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Are people going to point and laugh at me?


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i'm trying to get in shape for the summer and maybe put on a little more muscle.. i've been hitting the hit gym about three times a week but im gonna start going maybe 4-5 times a week because im not where i want to be for this time of year.. my normal schedule is

monday chest

wednesday biceps/triceps

thursday shoulders and back

everyday im in the gym i do situps to failure for two sets and i usually run about a mile and a half to two miles.. i really hate leg exercises with a passion so maybe ocne every two weeks i hit all the machines.. but that's about it as far as working out my legs goes.. my real question is... since im bulking up in every other area, should i also bulk up my legs or will running and the occasional machine here and there suffice??

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Originally posted by trigger55

bulking up your legs will help your upper body bulk up...

i heard that before somewhere but just put it aside bc i hear a lot of things.. so am i kind of cheating myself by not working out my legs as hard as i work out everything else??

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Running will not bulk up your legs, it will most likely make them smaller, only resistance training is going to make them grow, cardio is catabolic. If you do plan on going to the gym 4-5 days a week in the future, I'd recommend you split your shoulders and back into 2 separate workouts on 2 separate days, and do a leg routine on it's own day too.

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Originally posted by oldtimer

i heard that before somewhere but just put it aside bc i hear a lot of things.. so am i kind of cheating myself by not working out my legs as hard as i work out everything else??

yeah there's 2 reasons why

-your body grows symmetrically

-legs produce some sort of natural hormone that helps bulk up your upper body.. or something like that, elitenautica will know if this is true or not.

OU812 is right, running will make your legs smaller unless you're doing some heavy sprints.. As much as I train my legs, they just don't grow that much because of how much I run during soccer, but in my case I need the stamina versus the strength.

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Originally posted by trigger55

yeah there's 2 reasons why

-your body grows symmetrically

-legs produce some sort of natural hormone that helps bulk up your upper body.. or something like that, elitenautica will know if this is true or not.

Yes, It cause a spike in Growth Hormone, which is converted to IGF-1 in the liver, which intern causes growth.


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i never understood why guys just feel they dont have to work their legs... dont they realize how ridiculous it looks when ur upper body is all big and jacked and theyve got scrawny chicken legs? sometimes i wonder how they can even hold themselves up with those things

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thansk for the advice everyone.. i started my new routine this week so hopefully i'll be making a little more progress..

monday chest and back

wednesday legs and shoulders

thursday biceps/triceps

ive been reading in magazines that it's ok to work calves and abs everyday so ill probably be doing that as well.. if i have enough motivation to go an extra day or two a week ill try to work my lower back and upper chest and/or forearms a little more..

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Originally posted by linabina

it isnt really a good idea to work anything every day... ur abs and calves are muscles too and need some time to repair themselves just like any other muscle does...


well when i work my abs i usually only do situps... i usually do one set in the beginning til i cant do anymore and then one set at the end til i cant do anymore.. is doing situps everyday not good for my ab muscles??

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What she said will work.

And, I hope when you mentioned situps, you ment crunches???


no i actually meant situps... i dont do crunches.. i hear situps are better because there's more of a range of motion

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