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American in Iraq Beheaded by Militants


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Another unanswered question, what answer would any of them have to be to make a difference?? What could be the excuse for sawing of his head with a knife on video?

There is no reasoning or reaching people who would even think of such a thing yet alone do it.

Nothing can justify such an act...mind you, it's not that I'm a cold son of a bitch...but I do work in communications since I can remember and know the kind of shit that the media fabricates to create a story...you wouldn't believe...trust me.

If installing cable in Iraq, dressed as a civilian is dangerous to the point that you can have your head severed...just imagine walking around Baghdad on full military apparel.

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those jundies are ruthless...i noticed that the knife wasnt even that sharp...poor guy...:(

Oh, I see...now I get it...this thread is not about the global magnitude of the situation developing right now in Iraq...but directly about that cable guy losing his head...you guys are right, poor guy :(

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Another unanswered question, what answer would any of them have to be to make a difference?? What could be the excuse for sawing of his head with a knife on video?

There is no reasoning or reaching people who would even think of such a thing yet alone do it.

in the simplistic manner in which you asked your questions. it does not make a bit of difference. however that was not my point. my point which I stated very clearly; without getting all caught up in the obvious brutality of his murder. was ,there are unanswered questions which should be addressed, and then we should move on. hopefully wiser for the same.

I wish people would show this much rage, at the countless soldiers that die every week in Iraq.

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Sooooooo...I see some here think that one good way to have avoided this from happening would've been to not have shown the pictures of Iraqi prisioners being tortured??? This is nonsense...it only comes to show that some of us think that just because a tree falls deep in the forest where there's noone to hear it...it doesn't make noise???

It's a vicious circle amigos

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son of a bitch! I just saw the video...the world is a really fucked up place, you know?

how about a nuclear bomb and we fry all them motherfuckers before we alll lose our heads...that's my humanitarian comment of the day...fuck amnesty international, fuck the red cross, fuck the geneva convention...let me hear you say...BOOM!

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son of a bitch! I just saw the video...the world is a really fucked up place, you know?

how about a nuclear bomb and we fry all them motherfuckers before we alll lose our heads...that's my humanitarian comment of the day...fuck amnesty international, fuck the red cross, fuck the geneva convention...let me hear you say...BOOM!

i just saw the damn video myself and all i have to say is that i agree with funks last post !! im fucking outraged and fucking pissed !! and also i wish the us didnt blame high gas prices only on these fuckers !! alot has also to do with that loud mouth faggot in venezuela believe it or not :mad:

i just say fuck that shit !! nuke those fuckers before its too late !! and more people have to die .. FUCK THEM !!

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KILL EM ALL AND LET GOD SORT EM OUT,There whole way of thinking,upbring is taught to hate what we celebrate everyday freedom, My Uncle was a dedicated war hero in Vietnam, saw brutal destruction of women,children,Viet, etc. the bottom line is we all sit here and talk shit but none of us have to endure what the soldier's are dealing with everyday, there mind frame, not knowing if a 8 year old is in need of help or trying to kill him, put your thought's in there shoe's for just a glimpse and imagine the shit you see everyday.............

By the way that video was a fucking cartoon compared to the shit that is really going on over there everyday, these people have no conception of life other than some facade of distorted reality taught by madman for year's of aggressive behavior and distorted religious belief's 2 word's"Geneva Convention" fuck em the quicker we clean up IRAQ and instill some kind of government the less we have to worry about more 9/11 event's

Remember we are still young this does not have a direct effect on us but rather our children's future's......... step back for a minute and think about that before you try to rationalize us being over there, Terrorist's will not be fucking tolerated period!!!!!!!!! I'd put my life on the line in a minute to promise the avalibilty of freedom for my children and there future............




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Globalization is to blame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We gotta realize the even though we are the same , we are also different . We should'nt be in a part of the world that doesn't want to change their ways ( if they wanted change they would do so themselves (revolution) .


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I'd personally like to see a public execution of Osama and the rest of the taliban then broadcast it to every motherfucking terrorist out there who even consider's messing with the U.S.A.

cut there ball's off with a dull butter knife and let it be a lesson you fuck with the bull and you get the horn's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Globalization is to blame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We gotta realize the even though we are the same , we are also different . We should'nt be in a part of the world that doesn't want to change their ways ( if they wanted change they would do so themselves (revolution) .


On one hand I agree with you. People should be able to determine their own fate.

but on the other, that is not what is happening. A small group of people want to determine everyone else's fate. They want to dictate how their neighbors live, by their moral code. They want to opress women practically to the point of slavery. And and do you really think they want to be left alone or would they subvert the world to their views if given the chance.

We left the Nazi's alone, and while that seems like forever ago, it was in the lifetimes of all of our grandparents. There is plain evil people in the world, and sometimes you have to make difficult choices and make sacrifices.

and evil will always have the advantage in a struggle for power. If I am in a struggle with you, and I am willing to kill you, and you are not willing to kill me, I am going to win. (guess thats why darth vader was such a bad ass ;) )

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Oh yeah... and all this kill em all shit..

come on, the practical reasons alone are too numerous to list. but fist of all our economy would colapse due to lack of trade, we wold lose every foreign military base, be denied the right to fly over any country, and basically turn the entire world against us.

and morally...

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bla bla bla....

but seriously, what was this guy REALLY doing in Iraq? why was he arrested by Iraqi police? why didn't he leave after the FBI warned him 3 times and the State Dept. offered him a free ticket?

of course nothing could justify what was done to him, I would never suggest such a thing...

anyway maybe he was just a very confident and adventurous young man who sincerely wanted to help rebuild Iraq and make a bundle of cash at it... or maybe not?

the most comprehensive article I've found about this unfortunate fellow is here http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1215557,00.html

I found this passage to be rather intriguing "...His family were not members of Kesher Israel Congregation, however, Berg began attending classes at the synagogue two years ago, according to Aaron Spool, a friend. He visited Israel on his way to Iraq, with hopes of studying Hebrew..."

was he actually an Israeli spy???? again this doesn't justify what that happened to him, but this might just lead to another one of those dirty little secrets from the occupation that's about to go public

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this article says that Berg told a friend he was arrested on suspicion of being an Israeli spy:


though the article in the Guardian said "Last night Dan Senor, the spokesman for the US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, admitted that shortly before his abduction and execution Berg was arrested for "suspicious activities". He refused to elaborate."

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This whole situation has me sick-imagine sitting in front of a camera, speaking your last words, knowing you're about to die a horribly gruesome death. No way to escape, having to give up. These people are fucking barbarians, and I know that people are saying "you can't compare this w/ Vietnam", but really, this war has 2 important comparisons:

1) It's the most violent situation since then

2) It's a war we have no business fighting in the first place

Citizens of this country were so busy being swept up in all the patriotism following 9/11 that it's gone largely unnoticed that this war has almost NOTHING to do with the Twin Towers/White House getting blown the fuck up. In George W's words "We're gonna bring these 'Evil Doers' to justice. Sadaam tried to kill my Daddy." How wonderful that he brought the whole country along on his vigilante crusade. My God brother just got home after being in Baghdad for a year and some odd months. I thank whatever higher power/cosmic energy/fate everyday he's home and my family never had to receive that phone call. I can't even imagine having to watch it over and over on TV and seeing it on every newspaper, for weeks upon YEARS (because that is what is gonna happen) if he died some horrible death like that. I hope his family can get some kind of peace/closure in the months to come and that the media doesn't RAPE this story and show these people a little respect in their hour of mourning. R.I.P.

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this war has almost NOTHING to do with the Twin Towers/White House getting blown the fuck up.

its pretty hard to take anything seriously after that line.

if you don't even know what was bombed/targeted its hard to think your informed enough to respect any opinion you have.

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its pretty hard to take anything seriously after that line.

if you don't even know what was bombed/targeted its hard to think your informed enough to respect any opinion you have.

you obviously read nothing of what point i was trying to prove so it's hard to take your opinoin seriously

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I could...but I won't :woah:

Iraqi will never be "stabilized"...there is just no way that another war will not erupt in the area...historicly, that part of the world has been in turnmoil since they were nomads...since the time of the sumerians...it's basicly a fighting culture...eye for an eye and all that jazz...you steal, I cut your hand...you lie, I cut your tongue...the endless circle of agression and revenge can never be stopped...this is not a 40s movie, the radio is not going to announce that the war is over and our heroe will not kiss the gorgeous nurse...nope, this is real and it's a dusty, hot and very volatile situation...people there are hot and bothered...by their luck and their faith, it's a doomed nation...either all of our troops get out of Iraq or the chances of each and everyone of them suffering a similar faith as this guy's is very high.

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