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Tim Thomas STFU


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Dude you have been a Knick for 25 games , stfu and dont worry bout the knicks not "retaliating" for you because of a hard foul.

This aint the MAson/Oakley /xavier Mcdaniel Knicks

No one on this team is a bruiser , get over it

What the fuck you want someone to pick a fight ove r a flagrant foul and get thrown out of a game and take a suspension when your already down 2 games

nigga pleeze, and by tthe way timmy thomas drop challenges to Kenyon martin and you might get what you wish for so beware.

that boy will knock you the fuck out.


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Originally posted by bxbomb

Dude you have been a Knick for 25 games , stfu and dont worry bout the knicks not "retaliating" for you because of a hard foul.

This aint the MAson/Oakley /xavier Mcdaniel Knicks

No one on this team is a bruiser , get over it

What the fuck you want someone to pick a fight ove r a flagrant foul and get thrown out of a game and take a suspension when your already down 2 games

nigga pleeze, and by tthe way timmy thomas drop challenges to Kenyon martin and you might get what you wish for so beware.

that boy will knock you the fuck out.


if i were kenyon martin i'd use the line pedro martinez used aboutr karim garcia....who the hell is he to challenge me?? who the hell is tim thomas to challenge kenyon martin??

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Fuck Kenyon Martin and his stu stu stu stuttering ass. That bitch is as overrated as they come. If Kidd wasn't there feeding him oops, he'd average 6pts a game- tops. Talk to me when he can hit a 15-footer with some consitency.

Time for the Knicks to go back to the Riley days - NO LAYUPS. Martin of Jefferson come to slam - take out their legs. Enough of this pansy finesse ballet b-ball! :mad:

The way the Knicks have reacted to this makes me shameful to be a fan right now.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Fuck Kenyon Martin and his stu stu stu stuttering ass. That bitch is as overrated as they come. If Kidd wasn't there feeding him oops, he'd average 6pts a game- tops. Talk to me when he can hit a 15-footer with some consitency.

Time for the Knicks to go back to the Riley days - NO LAYUPS. Martin of Jefferson come to slam - take out their legs. Enough of this pansy finesse ballet b-ball! :mad:

The way the Knicks have reacted to this makes me shameful to be a fan right now.

taking away from your obvious hatred for K- Mart

the point is THomas should shut tthe fuck up about retaliation ,especially down 0-2

and the knicks dont have those type of players anymore,maybe psycho Kurt thomas, (who has done shit since signing that contract) Zeke has to get big front court help this off season.

And whether you think K-mart is overrated or not , he would house T THomas in a fight

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Originally posted by bxbomb

taking away from your obvious hatred for K- Mart

the point is THomas should shut tthe fuck up about retaliation ,especially down 0-2

and the knicks dont have those type of players anymore,maybe psycho Kurt thomas, (who has done shit since signing that contract) Zeke has to get big front court help this off season.

And whether you think K-mart is overrated or not , he would house T THomas in a fight

You telling me Mutumbo wouldn't knock someone's block off if he got the chance?

Have you ever seen Kenyon Martin get into a fight on or off the court in the Pros, college or even High School - NO! It's an act, and anyone can see through that obivously! He has tattoos and growls after dunks - BIG DEAL!! I'm so scared now...what a fake wanna be thug he...Kobe does the shame shit.

Knicks don't have a chance - I know that and you know it...so fuck it...send a message anyway that you shouldn't be blantantly fouled like that without have something happening in return...just like in 92 against the Bulls - they didn't stand a chance so they compeletly changed their style and beat the absolute crap out of Pippen and Jordan. They have the players willing to give hard fouls (Williams, Norris, Sweetney, Mutumbo) - DO IT and stop playing like pussies! Send the message and Zeke will get the big bruisers to back it up next year!

Kenyon Martin - nigga's from SAGINAW Michigan....I know of tougher areas in Greenwich CT! Ben Wallace I wouldn't mess with! Martin on the other hand is complete and utter GARBAGE!

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I agree with needin to show a little toughness , but id rather actually try to go out and win a game than jsut turn into the pistons of late 80s or knicks of 90s which they wouldnt be able to do anway with this roster, and besides those teams actually played great defense unlike this squad

Dikembe at 43 yrs old aint kickin anyones ass, never has been a tuff guy and aint startin now

And yeah people feared Kmart as a cincy bearcat (cincy was expected to be a lock for final 4 that yr when he broke his leg), just as much they do now.....no I havnt seen him personally in a fight , but neither have you , and my money would be on him to kick Thomas ass

although i would love to see some one take Kmart down cuz i m not a big fan of his either....

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Originally posted by spragga25

Fuck Kenyon Martin and his stu stu stu stuttering ass. That bitch is as overrated as they come. If Kidd wasn't there feeding him oops, he'd average 6pts a game- tops. Talk to me when he can hit a 15-footer with some consitency.


Overrated still?? k-mart was an unstoppable monster this series

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Originally posted by spragga25

You could've scored that many points with open looks he got.:aright:

BTW - he ain't doing that shit against Ben Wallace - end of story.

I hope not i want the pistons ot beat their asses

Still think your hatred for k-mart is greater than him being overrated.

He is a solid player

and your right i could drop 30 on the likes of shandon andersen and company any day of the week;) :laugh:

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