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Joe Scarborough just mentioned this tonight on his show...

Kerry: Shiite Al-Sadr 'a Legitimate Voice'

In an interview broadcast Wednesday morning, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry defended terrorist Shiite imam Muqtada al-Sadr as a "legitimate voice" in Iraq, despite that fact that he's led an uprising that has killed nearly 20 American GIs in the last two days.

Speaking of al-Sadr's newspaper, which was shut down by coalition forces last week after it urged violence against U.S. troops, Kerry complained to National Public Radio, "They shut a newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq."

In the next breath, however, the White House hopeful caught himself and quickly changed direction. "Well, let me ... change the term 'legitimate.' It belongs to a voice — because he has clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days and aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a sort of terrorist alignment."

But Kerry again seemed to voice sympathy for the Shiite terrorist when asked whether he supported al-Sadr's arrest. "Not if it’s an isolated act without the other kinds of steps necessary to change the dynamics on the ground in Iraq," Kerry told NPR, in quotes first reported by the New York Sun.

"If all we do is make war against the Iraqi people and continue an American occupation, fundamentally, without a clarity as to who and how sovereignty is being turned over, we have a very serious problem for the long run here," Kerry added. "And I think this administration is just walking dead center down into that trap."

On March 28, the U.S.-led coalition authorities closed al-Sadr's newspaper, al-Hawza, for 60 days, the Sun reported. L. Paul Bremer, the chief U.S. administrator in Iraq, charged that the newspaper had published false stories blaming the coalition forces for local acts of terrorism.

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Kerry, Kennedy, Gore, Dean...all useful idiots for our enemies....

I suggest all of them, especially Kennedy, recognize their rhetoric and political reckless sniping is shameful, reckless and damaging......and encouraging for our enemies....

The bullshit that emanates from their mouths is exactly what our enemies hope for from American useful idiots, who are used as puppets to erode public support and resolve.......

I also think Kerry should distance himself from these blowhards, and think before he makes his own statements in a time of war.....

You would hope he would recognize it is the right thing to do, but at least, from a political standpoint, it will come back to haunt him.

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Originally posted by igloo

Kerry, Kennedy, Gore, Dean...all useful idiots for our enemies....

I suggest all of them, especially Kennedy, recognize their rhetoric and political reckless sniping is shameful, reckless and damaging......and encouraging for our enemies....

The bullshit that emanates from their mouths is exactly what our enemies hope for from American useful idiots, who are used as puppets to erode public support and resolve.......

I also think Kerry should distance himself from these blowhards, and think before he makes his own statements in a time of war.....

You would hope he would recognize it is the right thing to do, but at least, from a political standpoint, it will come back to haunt him.

I can just see the "legitimate voice" comment in a Bush ad in the near future

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if another country invaded my country.. claimed they were helping me.. but in the process detroyed alot of my country, killed a load of my family and friends and dropped a 500 pound bomb on my mosque.. I might fight also..

You have to realize that is exactly what these Iraqis are thinking..

I am not defending these people at all.. but.. You need to realize what they are thinking right now..

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Originally posted by bdanto4

if another country invaded my country.. claimed they were helping me.. but in the process detroyed alot of my country, killed a load of my family and friends and dropped a 500 pound bomb on my mosque.. I might fight also..

You have to realize that is exactly what these Iraqis are thinking..

I am not defending these people at all.. but.. You need to realize what they are thinking right now..

You have the chain of events ALL messed up bud...

We bombed the mosque after avenging the killings of civilian contractors who's killers were using the mosque to store weapons and fire on americans. . They were the first to claim Fallujah is the cemetary of AMERICA . Problem is there too stupid too realize this only hurts their cause.. If they play nice like the Kurds, then this whole operation wouldn't be happening, actually the faster they follow the majority of the country the faster they obtain sovereignty, bottomline!

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Originally posted by bdanto4

if another country invaded my country.. claimed they were helping me.. but in the process detroyed alot of my country, killed a load of my family and friends and dropped a 500 pound bomb on my mosque.. I might fight also..

You have to realize that is exactly what these Iraqis are thinking..

I am not defending these people at all.. but.. You need to realize what they are thinking right now..

you need to check your facts bro the US carried out one of the cleanest bombing campaings in histoy most of the damamge was caused by the iraqi army themselves.. that mosque was bombed because it was being used as a military position. getyour head out of your ass

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Guys honestly relax.. YOU guys need to get your heads out your ass..

I was trying to look at ideas some Iraqi's might have.. I didn't say my view, nor did I say any actions were wrong..

but this is how some Iraqi's feel..

and no I don't have the chains of events messed up.. I realize what was going on in the mosque.. but.. I've read a few statements from previous high ranking commanders that felt dropping a 500 pound bomb on the mosque was not necessary.. 2 were on Peter Jennings last night..

It doesn't matter if we caused the majority of the damage or Iraq caused the most damage to their own country.. It doesn't matter if we carried the most cleanest bombing campaigns in history.. Its there.. And the Iraqi's see it.. and it wouldn't be there if we didn't start it.. Once again let me remind you that I am not defending any views on the war.. but.. look at how some of the mis-informed Iraqi's might feel about the whole situation.. Yes, we got rid of Saddam Husein.. but.. now are we are forcing our views and way of life to a country that doesn't want it?

and yes they are too stupid to realize.. but.. maybe we need to educate them?

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Originally posted by bdanto4

whats the year deadline?

that how long we have been trying to rebuild this country and eveyrone is doomsaying. that we haven't won the hearts and minds and so on and so forth. you can't educate people properly if they don't have running water and food and infrastructure, which by the way these insurgents are just destroying.. the civilian contractors in those cities say that all that they and the iraqi's who are actually working, have worked for is gone. everything gone.

everyone says that we don't understand them when the truth is they don't understnad us they don't understand our values. we got it wrong trying to understand these guys..

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