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Foiled Al Qaeda Attackers Caught Red-Handed with WMDs


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Foiled Al Qaeda Attackers Caught Red-Handed with WMDs

Two members of an al Qaeda cell connected to top terror master Abu Musab al-Zarqawi have been caught in Jordan with chemical weapons and poisonous gas for a planned attack that Jordanian officials say would have killed up to 20,000 people.

The officials told the London-based newspaper al-Hayat on Friday that the al Qaeda plotters planned to launch a WMD attack against a Jordanian Military Intelligence installation, the US embassy in Amman and a government building in the country.

According to the Israeli newspaper Maariv, the al Qaeda terrorists managed to smuggle three cars packed with explosives into Amman. Jordanian security forces found a chemical charge in one vehicle.

"The bomb, had it been detonated, could have affected people in a one kilometer radius and cause the deaths of up to 20,000 people," Jordanian officials told Maariv

According to United Press International, the al Qaeda car was intercepted just 75 miles from the Syrian border and "carried explosives, a chemical bomb and poisonous gas."

The discovery of the al Qaeda WMD plot is sure to renew speculation that some of Saddam Hussein's missing weapons of mass destruction were hidden in Syria before the U.S. attacked in March 2003, and have now found their way into al Qaeda's hands.

As of Saturday morning, the White House had not commented on the al Qaeda WMD plot and its possible ties to Iraq.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Link please? and why isn't this all over the news? I believe it but I want to see a link to be sure, this is very good news

i can't find this in the news anywhere?!

kind of makes me think about some of the news you post on here

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Originally posted by igloo

Shut the fuck up douchebag....MSNBC OK for you jerkoff?


If the link actually worked but either way, Syria hasn't the capabilities to manufacture wmds in the first place.

And I doubt the source from newsmax is relaible either.



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Originally posted by siceone

use your fuckign head Syria has not capabilities to manufacture WMD idiot

they could have come from someplace else. Iran and Saudi Arabia both have WMD capabilities.

and given Al Qaeda's funding and expertise it would not suprise me if they made it themselves.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

they could have come from someplace else. Iran and Saudi Arabia both have WMD capabilities.

and given Al Qaeda's funding and expertise it would not suprise me if they made it themselves.

the article says..

As of Saturday morning, the White House had not commented on the al Qaeda WMD plot and its possible ties to Iraq...

its now Monday.. where are the ties?!

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