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War is WRONG


Iraq is a tiny country

and the U.S. is making ASSEs outa themselves thinking they are solving alleged "terrorism" being there...and when those soldiers all come back traumatized they will get a "number" at the Veteran's hospital...where they will no longer trust their governement and deal with flashbacks for the rest of their lives.....and for what?

A rich man's plight to out do his daddy.

please....Mother Teresa is rolling in her grave....read her letter to Bush Sr. it's in her bio.

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because I have to, and I feel she speaks through me...

Mother Teresa's father was killed because he was entangled in politics when she was about 9 years old. She had the one thing her father taught her growing up....being charitable....and thus made her life of that...she did not want titles (patriotic)....she believed she was only belonging to God....no political labels.....you can obviously understand WHY.

(obviously written before '97)

Dear President George Bush (Sr.) and President Saddam Hussein,

I come to you with tears in my eyes and God's love in my heart to plead to you for the poor and those who will become poor if the war that we all dread and fear happens. I beg you with my whole heart to work for, to labour for God's peace and to be reconciled with one another.

You both have your cases to make and your people to care for but first please listen to the One who came into the world to TEACH us peace. You have the power and the strength to destroy God's presence and image, his men, his women and his children. Please listen to the will of God. God has created us to be loved by his love and not destroyed by our hatred.

In the short term there may be winners and losers in this war that we all dread, but that never can, nor ever will justify the suffering, pain and loss of life which your weapons will cause.

I appeal to you -- to your love, your love of God and your fellow man. In the name of GOD and in the name of those you will make POOR, do NOT destroy LIFE and peace. Let the love and peace TRIUMPH and let your names be remembered for the good you have done, the joy you have spread and the love you have chered.

Please pray for me and my sisters as we try to love and serve the Poor because they belong to God and are loved in his eyes, as we and our Poor are praying for you. We pray that you will love and nourish what God has so loveingly entrusted in your care.

(signed) God Bless you. M. Teresa, MC

* taken from Mother Teresa's authorized bio, only to be released after her passing.

In her memory:

Demonstration for a Peaceful Nation:

When: Tomorrow @ half past noon.

Where: 42nd st. and BroadwaY.

What: Vigil, Prayer and a freedom stroll to the United Nations...because WE are FREE....and hope that OTHERS will BE.

Stylin: Pink/blue and G-unit dawgs -->prison approved.

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