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Salman Pak...the Link To Iraq

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I want to hear what the lefties have to say about this....

The lefties, and the media, will not say anything about this, or any other data pointing to Saddam-Terrorist links. The only thing that would satisfy them would be a picture of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein together watching American Idol.

If you read any book on terrorism or Islamic fundamentalism that was written PRIOR to this war, you could find plenty of information about Iraqi ties to terrorism.

But these leftist imbeciles believe that the world of terrorist groups and their state sponsors fits in a nice little 90 minute Hollywood movie....

Like I have said before, these fucking clueless wonders believe every anti-American conspiracy theory vomited, but their defective brains do not have the capacity to understand the world of terrorism and the ME.....ignorant blowhards....

From Mr. O'Reilly:

Why Won't the Bush Administration Tell Us the Truth About Terrorism?

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

By Bill O'Reilly

Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thanks for watching us tonight.

Why won't the Bush administration tell us the truth about terrorism? That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo."

President Bush continues to believe that the fight in Iraq will eventually make Americans safer. And I think he's right, but I also think he doesn't make a strong enough case. Let's keep it real simple so even the far left fanatics can understand it.

Does any clear thinking person believe that Usama bin Laden would not use a nuclear weapon to kill millions of Americans if he could? Does anyone say he would not do that? If you know someone who doesn't believe that, get away from them fast. Bin Laden would use anything he could to kill as many American civilians as possible.

Here's another question for you. How much do you know about Salman Pak (search)? Today on NPR Radio (search), the host of a New York morning program didn't seem to know much about it. Do you?

Salman Pak is located 15 miles southwest of Baghdad. It was here that Saddam Hussein trained terrorists. Both Iraqi and non-Iraqi Arabs learned how to hijack airlines, make and plant bombs, and stage assassinations, among other things. According to Saba Khodada (ph), a terrorist instructor at Salman Pak who worked for Saddam, the camp was run by an international terrorist called "the ghost", who has yet to be identified. When the Marines raided the camp last spring, they found vats of industrial chemicals, manuals on how to fool U.N. weapons inspectors, and mass graves. They also found a passenger jet.

Here's another question for you. How much do you know about Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? He's a 37-year-old Jordanian terrorist who was wounded in Afghanistan while fighting for the Taliban. He was shipped to Baghdad, where his leg was amputated. He has direct ties to al Qaeda and is believed to have executed American Nicholas Berg.

So let's connect some dots here. Bin Laden will murder any way he can. That's a given. Saddam was training terrorists and helped top Al Qaeda-linked guy Zarqawi, who continues to kill Americans. That's what President Bush should have told the nation last night because those facts are solid and have a direct meaning to us all.

We are now fighting terrorism as a divided nation. That's not going to cut it. Bin Laden actually predicted America would falter in the face of his violence and sees us as decadent and cowardly.

While it is true that Iraq has been somewhat mishandled by the Bush administration, it's also true that this battlefield is necessary and vital. All Americans should wake up and wise up. Terror is terror. We must defeat it totally. Retreat is not an option.

And that's "The Memo."

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The lefties, and the media, will not say anything about this, or any other data pointing to Saddam-Terrorist links. The only thing that would satisfy them would be a picture of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein together watching American Idol.

bro..u just dont know...i put this up in the Miami forum...check it out:

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bro..u just dont know...i put this up in the Miami forum...check it out:

What I also find amazing is that every link or claim of Iraqi-terrrorism ties is diminished, devalued, discounted, or completely ignored by the left and the anti-Bushies.....irrespective of source, information, or proof.......to them, these are just conspiracy theories cooked up by the pro-war mongers...

Yet, when it came to "what Bush knew" prior to 9/11 in his 7 months of office.......they overblow and misrepresent information (i.e. August PDB), lob baseless accusations at Bush for "what he knew" , they point to the weakest, flimsiest data and cause absurd hysteria over it, outright lie, and they believe every conspiracy theory bomb thrown out by the Michael Moore clones.....

They want to kill Bush for connecting the dots in Iraq but kill Bush for not connecting the dots before 9/11 (when giving 8 years of Clinton a pass)...it is a fucking joke, made worse by the disgraceful behavior of the media...

And for those clueless wonders out there who still like to moan that Arab secularists and Islamic terrorists do not cooperate, I suggest you shut your fucking ignorant mouths and do some research.....plenty of examples where "my enemy is your enemy" prevails........read a fucking book jerkoffs instead of Yahoo headlines or recent AL Gore speeches (unless of course, you want to read AL Gore speeches during the 2000 campaign, when he continually spoke about Iraqi WMD, ties to terrorism, and Iraq is a grave threat to national security).

BTW brilliant anti-Bushies and lefties.....know much about that little AL Qaeda group based in Northern Iraq? The one talked about PRIOR to the war? You mean an Al Qaeda supported group can operate freely in the police state of Saddam Hussein? How can Al Qaeda work in Iraq, and at the same time, look to remove secular Arab governments?.....hmmm, do these two share a common enemy?

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What I also find amazing is that every link or claim of Iraqi-terrrorism ties is diminished, devalued, discounted, or completely ignored by the left and the anti-Bushies.....irrespective of source, information, or proof.......to them, these are just conspiracy theories cooked up by the pro-war mongers...

Yet, when it came to "what Bush knew" prior to 9/11 in his 7 months of office.......they overblow and misrepresent information (i.e. August PDB), lob baseless accusations at Bush for "what he knew" , they point to the weakest, flimsiest data and cause absurd hysteria over it, outright lie, and they believe every conspiracy theory bomb thrown out by the Michael Moore clones.....

They want to kill Bush for connecting the dots in Iraq but kill Bush for not connecting the dots before 9/11 (when giving 8 years of Clinton a pass)...it is a fucking joke, made worse by the disgraceful behavior of the media...

And for those clueless wonders out there who still like to moan that Arab secularists and Islamic terrorists do not cooperate, I suggest you shut your fucking ignorant mouths and do some research.....plenty of examples where "my enemy is your enemy" prevails........read a fucking book jerkoffs instead of Yahoo headlines or recent AL Gore speeches (unless of course, you want to read AL Gore speeches during the 2000 campaign, when he continually spoke about Iraqi WMD, ties to terrorism, and Iraq is a grave threat to national security).

BTW brilliant anti-Bushies and lefties.....know much about that little AL Qaeda group based in Northern Iraq? The one talked about PRIOR to the war? You mean an Al Qaeda supported group can operate freely in the police state of Saddam Hussein? How can Al Qaeda work in Iraq, and at the same time, look to remove secular Arab governments?.....hmmm, do these two share a common enemy?


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