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a comment about the iraqi prisoner thing


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I found this to be some good reading.



Galen: Who These Prisoners Are

May 10, 2004

We've talked on this program about Rich Galen, who used to work at GOPAC. Now he's a blogger, and has an e-mail newsletter called Mullings. Well, guess where he's been? He's been in Iraq for the past many months and he's been working with the coalition authority. He's back now, and he just reported this in his most recent Mullings.

"I am now officially sick-and-tired of the self-serving and largely uninformed hand-wringing about the goings on at Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad. As someone who has actually been on the grounds of Abu Ghraib prison, let me explain a few things.

"First of all, there is no excuse for what a few soldiers did; but there is also no reason to make this into the moral equivalent of the Black Plague.

"It should be pointed out that the prisoners at Abu Ghraib are not Boy Scouts rounded up for jaywalking. These are bad guys who either blew up or shot a coalition member; or were caught assembling an explosive device; or were caught in a place where the makings of explosive devices were found; or were caught with a cache of weapons. See the pattern here?

"In short they were trying to kill me and others like me. And if they succeeded in doing that, they were going to come over here and try to kill you. Ugly thought? You bet. But that is the kind of prisoner being held in the terrorist section at Abu Ghraib."

That's exactly what I was asking everybody last week. Who are these guys? They're shooting at Americans. They have attempted to kill Americans. You've got to put this stuff in perspective. It has to be put in context.

Everybody talks about the abuse of the prisoners and how horrible it is and how sick and unseemly, but I am getting more upset and more offended and bothered by the unceasing hand-wringing over this, in this touchy-feely little country of ours. This is a war and I thank God there are people like Rich Galen who are able to put this in perspective and inform others of it.


Again, I myself totally disagree with the actions of the accused but disagree more on our enemies tactics.

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