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And the Palestinian Animals Want to Rule Themselves?

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Funny thing - You don't hear the Israeli-Arabs that live in Tel Aviv or any other proper city of Israel complaining. They are full citizens and respect Israel's right to exist.

To bad the fools in the Judea and Samaria can't figure out that they would be better off without the help of corrupt PLO leaders and their friends in surrounding corrupt Arab nations.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Funny thing - You don't hear the Israeli-Arabs that live in Tel Aviv or any other proper city of Israel complaining. They are full citizens and respect Israel's right to exist.

To bad the fools in the Judea and Samaria can't figure out that they would be better off without the help of corrupt PLO leaders and their friends in surrounding corrupt Arab nations.

The more Arafat pockets from the aid given to the Palestinians, the poorer they become and the hatred for Isreal increases. Arafat is the only one making out in the deal.

I say withdraw to the pre- 67 boundries, and put 2 in Arafat's skull as a good measure...

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Most of the pro-Israeli crowd on here is so blinded by hate, that a normal person cannot have a logical conversation with any of them.

Especially trolls spreading their propaganda.

Arafat has a 1.4 billion net worth, explain that numbnuts?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Arafat has a 1.4 billion net worth, explain that numbnuts?

Look at the fuckin other million threads about this topic asshole. If you have problems retaining information in your head, its not my fuckin problem!


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Originally posted by raver_mania

Look at the fuckin other million threads about this topic asshole. If you have problems retaining information in your head, its not my fuckin problem!


First off, go fawk your camel you little punk... I didn't catch a attitude with you pussy boy, so don't get your turbin in a bunch over a valid question I asked about that scumbag Arafat.

I'll tell you what your promblem is.. You appeasing fawk..

You appease and take the side of degenarate lowlife scum WHO BLOW UP BUSES WITH CHILDREN ON THEM!!!!


Arafat has a 1.4 billion net worth, explain that numbnuts? :)

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Originally posted by mr mahs

First off, go fawk your camel you little punk... I didn't catch a attitude with you pussy boy, so don't get your turbin in a bunch over a valid question I asked about that scumbag Arafat.

I'll tell you what your promblem is.. You appeasing fawk..

You appease and take the side of degenarate lowlife scum WHO BLOW UP BUSES WITH CHILDREN ON THEM!!!!


Arafat has a 1.4 billion net worth, explain that numbnuts? :)

Like I said, if your memory is degenerating, its not my fuckin fault. Look up old posts, because I'm sick of posting the same shit to you morons! You people will never get it!

Me, an appeaser? haha! Look at a mirror to get a better picture of who's licking the current president's a-hole.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Like I said, if your memory is degenerating, its not my fuckin fault. Look up old posts, because I'm sick of posting the same shit to you morons! You people will never get it!

Me, an appeaser? haha! Look at a mirror to get a better picture of who's licking the current president's a-hole.

Me? Tell me faggotmania is Arafat hung?:laugh:

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no one here is qualified to judge a people unless they have lived in their shoes.................

all man is created equal by God, given the proper tools and education.....people are able to govern themselves. i know.

human bombs is the extreme way of them saying they have had enough oppression and would rather die than live under it.....

sounds like fury to me..........

have u lived in their environment.....i guess u would like being oppressed.....by a military state. maybe we should do it here...as an experiment...........

say u can only stay in your own hood....and not speak/have a relationship with anyone outside your hood..........wonder how that would fly...........

might turn into an "animal" yourself.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Animals need to be ruled, tamed and domesticated to live in society.

now, now, if that were the case, the Israelis would have never gotten their motherland!

And for your information (since you seem to be missing certain cognitive abilities), animals have a much better track record of living in peace than humans.

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Originally posted by muzikchick

no one here is qualified to judge a people unless they have lived in their shoes.................

all man is created equal by God, given the proper tools and education.....people are able to govern themselves. i know.

human bombs is the extreme way of them saying they have had enough oppression and would rather die than live under it.....

sounds like fury to me..........

have u lived in their environment.....i guess u would like being oppressed.....by a military state. maybe we should do it here...as an experiment...........

say u can only stay in your own hood....and not speak/have a relationship with anyone outside your hood..........wonder how that would fly...........

might turn into an "animal" yourself.

you need to be ass raped by an animal you degenerate piece of terrorist loving garbage.

may everything you hold dear die in your arms you mutant

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Originally posted by g420

you need to be ass raped by an animal you degenerate piece of terrorist loving garbage.

may everything you hold dear die in your arms you mutant

:rolleyes: how pathetic! obviously ,you lack the intelligence to respond effectively to muzikchick’s post.
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