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ahha whats the correlation? that's like a muslim not going to mecca. not sayin the UK is the indian holy land..but every single indian i know (and i know a lot) goes to the UK at least once a year. half of them were born over there..it's just strange uve never been

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...most indians have relatives in england or vice verca because of the long-ass occupation the brits had of india...but if you didnt have relatives there, would you really want to visit the land that had your motherland oppressed for so many years????....

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interesting to find your reasoning of why they moved there... but I don't think that's the reason.. it's kinda similar to why my dad came to america.. well he came for school, but america's known, and most indians that come to america go to the same places, ny (because who doesn't know about ny), cali, and chicago... and if they go to other places in the states, it's most probably b/c they have family there... Canada is the same way, b/c a lot of ppl that couldn't get into the states moved to canada, has a huge indian population in vancouver and toronto mostly, but other areas as well...

London's kinda the same as ny, except indians have been living there a lot longer than indians have been coming to the us... so a lot of ppl make the transition from london to the states.... i don't have any fam in london, but a lotta indians i know do have fam there.... so I guess I can see your point...

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...point taken...but it's a lot fresher, to me at least, for india than it is the US...

edit: ...you should also note that i was just saying that i would probably question it...i have no desire to visit Turkey, but if i did i know that thoughts would enter my mind about certain issues that hit close to home...it was only until this past year that my family could visit their families' graves on the other side of the border in cyprus...they couldnt go home for the last 30+ years let alone pay respect to their parents, uncles, etc...not everyone has those issues - as i'm sure many americans can not personally relate to what england did to their relatives - if anything...it's not a fair comparison...but who knows how the sentiment is in india by those that dealt with their oppression - as i said, in a lot of ways it is fresher because it is more recent....

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...most indians have relatives in england or vice verca because of the long-ass occupation the brits had of india...but if you didnt have relatives there, would you really want to visit the land that had your motherland oppressed for so many years????....

my people flock to turkey every year..and we were enslaved by them for 400 years....but then again my people r sheep

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uhh yeah, thats it....

what school did you go to.. college.. ?

Queens College here in NYC

phatman: if my friend heard u say that he'd cut ur heart out with a spoon. he's an ultranationalist greek..and he thinks the recent regime change is the worst thing that could have happened to the country. not to mention ...he thinks all the complications surrounding the olympics are due to western influence which hopes to see greece fail ...HhHAHAHAHA .good kid..but a lil overboard

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...my cousin just came back from athens last week...here's the typical greek...

A man knocks on a woman's door at 10pm. He has come to do some construction on the house. She asks why he has come so late. With complete seriousness, the man states, "I don't know what to tell you - just now is when I woke up."

...greece has been in a political and economical mess for years...and it's no fault of the regime nor the west...it's the average person and their attitude...i hope i never have to meet your friend...lol

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trust me i know. it's the balkan mentality. my people r by far the laziest..i think we even got u greeks beat. no one does shit down there..and complains how they have no $ ..yet they all drive benzes and take vacations to turkey..tunisia..malta..etc etc every summer..its amazing

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