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My apology to the Arab world


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My apology to the Arab world

Mike S. Adams (archive)

June 14, 2004 | Print | Send

Author’s Note: the following editorial contains mildly offensive language. Given the subject matter, the author is sorry that it does not contain highly offensive language.

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal. The pictures of those “abused†prisoners have been plastered all over the front pages of papers around the country. Some of my conservative friends have interpreted the excessive coverage as proof that papers like the New York Times are actually rooting against America in its current war on terror. Even those who aren’t willing to go that far say that such coverage is helping the enemy to recruit a new generation of terrorists to inflict harm upon our troops.

Despite these views, I have decided to make a formal public apology to the entire Arab world in the aftermath of Abu Ghraib. It is my hope that the following apology will help bring some clarity to the situation and, who knows, maybe even lasting world peace:

Dear Arabs,

I am truly sorry that Americans decided to take up arms and sacrifice their own youth in the defense of Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, and the first Gulf War. After we clear up this mess in Iraq, we will refrain from any such activity in the future.

I am truly sorry that I did not hear any of you call for an apology from Muslim extremists after 911. After all, the hijackers were all Arabs.

I am truly sorry that Arabs have to live in squalor under savage dictatorships throughout the Middle East. I am also sorry that the “leaders†of these nations drive their citizens into poverty by keeping all of the wealth in the hands of a select few.

I am also sorry that these governments intentionally breed hate for the U.S. in their religious schools while American schools do the exact opposite.

I am sorry that Yasir Arafat has been kicked out of every Arab country and has attached his name to the Palestinian “cause.†I am also sorry that no other Arab country will offer nearly as much support to Arafat as we offer to them.

I am sorry that the U.S. has continued to serve as the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arab nations while wealthy Arab leaders blame the U.S. for all of their problems.

I am sorry that left-wing media elites would Rather (pun intended) not talk about any of this, thereby perpetuating your anger towards us. It’s probably really bad for your blood pressure. I am also sorry that most of you lack the medical resources to measure your blood pressure. And, of course, I’m sorry that few of you have indoor plumbing. That’s bad for your health, too.

I am sorry that the U.N. cheated so many poor people in Iraq out of their “food for oil†money so they could get rich while the tortured, raped, and poverty-stricken citizens of Iraq suffered under Saddam Hussein.

I am sorry that some Arab governments pay the families of homicide bombers after their children are blown to pieces in pursuit of Arafat’s “cause.â€

I am sorry that these homicide bombers have as little regard for babies as the local office of Planned Parenthood.

I am sorry that so many people are unable to differentiate between the gang rape rooms and mass graves of Saddam Hussein on the one hand, and the conditions of Abu Ghraib on the other.

I am sorry that our prison guards do not show the same restraint that Arabs show when their brothers in arms are killed. By the way, you shouldn’t be sorry about that.

I am sorry that foreign trained terrorists are trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state. I am sorry we have not yet dropped at least 100 Daisy cutters on Fallujah in order to stop that effort.

I am also sorry that cleaning up the mess in Iraq is taking so long. It only took Saddam Hussein about 30 years to accomplish all he did in the realm of human rights. Come to think of it, that’s about ten years less than the duration of our War on Poverty in the U.S. Come to think of it, I’m sorry we haven’t sent all of our gang bangers from South Central Los Angeles to Fallujah.

I am sorry that every time the terrorists hide, it just happens to be inside a “Holy Site.â€

I am sorry that Muslim extremists have not yet apologized for the U.S.S.

Cole, the embassy bombings, and for flying a plane into the World Trade Center, which collapsed in part on Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which is one of our Holy Sites.

I am sorry that we have not taken a portion of the diet of Michael Moore and shipped it to one of your starving villages in the Middle East. You need it Moore (pun intended) than he does.

I am sorry that your only supporters are professors, journalists, and other assorted Leftists who also support homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, partial birth abortion, and everything that you abhor in this world. I am sorry that everyone else in America is against you.

Finally, I am sorry that I am going to have to end this apology by asking you to kiss the right side of my conservative butt. I’m probably just having a bad day.

For that I am truly sorry.

Dr. Mike S. Adams (www.DrAdams.org) is author of “Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel.†(http://www.dradams.org/ivory_tower.html). He is truly sorry if this editorial offended anyone. Well, not really.

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What a pathetic board!!!.....so when do u call "torture", abuse?..ever wondered how u call it prisoner abuse...not prisoner torture....ever asked yourseld y we are in iraq. ever asked yourseld where the heck are those WMDs, so we are the liberators only to teach the world that whatever we do is only "abuse" and whatever anyone else does is "torture"....so all of a sudden all arabs are responsible for 9/11, dude the 9/11 attacks were done by 19 or so evil men...not an entire race....talk about painting the entire world with one brush....and u know y we should apologise to the iraqis cause its ur and mine tax dollars that makes the occupation of those people possible....as for bosnia or kosovo, we did'tn do shit...get ur facts right, NATO was going to attack serbia (under the contol of the brits) anyway...

ALL i can say is that this message might just have been written by the Isreali amabsador to iraq...

My apology to the Arab world

Mike S. Adams (archive)

June 14, 2004 | Print | Send

Author’s Note: the following editorial contains mildly offensive language. Given the subject matter, the author is sorry that it does not contain highly offensive language.

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal. The pictures of those “abused†prisoners have been plastered all over the front pages of papers around the country. Some of my conservative friends have interpreted the excessive coverage as proof that papers like the New York Times are actually rooting against America in its current war on terror. Even those who aren’t willing to go that far say that such coverage is helping the enemy to recruit a new generation of terrorists to inflict harm upon our troops.

Despite these views, I have decided to make a formal public apology to the entire Arab world in the aftermath of Abu Ghraib. It is my hope that the following apology will help bring some clarity to the situation and, who knows, maybe even lasting world peace:

Dear Arabs,

I am truly sorry that Americans decided to take up arms and sacrifice their own youth in the defense of Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, and the first Gulf War. After we clear up this mess in Iraq, we will refrain from any such activity in the future.

I am truly sorry that I did not hear any of you call for an apology from Muslim extremists after 911. After all, the hijackers were all Arabs.

I am truly sorry that Arabs have to live in squalor under savage dictatorships throughout the Middle East. I am also sorry that the “leaders†of these nations drive their citizens into poverty by keeping all of the wealth in the hands of a select few.

I am also sorry that these governments intentionally breed hate for the U.S. in their religious schools while American schools do the exact opposite.

I am sorry that Yasir Arafat has been kicked out of every Arab country and has attached his name to the Palestinian “cause.†I am also sorry that no other Arab country will offer nearly as much support to Arafat as we offer to them.

I am sorry that the U.S. has continued to serve as the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arab nations while wealthy Arab leaders blame the U.S. for all of their problems.

I am sorry that left-wing media elites would Rather (pun intended) not talk about any of this, thereby perpetuating your anger towards us. It’s probably really bad for your blood pressure. I am also sorry that most of you lack the medical resources to measure your blood pressure. And, of course, I’m sorry that few of you have indoor plumbing. That’s bad for your health, too.

I am sorry that the U.N. cheated so many poor people in Iraq out of their “food for oil†money so they could get rich while the tortured, raped, and poverty-stricken citizens of Iraq suffered under Saddam Hussein.

I am sorry that some Arab governments pay the families of homicide bombers after their children are blown to pieces in pursuit of Arafat’s “cause.â€

I am sorry that these homicide bombers have as little regard for babies as the local office of Planned Parenthood.

I am sorry that so many people are unable to differentiate between the gang rape rooms and mass graves of Saddam Hussein on the one hand, and the conditions of Abu Ghraib on the other.

I am sorry that our prison guards do not show the same restraint that Arabs show when their brothers in arms are killed. By the way, you shouldn’t be sorry about that.

I am sorry that foreign trained terrorists are trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state. I am sorry we have not yet dropped at least 100 Daisy cutters on Fallujah in order to stop that effort.

I am also sorry that cleaning up the mess in Iraq is taking so long. It only took Saddam Hussein about 30 years to accomplish all he did in the realm of human rights. Come to think of it, that’s about ten years less than the duration of our War on Poverty in the U.S. Come to think of it, I’m sorry we haven’t sent all of our gang bangers from South Central Los Angeles to Fallujah.

I am sorry that every time the terrorists hide, it just happens to be inside a “Holy Site.â€

I am sorry that Muslim extremists have not yet apologized for the U.S.S.

Cole, the embassy bombings, and for flying a plane into the World Trade Center, which collapsed in part on Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which is one of our Holy Sites.

I am sorry that we have not taken a portion of the diet of Michael Moore and shipped it to one of your starving villages in the Middle East. You need it Moore (pun intended) than he does.

I am sorry that your only supporters are professors, journalists, and other assorted Leftists who also support homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, partial birth abortion, and everything that you abhor in this world. I am sorry that everyone else in America is against you.

Finally, I am sorry that I am going to have to end this apology by asking you to kiss the right side of my conservative butt. I’m probably just having a bad day.

For that I am truly sorry.

Dr. Mike S. Adams (www.DrAdams.org) is author of “Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel.†(http://www.dradams.org/ivory_tower.html). He is truly sorry if this editorial offended anyone. Well, not really.

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What a pathetic board!!!.....so when do u call "torture", abuse?..ever wondered how u call it prisoner abuse...not prisoner torture....ever asked yourseld y we are in iraq. ever asked yourseld where the heck are those WMDs, so we are the liberators only to teach the world that whatever we do is only "abuse" and whatever anyone else does is "torture"....so all of a sudden all arabs are responsible for 9/11, dude the 9/11 attacks were done by 19 or so evil men...not an entire race....talk about painting the entire world with one brush....and u know y we should apologise to the iraqis cause its ur and mine tax dollars that makes the occupation of those people possible....as for bosnia or kosovo, we did'tn do shit...get ur facts right, NATO was going to attack serbia (under the contol of the brits) anyway...

ALL i can say is that this message might just have been written by the Isreali amabsador to iraq...

wow....just wow

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My apology to the Arab world

Mike S. Adams (archive)

Dear Arabs,

I am truly sorry that Americans decided to take up arms and sacrifice their own youth in the defense of Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, and the first Gulf War.

the Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo aren't Arabs

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the Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo aren't Arabs

Thanks for stating the obvious....and the author was not saying they are Arabs (hence the line...take up arms and sacrifice their own youth in the defense of Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo......

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My apology to the Arab world

Mike S. Adams (archive)

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal. The pictures of those “abused†prisoners have been plastered all over the front pages of papers around the country. Some of my conservative friends have interpreted the excessive coverage as proof that papers like the New York Times are actually rooting against America in its current war on terror. Even those who aren’t willing to go that far say that such coverage is helping the enemy to recruit a new generation of terrorists to inflict harm upon our troops.

true, the Iraqi prisoner abuse/torture scandal helps "the enemy" to recruit more people to fight against the US troops in Iraq or even recruit more people to commit terrorist acts. But why blame it on the New York Times or other papers? If you want to blame someone, then only the people who committed these acts to these prisoners are to blame

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Thanks for stating the obvious....and the author was not saying they are Arabs (hence the line...take up arms and sacrifice their own youth in the defense of Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo......

Then why does the author mention it? There is no bond between the "Arab world" and the Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo.

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true, the Iraqi prisoner abuse/torture scandal helps "the enemy" to recruit more people to fight against the US troops in Iraq or even recruit more people to commit terrorist acts. But why blame it on the New York Times or other papers? If you want to blame someone, then only the people who committed these acts to these prisoners are to blame

I think you are missing the point .....if anyone is to blame, it is those who committed those indefensible acts....once again, thank you for stating the obvious

However, to ignore how the media has reported on the story, to ignore their behavior, to ignore their hypocritical and biased actions, to ignore their uneven and unbalanced reporting, to ignore their shameful and disgusting application of moral equivalency to what happened now vs. what happened under Saddam, and to ignore their reckless actions is simply being blind and ignorant...

It was remarkable that just last week Rather and Jennings (you know those "balanced" anchormen) complained that the media was going overboard on the coverage of Reagan.........yet these didn't seem to mind that the coverage on the prison scandal was 24/7, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans felt it was excessive...

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I have yet to read a newspaper that called the Abu Gharib incident as Prisoner torture...I think media is biased, they call torture "abuse" which mean totally 2 different things in the court of law and scale, the people tried for these crimes were tried for "Abuse" while torture carries a stiffer penalty, infact its not even torture, its homacide, yes a few of these prisoners were killed by our GIs....

This iraq prison issue is a far more important issue because of the scale involved, we went to bring democracy in the arab world by first putting people in jail without any reason, (yes many people were just innocent bystanders) and then treating them like dogs....if thats not enough, our GIs raped 12 yr old boys....I thought the army had somehting against homosexuality, but I guess these days anything goes....

so this is the message of our democracy, we rape boys, treat u like dogs, put in prison because we feel like and if we need to be held accountable we just sacrafice a few low level peons.......iraq is more & more begining to sound like LA!

I think you are missing the point .....if anyone is to blame, it is those who committed those indefensible acts....once again, thank you for stating the obvious

However, to ignore how the media has reported on the story, to ignore their behavior, to ignore their hypocritical and biased actions, to ignore their uneven and unbalanced reporting, to ignore their shameful and disgusting application of moral equivalency to what happened now vs. what happened under Saddam, and to ignore their reckless actions is simply being blind and ignorant...

It was remarkable that just last week Rather and Jennings (you know those "balanced" anchormen) complained that the media was going overboard on the coverage of Reagan.........yet these didn't seem to mind that the coverage on the prison scandal was 24/7, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans felt it was excessive...

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