'm lost...


"Bullshit you show me a culture more tollerant than America I fucking dare you."

a friend of mine got beaten up in Arizona a few weeks ago for expressing political opinions.


I would say the UK is more tolerant than America.

I would say Canada is more tolerant than America.

but naturally, it depends where you go in America, New York and LA are more tolerant than Texas, I would argue.

Slavery, yes, it's still with us, economic slaves on a minimum wage, they exist in the US, in the UK, in europe, in asia.

it's fucked up and the west as an entirity is responsible for this shocking state of affairs.

I don't think that muslim fundamentalists want the whole world to be muslim, I believe that is a line put out to scare god fearing americans into supporting the war.

Find me an Al Quaeda statement saying they want the whole world to be an islamic regime and i will change my mind.

america started to fix it's slavery problem 150 years ago, but still had legalised racism well into the 1960s, and race is still a tinderbox issue in many places, the situation is better, but I wouldn't hold America up as a shining example of racial integration and equality.

the prison statistics speak for themselves.

I'm still totally bemused and amused by the Alien thing though...

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Originally posted by marksimons

what the fuck.

this is crazy.

democracy in the alien films?

I'm lost...


"Bullshit you show me a culture more tollerant than America I fucking dare you."

a friend of mine got beaten up in Arizona a few weeks ago for expressing political opinions.


I would say the UK is more tolerant than America.

I would say Canada is more tolerant than America.

but naturally, it depends where you go in America, New York and LA are more tolerant than Texas, I would argue.

Slavery, yes, it's still with us, economic slaves on a minimum wage, they exist in the US, in the UK, in europe, in asia.

it's fucked up and the west as an entirity is responsible for this shocking state of affairs.

I don't think that muslim fundamentalists want the whole world to be muslim, I believe that is a line put out to scare god fearing americans into supporting the war.

Find me an Al Quaeda statement saying they want the whole world to be an islamic regime and i will change my mind.

america started to fix it's slavery problem 150 years ago, but still had legalised racism well into the 1960s, and race is still a tinderbox issue in many places, the situation is better, but I wouldn't hold America up as a shining example of racial integration and equality.

the prison statistics speak for themselves.

I'm still totally bemused and amused by the Alien thing though...

end of conversation- you sympathize with the extremeists- i don't- we shall agree to disagree. hope you sleep with one eye open lmfao

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Originally posted by marksimons


but bush is religious extremist too...

dontchya get it...

you dont get it- bush comes and goes- he is temporary- he is not perfect- i agree. you miss the point-the islamic fundamentalists will have none other but themselves

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Originally posted by marksimons


but bush is religious extremist too...

dontchya get it...

you evaluation, judgement, and perception of the situation is messed up- your comparatives are way off- your equations don't work- your value judgement of people, concepts,and your opinion s on past history, and potential future actions and intnentions is ascew. basically- youre way off lmfao

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Originally posted by marksimons

what the fuck.

this is crazy.

democracy in the alien films?

I'm lost...


"Bullshit you show me a culture more tollerant than America I fucking dare you."

a friend of mine got beaten up in Arizona a few weeks ago for expressing political opinions.


I would say the UK is more tolerant than America.

I would say Canada is more tolerant than America.

but naturally, it depends where you go in America, New York and LA are more tolerant than Texas, I would argue.

Slavery, yes, it's still with us, economic slaves on a minimum wage, they exist in the US, in the UK, in europe, in asia.

it's fucked up and the west as an entirity is responsible for this shocking state of affairs.

I don't think that muslim fundamentalists want the whole world to be muslim, I believe that is a line put out to scare god fearing americans into supporting the war.

Find me an Al Quaeda statement saying they want the whole world to be an islamic regime and i will change my mind.

america started to fix it's slavery problem 150 years ago, but still had legalised racism well into the 1960s, and race is still a tinderbox issue in many places, the situation is better, but I wouldn't hold America up as a shining example of racial integration and equality.

the prison statistics speak for themselves.

I'm still totally bemused and amused by the Alien thing though...

Dude you MORON if there was no minimum wage what do you thin corporation would PAY MORE are you fucking kidding me?

I gotta admit though the ailen thing... I don't know

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Originally posted by raver_mania

you people crack me the fuck up! Tolerance?? haha - any view that is not some version of the neo-con right wing extremism and its considered sympathizing with terrorists. What a fuckin joke!


not even close to truth

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Originally posted by raver_mania

you people crack me the fuck up! Tolerance?? haha - any view that is not some version of the neo-con right wing extremism and its considered sympathizing with terrorists. What a fuckin joke!


not even close to truth-

using eyesight-logic and reason murderers are murderers- politics has no bearing

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