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My next 13 nights of partying

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Holy crap tedd patterson was amazing at cielo yet again. Now im at work and if i manage to get 2 hrs sleep here at the desk then im 100% goin to deep if not then that will be the one party i miss. If youve heard tedd b4 then you know the deal if ya ahvent then go to sullivan room on the 24th. Cant wait for this week nothing but house music thru my ears everynight of the week.

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Guest djdoktor

silverbull has the energy, like if he had a industrial strength duracell ultra attatched to his back. not knowing him, but seen him in action... i don't think anyone can keep up with him. thats dedication to what you love. mad props

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well if you guys ever wanted to see me sit down and not dance tonites your chance. Im soooooooo worn out right now that i wasnt gonna go to deep but last min change of plans i have to now for personal reasons. thanks doktor introduce yourself next time. But who knows 2 redbulls and some chinese food might jsut give me some juice lol.

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I know it was worth going out to Deep on Sunday. That place's vibe was at another level. The crowd was happy and passionate. The music was energetic and optimistic. The dance floor was beautiful. All the party goers were moving and grooving. Every were you turned you saw a smile. If some one bumped into you they said sorry or excuse me. To think people actually have manners. I can not wait for the next one and I better see your ass there Gabe.

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wurd reddog we did meet there i was thinkin where lol. I havent slept much so my mind is all clutered up. Hey andres was so glad i went best party i been to maybe the the whole yr so far. All you guys were giving me enregy but i had none left. First time just chillin at a club i guess it is possible. Yo reddog i know your coming thru o fri and sun right.

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but do you dance for 7hrs non stop, and party sober? Cause thats how i roll ive only gone 2 nights without seeing my house so ya got me beat there. And whats with your sig dude holy cap that has to be the typical dancers that me and my frineds always make fun of and embarass everychance we get? Man im so glad that crowd isnt into the deep house parties.

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Originally posted by silverbull

but do you dance for 7hrs non stop, and party sober? Cause thats how i roll ive only gone 2 nights without seeing my house so ya got me beat there. And whats with your sig dude holy cap that has to be the typical dancers that me and my frineds always make fun of and embarass everychance we get? Man im so glad that crowd isnt into the deep house parties.

jp , sf, doesent get much deeper.

some times sober sometimes not. Why do you make fun of them?

I mean stop bro, look at yourself

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jp isnt deep house at all far from it. I guess some of you dont knw what deep house is you guys just call it SOULFUL. jp is hard tech house. Wanna see what a good deep party is go to shelter on sat night sun morning go to a 718 session party. THAT IS DEEP HOUSE. and take a look at myself what? ive been in music videos ive been on nbc and im in the running for a documentary on my life all because of my dancing and history. What i go out everynihgt im unemployed, i fuck a lot, i have love,i meet people everynight that wanna party with me, im short, i wear black, i have jewelery, i dont use substances. I hang with famous djs/producers at lofts. Whats your point? Im the most happiest guy in the world. How many people can say that. My life could be a joke to some people but i dont care.

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Originally posted by afa8317

notallthere444 some may look down on me, but looking at your sig makes me miss the factory. I have to say I had some good times there.

the only people that may talk shit about you are these fucken backwards fucken geeks on this nyc board. There is thousands upon thousands of hard fucken core jp fans out there. BLACK this past weekend felt allot like factory. The insanity is begining again.

Originally posted by silverbull

jp isnt deep house at all far from it. I guess some of you dont knw what deep house is you guys just call it SOULFUL. jp is hard tech house. Wanna see what a good deep party is go to shelter on sat night sun morning go to a 718 session party. THAT IS DEEP HOUSE. and take a look at myself what? ive been in music videos ive been on nbc and im in the running for a documentary on my life all because of my dancing and history. What i go out everynihgt im unemployed, i fuck a lot, i have love,i meet people everynight that wanna party with me, im short, i wear black, i have jewelery, i dont use substances. I hang with famous djs/producers at lofts. Whats your point? Im the most happiest guy in the world. How many people can say that. My life could be a joke to some people but i dont care.

Yo bro. Im so happy you hang out with djs' and producers. I hang out with producers in studios, help put together tracks,. ive lived the scene for about 9 years. I dance I party, ive thrown partys, I did the rave thing for years. I own a night life web site that has been mentioned in a few news papers and gets about 200k hits a month. I dont think i have paid to get into a club in about 3 months just becuase i am freinds with allot of people in the scene. I dont talk about it really though , why ? Cuase i could give a shit less about bragging on this Biased ass faggot nigger board. Id rather fuck with you morons and ruffle all yoru feathers.

I still dont get why you feel being a fashion reject as yourself wearing your stupid ass bling bling chains on top of your cheesy shirt that dust shows up on when your under the black light is "Cooler" then the people in my pictures. I know a few of the kids that are in that pic and they are very much about the music. (Not that it matters, being about the music doesent make you any better of a clubber then anyone else , who gives a fuck)

I can’t stand judgmental losers like you that think cause someone dresses trendy they are a “poser†Get a life you ghetto fabulous “wanna be famous in your own stupid world†glamour gangster night club Rat. Your just a geek that hates cuase he isent.

I for one dont really care how anyone dresses, and dont judge till i know somone . You have pretty much shown your colors , sour grapes bitch

Jp is not deep house? Uhmm.. Yeah.. You know music.. JP plays deep house, tribal and progressive house.

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Originally posted by silverbull

jp isnt deep house at all far from it. I guess some of you dont knw what deep house is you guys just call it SOULFUL. jp is hard tech house. Wanna see what a good deep party is go to shelter on sat night sun morning go to a 718 session party. THAT IS DEEP HOUSE. and take a look at myself what? ive been in music videos ive been on nbc and im in the running for a documentary on my life all because of my dancing and history. What i go out everynihgt im unemployed, i fuck a lot, i have love,i meet people everynight that wanna party with me, im short, i wear black, i have jewelery, i dont use substances. I hang with famous djs/producers at lofts. Whats your point? Im the most happiest guy in the world. How many people can say that. My life could be a joke to some people but i dont care.

Let me get out a pen and paper so you can tell me how to be as cool as yourself.

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Guest mcanimale

i dont care what anybody says, the factory was one of the sickest clubs ever...theres defeinely something to be said about a lot of the people that went there (i.e. too many clones/everyone on drugs)..but the actual club itself, and the vibe were insane, but fuck it, its its not even worth arguing with this guy... he said "im short, i wear black, i have jewlery.....i hang out w/famous producers in lofts"....what does that mean?..then he also says "i have work sat/sunday", then two posts later says "when i go out im unemployed"....are you serious man? are you a real person?...that whole post was probably one of the most random/senseless/uneccessary things of all time

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yo not all there i dont bring up shit myself. And im anti trendy and who said iwas cooler?what makes me better than those peeps i your sig is that I DONT DANCE LIKE ALL 5000 of jp fans. I have style creativity when i dance. And deep house is played at SHELTER check it out. As forpaying for clubs good for you. Im not eve gonna get into that now you would be suprise sir who takes care of me.

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Wow notallthere freak you are right! What a party. Even Kojak enjoys doing that stupid Sf alien shuffle dance. Get a clue bitch! The only reason you are on this board is for us to laugh at your stupid posts cause man they are a bunch of doozies. Oh and yeah drugs are way cool biatch!!!!


Oh man jp please play more of that great deep house you play...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Like I said I was a Factory head and I am also a deep house head. So I think I can say JP does not play deep house. DT may play a deep house track or two. Roger Sanchez spins deep house and all form of house. Erick Morillo is a true house DJ so of course he includes Deep House in his sets. These are the only famouse NYC DJ that I know of that may spin some deep house besides prog, tribal, tech, or hard house. Of course there are many other NYC DJ that Spin Deep House but I do not think half of you would know who they are. JP does not fall in this category. I have heard JP spin many different forms of house but can not say he will throw down some Deep house. It is just impossible to do the Factory shuffle to music with soul. So I think JP stays as far away from Deep House as possible.

P.S. I can Factory Stop Cirlcles around anyone but I choose to dance with my own style.

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why does everything have to be about the music... why can't people just go to a club for fun.. to kick bick with their friends, drink a few beers and maybe meet some new people... also, why cant people try to dress up a bit.. you like your black shirt and parading around your silver jewelry so whats wrong with someone wearing a nice shirt? even if it says armani on it.. i mean c'mon now.. your black clothes make you happy and their nice clothes make them happy..

silverbull... my question to you is..

why would someone, who is supposedly "so" content and happy with their life, have to brag about their daily living?? Im under the impression that you started this thread to get a reaction out of people.. so everyone knows how often you go out and how hard you dance.. if you weren't seeking attention and/or approval from us random internet people then why would you brag about going out 13 nights in a row and dancing 7 hours each night?? im :confused:

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Originally posted by luztidara


Wow notallthere freak you are right! What a party. Even Kojak enjoys doing that stupid Sf alien shuffle dance. Get a clue bitch! The only reason you are on this board is for us to laugh at your stupid posts cause man they are a bunch of doozies. Oh and yeah drugs are way cool biatch!!!!


Oh man jp please play more of that great deep house you play...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Well put- this cornball who has no clue about music so has to resort to joking on my screen name.

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approval and attention from ya arent necessary. I like to spread my love of house music and partying. And my pic is in my avatar so if you see me around say hello lets chat. Thats all. Im a party animal and its always good to meet people who share some things in common. As for the clothing thing i can understand if a few people had thier a/x shirts but when its a whole room full of people YIKES.

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