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rantisi dead


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Originally posted by babbo

yeah- we should stop hunting ben ladin also- good point

you use the same bullshit comparison Sharon uses.it's a weak justification, and Israelis will pay the price for Sharon 's arrogance. will that make you happy?? "At the end of the day, violence will breed more violence, hatred will breed more hatred." that 's the bottom line. Call me ignorant or whatever suits your fancy. the attack was wrong, and Israel knows it. Bush our no balls President needs the Jewish vote so badly, so far be it from him to say anything against Israel. How fucking pathetic, and you wonder why Anti-Semitism is at an all time high worldwide." live by sword die by the sword" remember those words you love to quote so often.
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Originally posted by sobeton

you use the same bullshit comparison Sharon uses.it's a weak justification, and Israeli’s will pay the price for Sharon 's arrogance. "At the end of the day, violence will breed more violence, hatred will breed more hatred." that 's the bottom line. Call me ignorant or whatever suits your fancy. the attack was wrong, and Israel knows it. Bush our no balls President needs the Jewish vote so badly, so far be it from him to say anything against Israel. How fucking pathetic, and you wonder why Anti-Semitism is at an all time high worldwide." live by sword die by the sword" remember those words you love to quote so often.

anti- semitism all time high?? you are ignorant- its always been at an all time high- defending yourself against a murderer needs no justification I dont know what the heck youre talking about bush for- the attack is correct-and Israel knows it-

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Originally posted by babbo

anti- semitism all time high?? you are ignorant- its always been at an all time high- defending yourself against a murderer needs no justification I dont know what the heck youre talking about bush for- the attack is correct-and Israel knows it-

umm okay whatever my friend. keep living in a fantasy land , and watch the body counts go up.. The "chosen people"are no better then there enemy.. a civilized people, what a fucking joke.
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Originally posted by sobeton

umm okay whatever my friend. keep living in a fantasy land , and watch the body counts go up.. The "chosen people"are no better then there enemy.. a civilized people, what a fucking joke.

america shouldnt defend itself?? israel shouldnt defend itself?? interestinfg concept there "my friend" sounds like you got some issues eh?? end of thread

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let's play flip the coin. how typical! Israel is always "defending" itself. it's not like they couldn’t have just ceased him; they had to kill him. whatever sympathy I had for Israel is long gone, and I'm sure many feel the same. let Israel live in the hell, they continue to help create. "live by the sword die by the sword" I really could careless.. I'm done!

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Originally posted by sobeton

let's play flip the coin. how typical! Israel is always "defending" itself. it's not like they couldn’t have just ceased him; they had to kill him. whatever sympathy I had for Israel is long gone, and I'm sure many feel the same. let Israel live in the hell, they continue to help create. "live by the sword die by the sword" I really could careless.. I'm done! [/Q

your sympathy?? i don't think any one gives a crap about that lmfao

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Originally posted by babbo

Originally posted by sobeton

let's play flip the coin. how typical! Israel is always "defending" itself. it's not like they couldn’t have just ceased him; they had to kill him. whatever sympathy I had for Israel is long gone, and I'm sure many feel the same. let Israel live in the hell, they continue to help create. "live by the sword die by the sword" I really could careless.. I'm done! [/Q

your sympathy?? i don't think any one gives a crap about that lmfao

I don't stand alone read the sentence sport.:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by babbo

anti- semitism all time high?? you are ignorant- its always been at an all time high- defending yourself against a murderer needs no justification I dont know what the heck youre talking about bush for- the attack is correct-and Israel knows it-

Palestinians are merely defending themselves against murderers too.

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Originally posted by djsaber

Palestinians are merely defending themselves against murderers too.

so strapping explosives onto your son's chest and sending him onto a bus full of civilians is what constitutes the word "defense" huh.

real interesting concept you've got there.

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I guess I was too conservative when I guessed that this guy only had a month to live when he took over the leadership of Hamas... He only made it two weeks.

I guess the good news for Hamas is that everyone just got another promotion. lmao

Israel blows up car of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi in Gaza..."

Gee, I hope he had good insurance (and, a low deductible).

Rantisi forgot the main rule of an Hamas leader: Buy ALL the life insurance you can.

Reuters' expected spin:

"Join Hamas! Fast promotion! Early retirement!"

Donald Trump to Rantisi! You're Fired!

Let the Palestinians put Rantisi in a wheelchair after he recovers. Israel can unleash another hellfire on him."Reminds me of the movie "Weekend at Bernie's." They can prop him up in a wheel chair or something until they select the next creep to be "sentenced" to the "leadership."

Watch - just watch. A female viper will be put in Hamas' top position soon. Then, Israel (or someone) will have to 'assasinate' a WOMAN spiritual leader! Can't wait for the world to spin on that...

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Rantisi was treated in the same trauma room as Rachel Corrie.

The Hamas room for the brain-dead before and after.

I hope no one was stupid enough to give this vermin mouth-to-mouth...

Bad News, Mr. Rantisi: There are no virgins available to gratify your passions.

Good News, Mr. Rantisi: You can have the dead corpses of Yassin and the Hussein boys instead. Enjoy yourself.

With Rantisi dead, the Palis are going to be really mad now.


Oh goodness. I hope this doesn't mean they won't love us anymore.

Palestinians ran into the street following the strike and called for revenge.

Is this different from their everyday calls for revenge or is this one special?

I'm watching the Palestinians react on FOX right now. They remind me of angry fire ants, swarming in front of the cameras.

Dang, what if that was one of Kerry's foreign leader friends? Kerry's running out of foreign leaders.

Maybe the Plass-stinians can have their own version of the *Apprentice,

except the kicker line isn't ...."Your Fired"

Its..."Your dead!

From what NBC said, Rantisi is "clinically dead". They're probably just making some desperate life-saving attempts.

Imagine if he comes back to life, then dies again. Does that mean he gets 144 Virgins. Does he get 72 virgins twice?

We got to ask Islamic Scholars this question.

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shut up with all this pacifism shit.

Hamas= terrorists. plain and simple. No spiritual leader, they're blood thirsty cocksuckers. the more dead the better.

How do you exterminate such a serpent? BUT CUTTING THE FUCKING HEAD OFF! Which is exactly what Israel is doing, god bless em.

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Originally posted by cintron

so strapping explosives onto your son's chest and sending him onto a bus full of civilians is what constitutes the word "defense" huh.

real interesting concept you've got there.

Your right, its almost as bad as Israel shooting women and children in the head. Get off of Israel's meat.

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Originally posted by djsaber

Your right, its almost as bad as Israel shooting women and children in the head. Get off of Israel's meat.

:rolleyes: yeah the murderous israelis who commit atrocities every day because they enjoy trying to keep people from killing their own citizens. If you think i'm going to side with ANYONE but Israel in that region, here's why I wont.

1.) Since Israel was created, they have been attacked by EVERY ONE of their neighbors, without warning.

2.) They have fought against not only their neighbors but against the hostility of the entire region.

3.) They have kicked everyone's ass every time they were attacked, and also taken the land that their enemies forefitted when they lost. Such is war.

and most importantly...

4.) EVERY Israeli strike was in retaliation to an action initiated by another party.

Read those words again. In Retaliation.

That means Israel didnt perpetuate the violence, it only reacted to it. Yes I am going to fucking say it. Israel didnt start this bullshit. Some group of assholes who dont like the idea that when you lose land in war, you lose land in war, started some shit with Israel over palestine and ever since then it's been "everybody strap a bomb to your chest and get on the bandwagon."

You want me to feel sorry for the palestinians? Tell them to stop strapping bombs to their OWN childrens chests first. I dont feel sorry for them. They're fucking idiots and Arafat is reaping all the publicity.

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Originally posted by sobeton

umm okay whatever my friend. keep living in a fantasy land , and watch the body counts go up..

we have bumped heads last week on this issue...the body count on both sides will remain the same...nothing will change...they got rid of another murderer, but someone will replace him...i do agree its an endless cycle...until BOTH sides stop the killing, nothing will change...i dont think Israel made it worse for themselves by killing Rastini...

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Originally posted by cintron

so strapping explosives onto your son's chest and sending him onto a bus full of civilians is what constitutes the word "defense" huh.

real interesting concept you've got there.

It's proof of Desperation , buddy ! ...... How can a impoverished people such as palestinians fight Israel TOE TO TOE .??? .

The American media makes it seem like it's a WAR between 2 .........but in my point of view its clearly an uneven fight where Israel picks and kills whoever they want ....While israelis face Stones and the occasional suicide bomber , palestinains face machine gun fire , apache rockets and tanks in almost a daily basis .


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Originally posted by mursa

It's proof of Desperation , buddy ! ...... How can a impoverished people such as palestinians fight Israel TOE TO TOE .??? .

The American media makes it seem like it's a WAR between 2 .........but in my point of view its clearly an uneven fight where Israel picks and kills whoever they want ....While israelis face Stones and the occasional suicide bomber , palestinains face machine gun fire , apache rockets and tanks in almost a daily basis .


Well if those damn monkey would learn to behave, then maybe the Israelis wouldnt have the need to use force on them...

who knows if the Palestinians would learn to behave, the Israelis might even be kind enough to throw a banana or two at them...

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