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Michael Moore is on point once again

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Originally posted by Drunk

Not only are you a deadbeat minimum wage earning librarian, but you're a pathological liar. PM'ed sassa death threats? :laugh: Never even once spoken to Sassa. Like people would believe someone who made a fake name of AMERICANMADE and talked about abusing his own daughter. You're a sick fuck. And 40 years old to boot, how fucking pathetic. Get cancer, dickwad.:laugh2:

It's good to know that someone who circumvents his sn is worse than a potential murderer who uses death threats (dnice) to drive another person off the boards. :rolleyes:

You are no better than that pile of bile.

BTW. 46 to be exact, dogfuck. This is an 18+ board, therefore it is an adult board. GROW UP, retard and get off the fucking bottle you drunken idiot.

Now go fuck your dog.

Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i believe he was talking about Dnice...either way he IS lying...why do u people even waste ur time? oh and 2tuff: 1) re-size the image next time and 2) drum n bass sucks, never took off; never WILL take off...its so underground its dead and buried....

Stay out of my fucking business. I do what I please. Fuck off!

Now go jerk off and shoot a load on your mixing board. It might enhance it's sound quality.

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Originally posted by dnice35

are you still posting you retarded fuck? just shut the fuck up "normalnoises" or is it "americanmade"?

whichever it might be please just shut the fuck up already, you old piece of shit.

No. Make me. Gonna pm ME a death threat too... potential murderer???

And take your own advice.


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Originally posted by normalnoises

No. Make me. Gonna pm ME a death threat too... potential murderer???

And take your own advice.


Originally posted by mrmatas2277

just what i thought...all bullshit...this is of course ur "MO"...didnt u have a life threatening disease? good to see the medicine is working...:rolleyes:

Like I said, stay the fuck out of my business mod boy.

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For you dnice...

Honduras Follows Spain, Pulls Out of Iraq

Tue Apr 20, 6:12 AM ET

By BEATA PASEK, Associated Press Writer

WARSAW, Poland - Iraq (news - web sites)'s multinational peacekeeping force scrambled to regroup Monday after Spain's announcement that it would pull out its 1,300 troops, with Albania pledging more soldiers but U.S. officials bracing for further withdrawals. Honduras followed suit late Monday night with President Ricardo Maduro announcing the pullout of his troops "in the shortest time possible," confirming U.S. fears.


Gonna call your own people pussies because they're withdrawing?

Originally posted by muzikchick

Moore is a dood, that likes lockin' up young girls....for being human.

Bush is a dood, that likes lockin' up people....... for being arab.

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