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ROOMMATES wanted, seaside summer rental

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Originally posted by harddtime

Due to last minute backing out by some of our friends we're looking for roomates for a house in seaside. The house is BRAND NEW, it's completed redone. Huge Kitchen, Huge Living space, Huge Backyard Deck. It's located a little more than 50 yards from temps and XS. You can see the entrance of temps from the living room, and entrance to XS from the back deck. There's space available for 3-5 people, and the house will be available may 15th. The cost is only 2 grand for the summer, but we'd need ALL the money plus security by next monday or the deal falls through. We're looking for guys/girls who know how to party and do drugs. NO we're not crackheads, but after a hard week of working the last thing we need is to have someone look down upon our recreational drug use. If this sounds like something you might be interested in or want more info, send me a private message or shoot me an IM on AOL 'harddtime'

Nice way to attract attention from the police. Talking about drug use? I know where the house you are talking about is.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Nice way to attract attention from the police. Talking about drug use? I know where the house you are talking about is.

:laugh: :laugh:

Indeed, the view from the front and back yards sounds like quite a draw too.

This is the best line ever though:

"We're looking for guys/girls who know how to party and do drugs."

Hate to break it to you, but you guys are crackheads if that's one of the prerequisites necessary to be in your shorehouse. :laugh:

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i accually was thinking about it, cuz im looking for a place down the shore.............but after reading the ""We're looking for guys/girls who know how to party and do drugs."

sorry, i don't need to be gettin arested this summer, and buy what your sayin.........ill say that house will get raided a couple of times this summer

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Originally posted by jerseyclubin

i accually was thinking about it, cuz im looking for a place down the shore.............but after reading the ""We're looking for guys/girls who know how to party and do drugs."

Jerseyclubbin, there's a thing called probable cause in the country, putting up my screenname and the area around where our house is located does not give anyone any specific reason to raid any house in the area. If a little drug use scares you then great, then the line did it's job.

ou812....yea it's a prerequisite to be in our house, cause i don't need any beer drinking assholes or their visiting friends giving me condescending fatherly speeches about my weekeend drug use. Hate to break it to you buddy, but your opinion of us means shit in this matter, or at all.

Brian, i disagree with you on attracting attention since nothing specifically was mentioned, our house can be one of 50 in the area, but even at that, they can have all the attention in the world but they'll get any probably cause to go inside OUR house. Posting a message on this message board does not equal probable cause, they this might not even be me....I might have just left my name logged in at some public computer. I hope to god the police have better shit to do then to raid houses for recreational drug use.

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Originally posted by harddtime

I hope to god the police have better shit to do then to raid houses for recreational drug use.

Considering Seaside isn't a hotbed for murder, racketeering, prostitution, embezzlement or insider trading, I'd say that raiding houses for recreational drug use ranks pretty high up there.

Have a great summer. :aright:

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

And I doubt the police are loged into the clubplanet NJ board

You wouldnt believe who reads these boards.

Some people cooments on SF's message boards were cited in the indictment agaisnt SF and Richard Grant. SO you never know.

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Originally posted by harddtime

well at least someone saw my point

Harddtime...(Fellow Iron Brother) I have learned from Elitefitness.com just how much boards like this are monitored...trust me...it does not stop me from talking about injecting myself with an 21 gauge loaded barrel of Prop...just be cautious and safe!!! Good luck on the shore house...

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